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derekp1999 help with your spreadsheet odds

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:56 pm
by MuleyMadness

Help please, I plugged in my points into your spreadsheet (which is AWESOME) I might by the way.

However I can't get the drop down menus (white boxes) to work? So thus I can't filter any further.

Any ideas why? I'm a MAC user, downloaded your spreadsheet the bonus points all calculate correctly just
can't get any of the other menu features to work. Just wondering if you might know why?

Re: derekp1999 help with your spreadsheet odds

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:02 pm
by derekp1999
I've been having problems with the filter menus not working when I protect the sheet & I haven't been able to figure it out entirely (I'm a spreadsheet nerd... but not big enough to figure this stuff out!). I have unprotected all the spreadsheets and it should be good to go now, go ahead and re-download (I downloaded one myself and all the filtering works).
One addition this year is the red & green "streetlight" icons. If the icon is red it tells me that my prediction for 2012 was low compared to the bonus points groups that actually drew the bonus tags, and if the icon is green my prediction last year was higher than what actually occurred. So if the light is green I'm pretty confident that my prediction for 2013 is good, but if the light is red it may take one additional point to draw.

Re: derekp1999 help with your spreadsheet odds

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:25 pm
by MuleyMadness
Many thanks Derek, worked great!

Re: derekp1999 help with your spreadsheet odds

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:06 pm
by highcountryarchery
Where can I find this spread sheet I wanna try it

Re: derekp1999 help with your spreadsheet odds

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:50 am
by derekp1999
Click the litte icon under my profile picture & it'll take you to my Blogspot page. The links to the resident spreadsheets are on the right sidebar of the site. I don't have the non-res stuff updated and likely won't have time before the draw closes to get those up & functional... sorry non-res guys but we'll shoot for next year.