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Coues Cam Catches!

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 12:35 am
by thedesertbuck
Checked my Cams today. :thumb Its been raining here
in southern Arizona for the last five days! Been
real worried about water and lightening ruining my
cameras! [-o<
these are some pictures of
some coueswhitetail enjoying the break from the
monsoon storms.
I think this bucks going to be
a three, or maybe a two by three. Theres also
another nice buck running with this one, but still hasn't
appeared to have his picture taken. Hope yall enjoy the
pic! For these are my best trail cam catches yet!!
out tomorrow on another area to set up on!!! 4c 4c

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:36 am
by bowhunter 616
ausome pictures,nice looking cat,thanks for the post,glad your cams. are OK =D> =D> =D> =D>

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:01 am
by thedesertbuck
Thanks bowhunter!! Bobcat started back up Aug 1rst!! Might have to go and try to call that guy in!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:02 am
by thedesertbuck
hope this pic is not to big!!

"Arizona sunset!"

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:43 am
by HighLander
Great pics!! I like the pic of the cat!!

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 12:08 pm
by a_bow_nut
Great pictures you have there. As I'm sure you're finding out it's a pain in the butt getting the camera posistioned to where you get great pictures all the time instead of just for a few hours. One thing that I try to do is mount my camera so that it's more of less pointing north when I can. This helps keep the sun from whiteing out some of the pictures as much. Good Luck on you next setup we always love the pictures you have.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 2:22 pm
by bigbuck92
wow great pics i like the last pic of the doe were the suns shining threw. great pics :thumb

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 4:05 pm

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 8:19 pm
by treetop
Isn't it fun??????
you put out the cam and then try real hard to not think about it for a week, or worse two weeks, and finally the day comes and you go tearing off through the brush to fetch the memory cards.
First you worry that when you get there that the camera will be GONE!!!! AAAAH.
Then when you get close you can see that no one has helped it to grow legs, so you are safe on that account.
But you then worry that nothing came in, or if it did maybe you for got to turn the power switch on and it's been here for two weeks, asleep.
You crawl up in the tree and check, yes it's on and it says there are 106 pictures. Oh boy I can't wait.
You stick in a new card and off to the next one. The whole time you are telling your self that it wouldn't really cost "that" much to get one of the portable card readers so you could take it with you in the hills.
Finally you get home and even though you need to go pee so bad it hurts you still run down to the computer first to see what you've got.
Does any of this sound a little familure? Oh but we love it.
It's like catch and release hunting.
These are some cool pics. esp the cat. I'd like to see how you go about hanging your tree stand in that tree!
What has this drought done to your game populations?
Great pictures, keep them coming. Treetop

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 8:42 pm
by bigbuck92
"Finally you get home and even though you need to go pee so bad it hurts you still run down to the computer first to see what you've got"

haha i dont care who you are thats funny. Great post treetop