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Finally after weeks of coming close, BigBuckDown

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:32 pm
by Buckmaster
Why do I(we) love to bowhunt…. It must be for the countless spot and stocks that end up going wrong, or all the great memories gathered every year with family and friends, and most of all time spent embracing Gods wonderful creations. My therapy for getting me from one August to the next.

Tuesday 9/29/09 we had the first storm of the year coming in that was predicted to drop snow, as always there was a strong south wind. Sitting home that afternoon I thought that I could make this pre-storm wind an allied so with that in mind and bow in-hand I headed for one of my favorite spots.

I reached the ridge and slowly eased to the edge in anticipation of finding a buck bedded but to my surprise I found one up and eating. As I studied this buck from a distance of about 700yds I could only make out one fork and thought he was a two point. After I scanned the whole canyon I went back to the forked horn and he had bedded almost were I had last seen him. With the foliage and brush behind him he now had grown into a four point. “Thank you Lord” Predator mode kicked in, I assessed the terrain and new just what I had to do to get within bow range. When I reach the small tree that I had placed at approximately 100 yards out from his bed I pulled off the boots and pack and headed into the RED zone. As I mention the wind was blowing very hard and it worked out perfect for me I had a cross wind at 25mph and everything between me and the buck was dry grass, I moved only when the wind could cover any sound. 45min later I was at 35 yards and could see his antlers over the vegetation. As I was loading all this into the memory bank and thinking… Now how long will I wait till he stands up to start his afternoon meal or will he.. he was eating when I located him and darkness is coming fast! At that moment he stands up facing straight away from me, Again “Thanks Lord” stretches and starts to walk away from me… Please stop…Please turn… Please stop… OMG he turns to the right and now the oak is so thick there is no chance of a shot. Slowly he comes out in the only opening and stops to drain his bladder, the buck still looking in the opposite direction of me, I slowly lift my range finder and click, it reads 63yards quartering away….BINGO. clip the release into the loop and drew back, leaved out the bubble placed the 60pin a little high and released. This is what we’ve dreamed about countless times through out the year. Everything went just as it has time after time at the practice range…. A perfect release and the arrow flew true, I have to say I love them G5 Strikers it hit the buck perfect. “Thwack” and he jumped and headed out of the brush. This was minutes before dark so the 30 minute wait put it well past dark and with my head lamp on I started looking for my arrow and soon realize it must still be in the buck. There was very little blood to speak of. I followed the trail he was on for 80 yards and decided rather than push him I would come back in the morning to pick up the hunt.
The next morning starts off in the rain.. so much for a blood trail, as we topped the ridge and started glassing across the canyon it was just minute before Russ calls out he has found the buck piled up in a clearing at the bottom of the canyon. My hart races with excitement to hold my trophy in my hands knowing I had made a clean shot with a quick kill. The buck only traveled 50 yards before expiring. By the time we got back to the truck there was 3” of new snow.
Note: As I walked out the night before I was only 20ft away from him. 
Thanks to my son Cody and good friend Russ for all the help. :thumb
Sorry for the long post.. :thumb
After a restless night its nice to have an easy find!
After a restless night its nice to have an easy find!

Re: Finally after weeks of coming close, BBD

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:00 pm
by bucksnbullsbroderick
Great job, Dad! You laid down one heck of a shot!

I'm always so happy to share these memories with you. Now go get your elk!

Re: Finally after weeks of coming close, BBD

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:27 pm
CONGRATS my friend! Sounds like a great hunt...and even better to have your son with ya!

Re: Finally after weeks of coming close, BBD

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 5:05 am
Wow.....what an experience and adventure. What's that white stuff on the ground? lol Congratulations on a fine trophy amigo and thanks for sharing it with us here.

Re: Finally after weeks of coming close, BBD

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:56 am
by 6x6 bull
Great Story, Great Buck, Great big congrats.

Re: Finally after weeks of coming close, BBD

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:42 am
by m gardner
Nice buck! Nice shot. Thanks for the photos. After over 3 months of 100 plus degree temps I love to see snow! :thumb

Re: Finally after weeks of coming close, BBD

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 8:18 am
by NotEnufTags
Super cool story. You had a great plan and it worked out perfectly. Congratulations on a fine archery buck. I'm a little confused were you hunting out of state? The archery was over in Utah on 09/29/09 or was that an extended archery buck? 63 yards is a great shot!

Re: Finally after weeks of coming close, BBD

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 8:26 am
by MuleyMadness
Looks like some serious persistence and a cold front helped the cause also. Very cool, CONGRATS!! 10sign:

Re: Finally after weeks of coming close, BBD

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:39 am
Atta boy :thumb Way to get it done my friend!!! Thats a good looking buck, great story and don't you just loveit when a plan comes together??? 10sign:

Re: Finally after weeks of coming close, BBD

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 12:15 pm
by Buckmaster
NotEnufTags > It would be the Wasatch extended hunt :thumb

Gray: The plan becomes the passion. :thumb