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Post by shedhunter » Tue Apr 27, 2004 2:48 pm

~Hey Ya'll~

I got into coyotes last two years and still haven't killed a dog yet. I have called over 50 stands and the product being nothing. I know I don't suck that bad! But maybe its just hunting an over hunted area. No dogs is a good thing, but it gets ridiculous trying that many times and still not ever getting anything. Any "styles" or methods work better for anyone?

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Post by heelerdog » Tue Apr 27, 2004 9:09 pm

Just keep at it. Be careful of the wind, if they scent you they're gone. What calls are you using?

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Post by shedhunter » Tue Apr 27, 2004 10:07 pm

I have used everything from a yelper, rabit distress, crow, and electronic calls. Nothing has produced yet. Maybe in a few weeks i can get back out and get one finally!

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Post by heelerdog » Tue Apr 27, 2004 10:13 pm

They should be coming out of the dens with their young 'uns soon if not already. Try a challenge howl they are territorial especially now. Oncce you called sit tight and stay still the male may come in quiet. Try to sound small if you sound too big he may decide its not worth it. They have great camo so keep your eyes PEELED.



Post by Anonymous » Fri Jul 30, 2004 6:39 pm

I would have to ask why any ignorant person would hunt an animal for no reason but an ego trip. In the real world you hunt for food not to say duh I shot a coyote anyway the fact is I hope you never shoot a coyote because it is pointless the natural beauty of the animal far outshines a dusty pelt on a wall. It isn't hard to tell that you are american. mostly americans have exterminated almost all thier predators because of ignorance and fear. I think its pathetic that you have to kill a 50 lb coyote to feel like a big man you make me sick. by the way all the decades of persecution have made coyotes the wariest of prey the more you hunt the more they adapt I hope the learn to hunt you and see how you feel and stay out of canada we dont want you here

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Post by shedhunter » Fri Aug 06, 2004 10:50 pm

Hey Knowledgable:

Stay out of Canada I will not. Killing a coyote is mearly a way of helping controll the population of the animals that we do kill for sport. And Why are you even on this site?!? I dont appreciate people like you coming here and making a big fuss over things you know nothing about. Come back when hunting is a tradition for you or something you enjoy. Give me one reason why I should stop hunting and stop and think, do you do anything that offends some one? Think before you go acting like a coward and shooting your big mouth off to ANY group of individuals that are doing what they love. Some opinions aren't welcome in certain places, and I dont think yours is welcome here, come back when you have some real imput.

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Post by WYMULEYMAN » Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:42 am

i am going to apologize before hand to muleymadness and all the other regulars and moderators of this site about what i am about to say. i am normally a very calm, easy going person who more times than not keeps to myself and keeps my opinions to myself unless provoked.

Knowledgable, you ignorant, spineless sob. it doesn't take a smart man to know that this site is for hunters and those of us that very much so enjoy the outdoor experience. so why on gods good earth would you even come here to stir the pot. people like you make me glad that as a american citizen i still have the right to bear arms. and let me tell you something UNKNOWLEDGABLE, if i were to come across you someday i would definetly be bearing my foot in your as$! now, with that being said, i respect your opinions, just like i would expect you to respect my opinions but this site is not the right place for your tree hugging, whining and crying bullshit! and since we are on that subject lets get another thing straight, when you come up with a better line than,,,, blah, blah, i hope someday the animal learns to hunt me, man that line has been played out. get a new idea and while you are getting new things why don't you get a life while you are at it.

makes me laugh, this ignorant smuck is from canada, or at least he is trying to stand for canada, when canada just so happens to be full of hunters.

KILL THE COYOTE, KILL THE COYOTE, KILL ALL DOGGIES! how you like that one UNKNOWLEDGABLE! that would be a kick in the rear end if coyotes learned to hunt humans, maybe it would rid the world of idiots like you. until that day, i say one more time KILL THE COYOTE!

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Post by BOHNTR » Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:20 am


Hey just keep at it and you'll get lucky. Even an ol' BOHNTR like me gets lucky once in a while. #-o

2004 AZ Coyote: ... 21_009.jpg

BOHNTR )))---------------->

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Post by ElkaHolic » Thu Nov 18, 2004 5:26 pm

Hey shed hunter, Where are you from?

I hunt Coyotes allot and have killed quite a few coyotes. The thing I can tell you is from my experience; this is hunting for the real Wiley Beast.

I think the most important things about Coyote hunting and calling is setup. The more setups you make the better, I remember one time I was on about my 5th setup of the day and I was getting hungry, so I drove my truck down inside a wash in the road where my truck was a little hidden and ate my lunch. It began to snow and I was thinking what would come out in this, only and idiot like me lol. But I was already out so why not try. I got out and walked about 200 yards from my truck in the blowing snow. The snow was about 2 feet in depth and was really quiet walking. I setup on the edge of some cedars and knew that just past them was an opening. I was using a tape for the first time so I was a bit unsure of what to expect. I turned it on not really ready to shoot or really expecting to see anything. Mistake one; all of a sudden I was staring into the face of a coyote, whoa! Well of course It seen me from 2 feet away and I blew it big, I watched it run behind a stump with the scope and expected it to come out from behind, no such luck.

Frustrated and exited all at the same time I turned the call off, sat they’re wondering what will go wrong next. Second mistake; sure enough here comes another coyote hot on that dead rabbits trail. It ran right past me, so I slowly turned and looked as it went by. It made it to my tracks in the snow and froze, one foot in the air right above my tracks! He then turned around and walked right past me again. He went out 50 yards and sat down. BOOOOOOM! My second Coyote! A pretty good male too!

As you can see, some things I did correct and some things I did just plain wrong.

The only real advise is don’t give up and it will happen. I use the wind, weather, camo, scent control, recorded calles, mouth calls, timing, but in the end the more stands I make the more I learn. The more I learn the more I call in. I have called in a couple of places that have not produced anything time after time and then all of a sudden 1 day, they show up. Get videos and watch them. Try different stands in differnt ways, pretty soon the combination sets in and here they come for that free lead meal. Hope this helps some.

Anyway keep it up and good luck.
There is a reason they call it Hunting, and not Killing :)

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Post by shedhunter » Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:05 pm


Thanks for the advise! I am sure it will help out when I get out there again! Man oh man, this fresh snow sure looks good up my way! Oh, I am from Cedar City.

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