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AZ Back Country Deer Hunt

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:45 pm
by Tysum
I would like to plan a pack in back country archery deer hunt in here in AZ. I grew up in CO & have only been here a few years so I am looking for some advise of areas to look into.

I am use to the high country hunting & would like to know what areas in the State might be the closest to what I am looking for. I would love to get as high as possible & away from any roads.

I'm not expecting anyone to give away their hunting spots, but if you can point me into the right direction that would be great!


Re: AZ Back Country Deer Hunt

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:51 pm
by amp713
Im doing the same thing (except for elk) in utah this year and first thing i did was look at the maps of the state and look for wilderness designated areas near me. i have alot close by and in utah archery is mostly a statewide tag, you pick either spike or any bull. I am going to spend weekends studying topo maps and heading up and scouting all this summer. Im wishing us both luck but keep in touch and share ideas...

Oh p.s. if you havent read backcountry bowhunting a guide to the wild side by cameron hanes i recommend you pick it up. Cameron hanes is my idol and this book has some really good ideas and tips and its just fun to read. even if it was somewhere around the 30 dollar range.

Re: AZ Back Country Deer Hunt

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:35 pm
by Tysum
Thanks for the advise, I did order Public Land Mulies, The Bottom Line by David Long last night, but I think I will order Backcountry Bowhunting, A Guide to the Wild Side as well. I will let you know if I find any other helpful recources as well.

One other thing I have done in the past if call the G&F officer assigned to the area that I am looking at hunting & most of them are very helpful. In fact, there is one that I talk to every year when I am ramping up to get hunt the deer rut & he always keeps me update on the unit & follows up to see how we did afterwards.