190" california D5 buck and freak non typical
10/28/09 10:50pm
Finally after a slow season i got a glimpse of what i was looking for. Tuesday i spotted a 5x5 with nice eye guards he is around 30" wide and will definately hit the 190 mark. He was with a freak non typical that was a 7x7 with tons of palmation and kickers on both sides. I'm guessing he is around 34" wide from kicker to kicker. I'm headed out tomorrow eve to see if i can smack one with a arrow. gotta love the "deer city usa" type of bucks. only one weekend left so i'm crossing my fingers. :)
congrats! :thumb
I heard a rumor that this guys bucks are farmer raised behind a big fence, so I have been doubting your luck but I have to say this post will feed that rumor. If you did truly and fairly harvest wild animals then I do truly envy your succes
Do to request for the story on the RUMOR I heard, here it is-
I grew up hunting the area this guy harvested these bucks and in my years of hunting there I have met a few locals that I now call friends. One of my friends tells me of a friend that has a niebor that fenced off a huge chunk of land to protect his apple crop (and seperatly fenced off pot garden That they smell regularly) and limit the amount of deer in the apples, I'm told they want some deer to clean up the apples that drop before harvest so they trapped a dozen or so in there. Now these deer are getting old and the owner let this guy buy these bucks blackmarket style.
Knowing this area well I have to say this rumor is getting closer to fact, with the size and number of deer this guy is taking. Most people living in the area will never see a 4 point bigger then 22 inches wide(true trophy for this area) and most hunters in this area will never tag a 4 point. But where there are deer there is always some big deer I guess you hit the lotto and got them all.
This is a Rumor so I wouldnt go online and call a guy a poacher or anything else (like somebody did to Ted)
Anybody who has ever hunted D5 can back me up on the fact that the odds of harvesting 4 buisers like that and with an arrow, are 1 in a trillion.
Body pics good question shooter!!!
If the members want to know what he did, you can go to ebay and do a search on item numbers 230389968437 and 230389970226. What you'll find is that Coleman Houston bought these antler sets for $300.01 and $500.00 on ebay, and then came on this and other websites and claimed to have killed the deer himself to gain notoriety and leverage that into hunting sponsorships and endorsements.
He never killed any of these deer.
Not denying it, just letting you know what I saw.
I was wondering why the skull plates had blue tape on them in his pics too! Now I know why. lol
What he really meant to say is
by ColeHous » Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:50 pm
Finally after a slow season I was browsing Ebay for antlers as I am a lazy slob who lies and will do anything to be seen as a ultimate Mule deer hunter and I found what I was looking for. Tuesday I spotted a 5x5 with nice eye guards he is around 30" wide and will definately hit the 190 mark for only $500.00. He was for sale with a freak non typical that was a 7x7 with tons of palmation and kickers on both sides for $300.00. I'm guessing he is around 34" wide from kicker to kicker but the listing claims he is 35 wide. I'm headed out tomorrow eve to see if i can get everything I need to pull this lie off. Gotta love the "deer antlers on Ebay" type of bucks. only a few days left on the auction so i'm crossing my fingers. Wow I am such a good liar and will fool everyone once again.
Mr. Coleman Houston has a lot more to worry about than showing back up on a few websites where he has been revealed as a FRAUD. #-o
Mr. Houston, hopefully when you have your day in court you will realize that the things you have done, besides the obvious, are not worth committing FRAUD just to get your name and pictures in some record books and magazines. It is obvious that you have been living a lie for quite some time and your GREED to be recognized has become your downfall.
Mr. Houston it is people like you that give hunting a bad name. You sir, are a disgrace to hunting and the conservation of the animals that we as hunters provide conservation of and strive for. Teddy Roosevelt would turn over in his grave knowing that people do things like this and call themselves hunters of the animals; the same animals he worked so hard to ensure the conservation of, so that future generations may enjoy them as much as he did.
