Hmmmm.....Spidey was a dopefiend?

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Re: Hmmmm.....Spidey was a dopefiend?

Post by Huge29 » Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:07 am

MuleyMadness wrote:You've got to be kidding me, you guys really believe this stuff? What a waist of time and intelligence reading this. Just can't believe some of the crap you guys will go for and believe. :>/ :>/
Well said! I don't know why some folks lose so much sleep over it and go out of their way to further discredit themselves with very biased and envious rumors.
He sure evaded a lot of hunters for several months, not something that I would expect from a pen raised animal, but that is just me.

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Re: Hmmmm.....Spidey was a dopefiend?

Post by rettro » Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:49 pm

I still am a little skeptical about that bull as well. Being raised and spending alot of time in that area as well as family and friends. Richfield and the rest of the valley is very small and people talk alot, they also spend alot of time on that mountain shed hunting, camping, hunting and what not. Nobody I have talked to as even heard of it being seen or finding sheds. That was a mature bull and someone I trully believe would have came across him at one point. But it is what it is so no reason on ](*,) ](*,) if ya know what I mena. Good luck to all the truth may never be known!!! just my .02
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Re: Hmmmm.....Spidey was a dopefiend?

Post by JBird » Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:59 pm

I really think we are beating a dead horse here, but I'll clarify my statement for Big R, what I ment by "I wonder if some one besides Mossback killed would it still be a big deal?" Was if Joe Hunter killed him it would still be a big deal, its a world reacord. But if Joe Hunter would have killed him would there be all this talk of the bull being farm raised or juiced up?

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Re: Hmmmm.....Spidey was a dopefiend?

Post by BIG R » Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:16 pm

Even if Joe Blow killed him there would still be talk about it,just like the big bull that was supposably taken in the Selway last year or the year beforeby a Joe blow.It's all these tests and things that are done that ensures that it is what it really is,plus I guided around Doyle many of times and have seen some of the stupid things he has done so it wouldn't surprise me one bit if something like this took place.I'm not saying it took place but only that it would not surprise me ](*,)

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Re: Hmmmm.....Spidey was a dopefiend?

Post by NONYA » Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:02 pm

Anyone remember that pic going around last year of that monster bull saying it was killed in the Selway,the one that turned to be a ranch bull,the one that B&C had on their site and then changed the post after they discovere the truth?Well take a look at that pic side by side with spider,VERY similar looking rack,If you dont question or even admit the possablity that something like this could happen you are living in a dream world,this is BIG money buisness and peopple are GREEDY! :>/ ... 8&month=11

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Re: Hmmmm.....Spidey was a dopefiend?

Post by 9er » Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:31 pm

NONYA wrote:If you dont question or even admit the possablity that something like this could happen you are living in a dream world,this is BIG money buisness and peopple are GREEDY! :>/
i dont question the truth behind this, could this happen, sure it could. Is it likely? highly doubt it

why would a established outfitter, that already has more than enough clients go out and do this? why would an outfitter try and do something, with the chance that it could ruin not only his business but his income/life not enough reward for a big chance like that

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Re: Hmmmm.....Spidey was a dopefiend?

Post by NONYA » Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:55 pm

Look at the amount of money this guys spends on tags every year,the guy is addicted to booner entrys and having his pic all over,what do you think an ego freek like this would pay for a WORLD RECORD ELK? This wouldnt be the first time this exact thing has taken place with other species like whitetail deer,pen rqised animals released and harvested for big money clients.

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Re: Hmmmm.....Spidey was a dopefiend?

Post by NONYA » Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:58 pm

GUTPYLZ wrote:I personally believe all things are possible in nature. He is a one in a Million thats a freak of nature.
A freak of nature that hangs out in a campground?Bulls dont get that big on public land hanging out in a Fn camp ground.There is VIDEO of this bull,in velvet standing next to a camper trailer swaying like hes drunk EXPLAIN THAT! :>/

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Re: Hmmmm.....Spidey was a dopefiend?

Post by MuleyMadness » Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:45 pm

Nonya, are you kidding me? I've counted and see TONS of big game animals right next to trailers, homes, cabins, roads, etc. etc. etc.

I guess those deer you posted a while back laying in town on front lawns where drugged and planted their to also huh?

LET THIS GO, the bull is 100% wild and legit. Sorry to spread the bad news.

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Re: Hmmmm.....Spidey was a dopefiend?

Post by NONYA » Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:20 pm

Those animals live IN TOWN where the is NO HUNTING(exactly my point),kinda like a GAME FARM.Go ahead lock it,god forbid someome should discuss a story lots of people are talking about :>/

Here is the video of the wiley spider bull,walking next to a camper,last 20 sec of video...

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