shooting-- broadhead vs field tips

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Re: shooting-- broadhead vs field tips

Post by swbuckmaster » Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:50 am

if it gets a bullet hole with a bare shaft between 4-5 yards then try it again at about 15 yards. I like to always test my tears at different yards. If you only test them at one distance say 2 yards like most shops you will find when you go back it isnt or wasnt set up properly. shops would go out of buisness if they tried to take the time to actually set a bow up like I do. Most just want your 40 bucks and say here you go I got it to bullet hole.

also one thing that could be causing your broad heads to fly inconsistent is your arrow. All the top shooters I know all tune their arrows. Meaning they match up the arrows dynamic spine. they want all their arrows flexing the same way out of their bows. this is done several way.

one is get a hooter shooter and shoot one arrow into the target at say 30-40 yards then take every arrow after that first arrow and twist the nock clockwise and shoot it with a different cock vain pointing up or until the second arrow hits the first arrow hole and repeat.

two "this is what I do" is shoot bare shaft through paper. get first arrow to bullet hole then twist nocks on the second arrow until it also shoots a bullet hole, and repeat. Then fletch them up.

three is number all your arrows 1-12 on the vane. then go out to 50 or so yards and put a piece of paper with a dot on it. mark and label your impact points with the number on your arrow. After a while of shooting you will see a pattern if you are a good enough shooter. then fix the arrows that dont meet up to your expectations by rotating its nock.

last ive heard if you get an arrow spine tester you can actually locate the stiff side of your arrow and attach your cock vane to it. ive never tried it so I cant comment on that one. i have always liked to test the dynamic spine under load.

All of this takes time, but if you do it it will shrink your groups about 30% or better. you will also have great arrow flight and beat half the shooters out their with less practice.

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Re: shooting-- broadhead vs field tips

Post by swbuckmaster » Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:05 am

good night!

I'm done messing with my bow for now. I actually just built a new string for it and put it on while I was responding to your post. I will be going through all the bs i stated above tomorrow. hopefully by the weekend ill have it all dialed in so I can shoot one of the beasts Ive scouted up.

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Re: shooting-- broadhead vs field tips

Post by IDHunter » Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:43 pm

I hope it's ok to post this link. It is very simplified and will give you the basics on how to tune your broadheads. The minute you put your broadheads on they will amplify any slight tuning problems you might have. The key is to make very very slight adjustments, and only one direction at a time. If you go to big you'll be pulling your hair out. This method also assumes that you have the correct spine on your arrows. If you don't, you will never get your broadheads to fly well. If your not sure about your arrow spine, I'm sure some of us can help if you post up the details of your set up.

Good Luck!

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