GWH...just lettin' ya know, I was not taking this lightly regardless of my posts. I still laugh thinking about what he's thinking now that he's been outed. I can't believe that someone would attempt something like this with all the resources that are available online now.
Now I do not have all the answers nor do I know what else this JERK has done but it seems this guy is well known in California at least.
FYI: I know that the pic is of a mounted buck. However, when he posted this pic on this site a couple years ago I didn't give it much thought. After all, I have seen folks get pictures taken of mounted bucks (trophies) just like this. Mostly because they regretted not having field photos in the first place. However, now I know the REAL reason!
GWH, I'd love to hear how this all turns out. Let us know if/when you find out.
Kind of makes this thread seem a little ironic don't you think.
What motivates them?
"The kill is the satisfying, indeed essential, conclusion to a successful hunt. But, I take no pleasure in the act itself. One does not hunt in order to kill, but kills in order to have hunted. Then why do I hunt? I hunt for the same reason my well-fed cat hunts...because I must, because it is in the blood, because I am the decendent of a thousand generations of hunters. I hunt because I am a hunter."
Coleman's personal statement, copied from his Facebook page.
Lord, please dont let this man reproduce! lol
" yes i know i'm a dirtbag, but it's being a dirtbag that makes me who i am today. it's not the dirt or the bag, it's the many yrs of putting dirt in a bag, which created this master hunter, that makes this so rewarding" lol ROFL
An open comment to anyone caught red-handed violating fish and game code and laws, or simply violating the Rules Of Fair Chase principals... YOU DO NOT give hunting a bad name by your actions... you give YOURSELF a bad name. You deserve every possible action taken against you by law enforcement officials and by hunting organizations!
Craig Fritz, 2nd VP Hunting - California Bowmen Hunters
Thanks for logging on and letting us know what's going on from your side of the story. DLS has done an awesome job of keeping us up to date...in fact, from what I have read here and on other sites he has been instrumental in breaking this open, at least to the online community.
Good luck getting this guy stricken from the books and I hope that not only him, but the individual(s) that validated his tag face the justice that they deserve.
Take care.
lol lol
You all need to read this post that I'm pasting on here from another website. It is written by the gentleman who sold this clown the antlers last month. Read it all the way to the end, you aren't going to believe what he has to say.
themuleyman (2 posts)
Nov-24-09, 10:40 AM (MST)
41. "RE: The Biggest Loser - Fraud and Deception"
Hello, everybody who has wrote in and shown interested in the biggest loser.
My name is Dave and I'm the guy who sold the 2 large mule dear racks on ebay to Coleman Houston (the biggest Loser). He told me he was a taxidermist and wanted these racks really bad for a competion he was in. He waited the 5 days for the auction to end and bid and won. He immediately notified me that he wanted to know when these would ship. He wanted them both mailed together to save money. I had no idea about the laws in california. I sold them to him under good faith.
I have been forced to sell my entire collection of 10 years due to my health. I have Reneal stage 5 Kidney disease and I'm on dialysis 3 times a week. I received a kidney from a friend last year, although due to complications I rejected the kidney and have had multiple surgeries. I'm now waiting for a new kidney and with the help of my wife and friends they have come together to join a patient exchange program with the University of Colorado Hospital. I hope to recieved a new kidney soon some day. I need a perfect match. If anyone is interested and wants more information, please email me.
I'm a young man and have 3 kids and have been selling my entire collection to pay for my hospital bills.
This is frustrating and disgusting to see such a great set of antlers sold to someone who did not appreciate them. He defaced them and has taken the true meaning of what a real hunt is about.
Then he went out and bragged about killing them himself and wanted monetary value and fame!! (That did not get him very far)
That's not all, he asked me for his money back because the DOW confiscated them and he has nothing to show for. WHAT GREED!!!
Hopefully the antlers endup somewhere, where everyone can enjoy seing them for what they are.
I hope things turnout the way they should.
