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Utah bound in two days!

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:22 pm
by harvey
I just wanted to thank all yall for the help and advice over the last summer. I believe my father and I are ready. He is bouncing around buying way to much stuff to take! So much money for this hunt?! Yet I believe will be worth ten times as the memories will be with me the rest of my life and will sustain him for the rest of his I am sure. We leave for Utah thursday morning. We are taking four days to cover 1800 miles, will need to stop for breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus a motel each night. Part of the plan to take it slow and see the country as we head out there. Four days in a pickup with him will be a trial though as he loves to talk with his hands and they seem to end up in your face a lot. Oh well he is my father. We are both excited! Wish us well and him straight shooting, I won't shoot till he drops one. I will let yall know how we did when we get back. Our hunt is the last few days of September and the first couple of October, the 28 to the 2nd. I plan on being back here in Michigan on the sixth. Again thanks to all yall, Bob.

Re: Utah bound in two days!

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:47 pm
by Springville Shooter
I'm a new member that has gotten in on your last couple of posts. What are you and your father going after in Utah? Sounds like an exciting hunt and a great time. Let me know..-shooter

Re: Utah bound in two days!

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:16 pm
by MuleyMadness
Hope it's fun and successful. :thumb

Re: Utah bound in two days!

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:42 pm
by killerbee
good luck harvey! hunting is about 1. the memories, 2. the trophy --- in that order. you will absolutly have #1 and good luck to you on #2

Re: Utah bound in two days!

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:10 am
by sneekeepete
Good luck for sure Harvey! I am sure cheering for both of you and wishing you the best. I sure can't wait to hear about your experience. :thumb

Re: Utah bound in two days!

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:31 am
by harvey
We will be after mule deer. Wish I could have slept last night, have to work tonight and then leave in the morning. I am all packed but yet all I have to take is in a backpack and day pack plus the rifle, seems a little light but I think I have more than what I will need. ? I think my father has packed half the truck with stuff he won't need! He is really excited. Maybe the guide is right. We shouldn't carry any bullets the first day! :) Mule deer will probably look like cows compared to our 120 pound bucks up here! My last eight point I took in michigan had a ten inch spread and field dressed at 120 pounds, everyone thought it was a pretty big deer for this area!

Re: Utah bound in two days!

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:19 am
by Lookin 4 a Big 1
Tell your guide that you expect a quality buck, then don't shoot until he gets you on one.
Quality for your first buck in my opinion would at least be in the 160's or higher depending on the quality of the property that your hunting. That or take a picture of a good buck with you and tell your guide that you would like to shoot something like the picture. You will have a great time. I have never been on a guided hunt myself. Don't forget to tip your guide if he gets you and your dad a quality buck. If he doesn't, when he's not looking, give him a swift kick in the pants. Remember only you decide when to pull the trigger. Don't be afraid to tell your guide that you want to hold off, if your not happy with the buck that he's suggesting you shoot.
Good luck, and welcome to Utah!
p.s. Tell your Dad "Aim Small, Miss Small"

Re: Utah bound in two days!

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:26 pm
by outn'bout
you probally already left but i'll look for a truck with michigan plates while i'm out there. i'm headed out there today for my general muzzy tag. I expect a full report when you get back.
