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Utah opener success anyone?

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 9:17 am
by MuleyMadness
So how did everyone do in Utah on opening day?
Anybody arrow there buck they have been after?
I missed my chance at a pretty good buck 1st thing
in the morning. I'll chalk it up as inexperience with
the bow. To use to rifle hunting and archery is so much
more challenging. I'm still learning.

Anyway, I hunted a new area with a couple of decent bucks, very thick and hard to hunt. Not many deer around,
but oh well that's how it goes. My brother found a good
4-point shed, proving there is a couple of nice bucks still
roaming. I found some big tracks also.

Here is the shed...
Here is a big track, case is 4 1/2" long...
Good luck to everyone!

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 5:23 pm
by Reflex_Shooter
Did not see anything big. I could have taken a shot at a 2 point but i didnt really want to waste my tag. I'am going to head out monday to a new area and hopfully i can find less peoeple and more deer.

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:02 am
by meatinthepot
I would call my weekend more than a success. I was able to take my son and daughter with me and we had a blast. My son, Hunter has been hunting with me since he was three and is now nine. My daughter, Kaycee has not gone before and is now six. It was really a suprise that she wanted to go this year. In the preseason she started shooting her bow and said that she really wanted to go. Before this time she would shoot for maybe 5 minutes and then go play Barbies so this year has really been different.

Well we got on the mountain and Saturday morning came around she her brother were already waiting for me at 5:00 am. I can't tell you how much we hiked and some fairly rough terrain. They both just ate it up. We had a number of encounters with animals. One we were sitting in a pine bedding area waiting to see if anything would come in and having a beef jerky breakfast. When behind us we could here heavy footsteps coming. Their eyes just lit up and spun around to see a spike bull elk walking about ten feet away from us. The spike then looked directly at them and bolted off. They were speechless, which for my girl is something that I have never seen.

Sunday morning I went to wake her up and asked if she wanted to go and she said no. Which I half suspected because we really did cover alot of country on Saturday. I went to start up the truck and out she came all camo'd up and ready to go. I tell you there is no buck in the world that I would take in exchange for that. My son as well never even hinted that he did not want to take the next hike.

We did catch one nice 3x3 probably close to 23" wide sleeping in the aspen on Saturday afternoon. How impressive is that with two future archers in tow. We got within about 50 yards and guess who screwed up, me! I went to knock an arrow and hit it with my release which woke up the buck and sent him bounding through the country.

This was my best bowhunt ever! The one that I have always dreamed about. The hardest thing about it was coming home to my 2 year old who said she was mad at me for not taking her and promising her that next year was her year to get her to stop crying.

I hope everyone can have success in the way that you see it.

Hunting, Pass It On!


Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:45 am
hey meatinthepot,
although i have no kids, i do have younger sisters and that is just absolutely great! sounds like a very successful weekend, the best of luck throughout the rest of the season! i remember the first animal and the first time my little sisters went hunting with my dad, it was fun!

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 12:22 pm
by MuleyMadness

I would have to say you are a very wise man and definitley have your priorities straight in life. Nothing is more important than family and sounds like your family had a blast. Thanks for the story!

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 9:09 am
by meatinthepot
Thanks for the responses. I had to let everyone know how fun that weekend was. Something I hope that can be repeated time and time again.

Good luck to everyone.


Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:29 am
by Anonymous
I heard a rumor that Shedhunter or possibly his brother got a good one. =D>

Shed's Brothers 211" N/T UT general hunt buck

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:32 pm
by shedhunter

The opening weekend of this hunt DID prove to be the best for me and my bother. But first, quickdrawinker, who have you been talking to :-s Its all just a rumor :) Not really! But to go on, my brother shot a buck that we thought would go in the mid 180's or possibly 190 and around 30" wide. BOY WERE WE WRONG! The second day he connected with the Giant and me, my dad, and my brothers friend all go to watch it go down. To make a long story short: the buck green scored at 211 2/8" and was 33" wide. He is a 6X8 (not counting an eyegaurd). Its always great to have the reverse effect of ground shrinkage! I about died when we walked up to the pig! It was better than we ever imagined! Looks like that new X-Tec and all our countless hours watching the cheater buck paid off!! Congrats to my brother who just finished off putting 3 bucks in the book with in a year (1 UT muzzle, 1 CO rifle, and now 1 UT archery) Oh, did I mention that this is a general archery hunt??? Too bad we didn't get any upclose footage of this buck alive, just a bit from a distance.

On a side note, I tagged out the next moring with a decent little 4X5 24" buck with an inliner. Not as good as last years, but one that will do till next years bowhunt!

Good luck out there!!

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:16 pm
hey shedhunter,
man that is sweet, i know the feeling of having reverse ground shrinkage, although it was not on anything that i killed but i watched a deer for several days waiting for the perfect chance to make a stock, as the country was very open, sage country in southern wyoming. i took a buddy hunting with me one day and we stopped to answer natures calliing and wouldn't you know it the deer that i had been watching jumped up right in front of us at 100 yards and after alot of running around and trying to zip up my pants my buddy had the deer on the ground. now, i knew the deer was a good deer but i had no idea until we had him on the ground, he is no 211 b&c buck but a good all around deer for where we were hunting.

congrats to your brother and you on a successful hunting trip, lets see some photos.!

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:17 pm
if you check out the photos section that good deer my buddy shot is on the sixth or seventh page under the name of scott holden and andy. check it out!