Thanks for all of your support.
countrygirl (1 posts)
Nov-24-09, 05:19 PM (MST)
49. "RE: The Biggest Loser - Fraud and Deception"
Yeah, nice racks. Too bad your such a f_ _ _ _ ing liar about how you got those racks. My daughter held them up for her boyfriends dad who sold them to you on e-bay from Elizabeth, CO, these deer never set foot in CA!!!! You are a disgrace to the true hunters!! Get a life LOSER!!! If anyone wants the listing numbers to verify the e-bay sale of these racks let me know, we'd be happy to verify this.
You all have a Happy Thanksgiving!
What a Jerk!
I'm sure plagiarism is nothing foreign for Mr. Houston.
>>> DFG News 12/3/2009 3:17 PM >>>
California Department of Fish and Game
For Immediate Release
Elk Grove Man Charged with Hunting Violations after Allegedly
Falsifying State Hunting Records
An Elk Grove man is facing misdemeanor charges after he allegedly
purchased trophy deer antlers on eBay and claimed he had shot the
animals himself.
Coleman Lee Houston, 29, allegedly used the online auction site to
purchase two very large sets of deer antlers from sellers in Colorado.
When questioned by a Department of Fish and Game (DFG) warden, Houston
claimed that both sets of antlers came from deer he had killed during a
legal deer hunt in California on October 30, 2009. The two record-size
deer were shot on the same day, he said, and tagged with lawfully
acquired California deer tags.
However, the area where Houston claimed to have killed the deer - near
Highway 193 in El Dorado County - is not known for producing deer with
antlers spreads exceeding 30 inches. According to Warden Sean Pirtle,
“The chances of taking two 30-inch bucks in one day in this area
would be exceedingly remote.”
As part of their investigation, wardens reviewed Internet documents,
conducted interviews and reviewed DFG license records. Evidence was
obtained indicating Houston purchased both sets of antlers on eBay.
Upon further investigation, wardens found that Houston has claimed to
have set state buck records at least twice before. According to the
California Bowman Association, the official California State Hunting
Records credit Houston with taking record bucks with archery equipment
in both 2007 and in 2008. Record-holders are required to sign a
statement of “fair chase,” stating that the animals were taken
lawfully under state wildlife laws. Deer must be taken during the open
season and during legal hunting hours, and the hunter must be in
possession of a valid hunting license and deer tags.
Investigation continues into the legitimacy of both of these previous
Fish and Game laws prohibit the sale or barter of any fish or wildlife
or parts thereof. A formal complaint will be filed with the Sacramento
County District Attorney's Office, charging Houston with the purchase of
wildlife parts; submitting false information on his deer tags; failing
to exhibit animals, tags and antlers to a game warden upon demand; and
destruction of evidence. A misdemeanor conviction carries a maximum fine
of $1,000 and up to six months in jail.
"Would you like to make some cash and show me a buck like that."
here was his reply
"it depends on what we see next pre season, I am not a guide and don't know if thats legal it is something i would have to check into. its kinda funny a close friend of mine just went to alberta for the "oppurtunity" at a 180+" buck cost- $5500 LMHO i cant see paying that much for a deer, but then again the deer where i hunt are more than most hunters ever see. plus you're there for 5 days, they cook your meals i guess i could see why people do it. How much is a deer like that worth?"
What a scammer this fool is. "i cant see paying that much" no you pay a lot less on ebay! lol
Does it count as baiting if you are eating when you click the "buy" button?
I can not believe this guy crazy
The local Sat. morning outdoor shows have addressed this and continue to have Fish and Game offcials on weekly talking about this issue. I'm glad he was caught and will not benifit from his lies. I have to admit, I loved reading the responces.
Great web site and I hope to contribute my stories and photos.
I did a little work on the Blodgett forest back in the day, even did some swimming and fishing in stumpy meadows. Bet you're familiar with those places. I've got some friends from both Georgetown and Cool. Welcome to ya.-----shooter