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Re: New Utah General Season Units

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:46 pm
by Shags1
Mularcher wrote:Is there any talk of reducing tags? I was amazed at the numbers of hunters I saw during the rifle hunt in a couple southern areas. I'd be in favor of shutting down the worst units or cutting tags by at least 75% for several years.
I agree with you on this. The last couple of years, I've been way disappointed with the number of hunters I've seen in the field. I think the DWR should decrease the number of tags, especially archery tags, or make them unavailable as OTC options. You wouldn't believe how many guys I've talked to, that didn't draw a General Season rifle tag and went and bought a brand new bow, a dozen new arrows and broadheads, and went out "hunting" during the archery hunt. Needless to say, these guys also bragged about "hitting" several bucks and couldn't find them. Shooting more than one animal on one tag, doesn't that define as poaching? Sorry to say it, but I think one of the best things the Division could do, is lessen the amount of hunter pressure on game. Will it make people mad when they don't draw, sure, poaching may go up because of people not drawing tags, I know it's a problem in my area. But my wife and I have talked about it, and we would give up a year of not hunting deer, if it meant larger bucks and more of them. If anyone wants to see what limiting hunters can do, take a camera and a ride down to the Henry Mtns. in UT. You will be impressed.

I guess time will tell how the new system will work, but IMHO, I think they could have done better.

Re: New Utah General Season Units

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:30 pm
by derekp1999
I don't think the increase in buck:doe ratio is going to help the herd a whole lot. It may help the guys that want big antlers, but not the herd. I'd agree with temporarily shutting down some areas or even limiting the weapon types allowed, especially the ones that are already well below objective to get them up to objective... but even then you're only saving bucks if you remove/limit hunters. There are SOOOO many other things that can be done that would make more of an impact: fawn survival, winter range, vehicle interaction, predator control, etc. Some of these are already "hot button" issues, but I think they'd help more than simply having more bucks around.
I do think that it's great that to have better "hunter control" by managing each unit's tags individually. It's a shame the statewide archery is gone, and that in my opinion was a huge plus for the Dedicated Hunter program.

Re: New Utah General Season Units

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 3:00 pm
by JBird
It really messes with me on the bow hunt. Since where I hunt is divided right down the middle. The rifle wouldn't be a problem but they really got me on the bow. So now my bigger question is if I want a bow tag or a rifle tag. Overall I think it might b.e fairly beneficial for the herd. =

Re: New Utah General Season Units

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:55 pm
by stillhunterman
JBird wrote:It really messes with me on the bow hunt. Since where I hunt is divided right down the middle. The rifle wouldn't be a problem but they really got me on the bow. So now my bigger question is if I want a bow tag or a rifle tag. Overall I think it might b.e fairly beneficial for the herd. =
Beneficial for the herd, I like those words. As previously mentioned by other posters, there are a variety of reasons why our mule deer ACROSS THE WEST or losing numbers. Managing hunters to aliviate some of the concerns is an easy, quick fix. I would be the first person to buy a tag and tear it up if it would help the deer herds. My concern is we need to find out why our fawns are not making it past the first year. It is not a clear cut predator issue, it goes much deeper than that. The natural world of the muley is out of whack and needs some help. Problem is, are we willing to do what it takes to figure things out, then take the steps necessary? The issue goes across ALL boundaries from politics to social issues, and within is not just a single can of worms, but many...


Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:35 am
by blacktail slayer

Re: New Utah General Season Units

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:45 am
by one hunting fool
I have been thinking lately long and hard about the management plan we have here in Utah. There seems to be a huge flaw in the plan. 18 bucks per 100 doe's sounds great but where is the number per deer per square mile. it seems there is no plan for that. what if a unit has 150 square miles but only has 100 does on it are they really thinking the objective is met when the bucks meet 18 for that 100. CRAZY if you ask me.

Re: New Utah General Season Units

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:56 pm
by derekp1999
A guy that I work with is from Pennsylvania and commented the other day that the number of B&C bucks coming out of PA this year is impressive. He said that the management plan was put into place 8 years ago and they are really starting to see the results.
Interesting what happens if you have the patience to let a plan run its course. ](*,)

Re: New Utah General Season Units

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:56 pm
by stillhunterman
derekp1999 wrote:A guy that I work with is from Pennsylvania and commented the other day that the number of B&C bucks coming out of PA this year is impressive. He said that the management plan was put into place 8 years ago and they are really starting to see the results.
Interesting what happens if you have the patience to let a plan run its course. ](*,)

Re: New Utah General Season Units

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:35 pm
by Bucksnbolders
After talking to several game wardens, Im convinced they have no intention of trying to better manage the Utah Deer herd's. Did you notice they couldn't tell you how many tag's they were selling for any particular unit. It's because they had no idea, they waited for the applications to determine tag numbers for individual units. I have mentioned to several different warden's that I thought this would be a great opportunity to enhance the mule deer population in Utah by reducing tag numbers in a handful of units around the state, then rotating the low tag number units every few years. They had no interest in doing anything, as a matter of fact they were upset with the fact that the changes were made at all. I was told by all of them the only reason it eas changed was because the legislature made them do it because of public pressure. It's my opinion that the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources primary job is to insure enough money comes in each year to pay their salaries and buy them new truck's, Improving Mule Deer populations has never been high on their thing's to do list { just look at our deer population }. While talking to one warden concerning the deer population and my disappointment in tag numbers not being reduced, his reply to me was { well it looks like we are going to be an Elk state }. Like I said, as long as they are being paid it's all good.

Re: New Utah General Season Units

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:34 pm
by stillhunterman
Just curious Bucknbolders, how long have you hunted mule deer? Have you been involved in the RAC and WB process?