Take part in Utah Divisions poll

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Take part in Utah Divisions poll

Post by ElkaHolic » Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:32 pm

Take this poll


I did it, one thing I can say is that I am the Chapter Chair for the Mule Deer Foundation in my area, St. George Utah. I decided a while back that I was tired of just shooting off my mouth about change and decided to do something about it. I was surprised that the number of folks that take part in any foundation or local service to help is overwhelmingly low. I can tell you that the Mule deer Foundation puts hundreds of thousands of dollars on the ground in Utah, in fact I believe they put well over 300 grand on the ground last year in Utah. With the poor participation so far in the pole from members of these foundations it's no wonder we could only put 300 thousand on the ground. Consider joining and even get involved. We sent out hundreds of letters to current MDF members asking for help and not one person responded. We asked for no money, just a few volunteers to help with our banquet this year and not one person called or showed at a scheduled meeting. If anybody is interested in actually getting involved and helping please speak up and let me know. I am looking for help in the southern Utah area.


Lynn Haas

call Anytime up until 10:00 P.M.
There is a reason they call it Hunting, and not Killing :)

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