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Ted Nugent

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:55 pm
by oldcp
I noticed the banner ad for Nugent ammo. I don't know how other people feel about that guy, but in my book he's a world class D -Bag. He makes a poor ambassador for our sport.

Re: Ted Nugent

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:07 pm
by maintguy47
He is one of my hero's. Not just becuase of his views ( a number of whitch I agree with) but becuase he puts everything he has on the line to backem up. Ther was group of men a couple of hundred years ago that had some pretty radical ideas and decided to put thier fortunes and lives on the line to back em up. If people said what they really thought and stuck to what they believe instead of compremizining ( to give up your ideals for someone elses) after the smoke cleared this country would be on a much better path for one side or the other. JMO Tight lines and true trajecteries.

Re: Ted Nugent

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:03 pm
by halibutaddict
They guy is a 1st class DB,a MULTIPLE time convicted poacher and the worst rep our sport could have.I would have anything to do with ANY product endorsed by him.Why anyone would want him promoting their crap is beyond me.

Re: Ted Nugent

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:03 am
Everyone has their right to their own opinion. Some people may not like what he has done i.e. his poaching but the guy does have some dang good things to say. Am i proud that he poached no he went down in my book there but the guy has been one of my hunting idles for years. but the guy lays crud down and hes a rebel, id vote for him as president. He is the tyoe of guy that can really help this country. Ya hes done some bad things but hey buddy bet ur not a saint either are you? I bet you have cut some corners or done something wrong at your job, you jus werent caught or if you were wasnt a public affair. I have done the same at my job everyone has done it. so before you call him a world class d bag think about it. If you screwed up you want people callin you a world class d bag? Everyone has screwed up, so jus get judged harder for it, or it gets made public ya i understand he poached an.that aint right but crud happens

Re: Ted Nugent

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:38 am
by coloradobone
I am sort of indifferent about the guy. He is a little bit radical in his speach for my taste sometimes but I do believe that his political views are fundamentally conservative and in line with what most hunters believe but he just has an unusual way of advocating those views that isn't very palatable to liberals.

But as far as the poaching you guys are talking about goes maybe there are other instance that I don't know about because I watch very little tv (poor source of info anyway) but if we are talking about the bear in alaska and the other incident where he supposedly killed an illegal deer or bear over bait (cant remember which) i read an artical recently that was written from teds experience and the article quoted him throughout.

According to him the illegally killed bear in alaska story goes like this. He shot and wounded a bear and him and his boy tracked this bear for at least a day maybe 2 (cant remember accurately) but after reviewing the video closely he determined it glanced off of something and caused a superficial wound on the bear and that the bear was not fatally wounded. So anyway, he begins to hunt again to fill his tag which later on in the episode he does. We after the episode airs on tv the law gets involved and says that specific area he was hunting was a special regulation area and that in that particular area that if you hit an animal and it draws blood of any kind that your tag is considered filled at that point whether the animal died or not. So anyway he goes before the judge admitedly saying, "yes I was at fault because I was not aware of this regulation and I plead guilty." Well it turns out that in this history of alaska game and fish or however long this law has been in existance there has never been another person besides ted to ever be charged with this specific violation. As a matterfact the article actually quoted the judge in stating that very thing. And furthermore the judge had never heard of the law himself nor had the guide that was with ted at the time.

And with the other incident where he killed the animal over bait. As the article read, ted was hunting near (about 100yds according to the article) a property line and aparantly in this particular state you cannot hunt withing 500yds of a bait site for the particular species that he was after. Well anyway he shot the animanl and killed it and according to the article someone on the adjacent property had a bait site that was relatively close to where ted was hunting.

Like I said, who knows if this is the truth (only God knows) but it appears to me that if those stories are true and that is how the circumstances really unfolded then i wouldn't personally label him as a poacher. But once again i'm not an advocate of the guy and i couldn't care one way or the other. And furthermore someone on this site will probably chime in directly telling me something that i didn't even know.

So I just read that article about 3 weeks ago and thought I would share. I dont have a dog in the race so just sayin . . . . . .

Re: Ted Nugent

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:46 am
by waspocrew
I'm not really sure what to think about the guy... he is very enthusiastic about the outdoors and very open about his passion for hunting. I don't follow him much, but I was disappointed to hear about the bear incident. It's tough to get the actual truth though and I hope it was just a mistake on his part and he admitted to it.

Re: Ted Nugent

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:56 pm
by Tonoonyi
I think if you dig into it, you will find that the Alaska bear incident he was prosecuted by the Feds and NOT the state of Alaska. Alaska was not pressing charges. He is most definitely being crowded by the Federal Government because of his political views and not because he is a poacher.
Its called defamation of character.

Re: Ted Nugent

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:56 pm
by castnshoot
I,m a hard core conservative and like him because he does upset the liberals. But I don't think he is a good front man for hunters.

Put the couple of minor game violations aside, he shoots, and brags about shooting animals that are pretty much living in a cage.

He does it on camera dressed in full camo with his face painted. You can't get much more lame than that.

His ammo should come in 2 classification; LARGE ENCLOSURE ROUNDS and SMALL ENCLOSURE ROUNDS.

Re: Ted Nugent

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:53 pm
by a_bow_nut
castnshoot wrote:His ammo should come in 2 classification; LARGE ENCLOSURE ROUNDS and SMALL ENCLOSURE ROUNDS.
Now that is funny.

Re: Ted Nugent

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:23 am
by Jessedr
Ted is no diff then some of the other so called TV hunters... They bait, dress in some off the wall outfit and call themselfs hunters.
Now don't get me wrong. I don't care what you ware, it's the baitting I don't care for. But then that is just me.