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Northern Utah fishing

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:49 am
by one hunting fool
So I moved to way up northern Utah 3 years ago and have fished a few times but really I have no luck up here. Yesterday I went to Hyrum and didn't even get a bite. I threw everything in my tackle box at me and nothing worked. I heard today that Hyrum isn't any good anymore because of some fish disease there. I had not heard of it but oh well. Here is what I was hoping to get from some of my fellow Northern Utahns. where is a place that I can go fishing up here that you get a chance of catching some nice rainbow's I am about to give up on it around here and head to Strawberry for the weekend (as soon as the ice is off). I am not very familiar with this area; I love Porcupine res. but never get anything better than pan size fish. I like to eat trout the higher country the better. And I love hiking in so you don't have everyone and there dogs running around the lake while you’re trying to relax. Can anyone help?

Re: Northern Utah fishing

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:16 pm
I can help for sure i would go to newton or mantua ill get you some more info later nonight when i get home

Re: Northern Utah fishing

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:18 am
by one hunting fool
Thanks muley, I heard that Newton was only good for musky? I drove past Mantua and they still have a lot of ice. And sense I have never fished there I wasn't sure if the little corner that was open was goo fishing or not. Also have you ever been up in the Cache National forest to a place called "White Pine Creek" it is over by Tony's Grove? It looks like a good high country lake that might be fun to fish could be good for brookies and a nice spot for me to try out my newly acquired fly fishing casts. I am just learning how.

Re: Northern Utah fishing

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:45 pm
by camodup
Well if you like flyfishing like i do, just head up logan canyon, any or the 3 res. are good but the river is great, theres red banks and the dug way that produce nice fish and then up to beaver creek but thats all brooks, and then white pine lake which is a great hike and its all brookies, but you could try mantua for spinner fishing and jigs and stuff like that or the res. up logan canyon are great for the too, and if ya wanted to have alot of fun on a fly rod go up to Blacksmith Fork and fish that river, theres so many fish and its so much fun.
but the best advice, go into Custom Sports, its just a block west of the Hyde Park light, and ask one of the two brothers who own it where to go, they know this valley and its fishing better than anyone around

Re: Northern Utah fishing

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 3:38 pm
by one hunting fool
Thanks Camo, I am just getting into fly fishing and afraid of casting into rivers until i get better. I love river fishing but have only ever done it with a worm and not i would love to try fly. thank you for the info I knew that if i posted on here i would get a local to help me out. I appreciate it

Re: Northern Utah fishing

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:17 pm
by camodup
Hey no problem, anything for a fellow cache valley fella. If ya would like i could take ya to a few spots that are not bad one bit for getting used to river fishing and almost gurantee fish

Re: Northern Utah fishing

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 8:28 am
by one hunting fool
thanks i would like that. like i said i am just starting to fly fish, I have never caught a fish yet but i am lucky to kepp the darn fly on the tippit. i still hear the crack of the whip once in a while. the guy teaching me keeps telling me to slow down but i tell you i feel like the thing is going to touch the ground if i slow any more :)). so far i have cast a few nice cast's into the grass and would like to try the lake or river soon. i still need waders and a decent fly rod and real the one i have was left to me by my grandpa and has one of those spring loaded reels that spool the line up for you. I am sure it was a fad as i never see anyone really using one on tv. :-k but its good enough for me to decide if i am going to like it or not.

Re: Northern Utah fishing

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:21 pm
by camodup
Yeah i have one of those too, my grandpa gave it to me when i was younger, im not a big fan just cuz i havent figured it out yet lol . But if your looking to get a rod i would strongly suggest an Orvis or a Sage, they will run you up on price but they are definately worth it, they will last forever and they make it way easy to cast.

Re: Northern Utah fishing

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:54 pm
by one hunting fool
hey Camo can you help me with weather or not you can cast a warm into the logan river or not. I took a walk with my wife over by the golf course and boy it looks like good fishing to me. what ya think?

Re: Northern Utah fishing

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:48 pm
by camodup
Heck yes! Throw that little bugger into some of those little slow moving pools and around rocks and stuff and you will nail some pretty big fish. The river that runs through the golf course doesnt get fished ever, and it produces some nice bows and browns.