Back from 2nd rifle .... (cont. from Rifle 2nd Season topic)

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Back from 2nd rifle .... (cont. from Rifle 2nd Season topic)

Post by youngbuck91 » Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:05 pm

I SHOOT..................................I MISS ](*,)
First day was a wreck. I walked 3 miles in and about to load magazine and noticed i didn't have my bolt in the rifle . I walked back got it in and walked back. On the other side of the ridge seen a nice 4x4 buck walking slowly. But a river that i couldn't cross was in my way and it was way out of range so i contieud. I meet up wiht my dad and sister and they seen 6 doe's. We all hade buck tags. We scoped out all day then went to the truck at 2:30pm. Then took a hour nap. then drove around a different area looking.

Second day it was my dad and i. We took another trail. He sat in the first field and saw 18 cows and 4 small bulls but didn't have a elk licence. I sat in the next field and saw the lead bull, nice 5x6. then i sat for a while. i started to walk slowly and notcied a deer walking on the edge of some aspen's. Then i seen a beded 2x2 but was willing to talk it. I waited 2 minutes and it stood up. I took the 130 yard shot with my 7mm (no prob). i missed it was just standing there looking around. I looked to see what it was doing but then he started walking slowly. I was with another 4x4 and i know i didn't hit the other buck so i took a shot at 150 yard and missed they just ran away. I waited for 5 min. It was my first buck and the year before i got my doe here. went to look for blood and seen nothing followed trail for 200 yards in 1 foot of snow. So we heaed down and left.

Might go back this next weekend. I really want to but my dad is not sure.
Pictures of scenery and elk soon.

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Post by hound_hunter » Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:55 pm

sounds awesome.. too bad on the missed shots but ill bet ya still had a great time out there. hopefully pops lets ya at em again this weekend - if so good luck!

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Post by ABert » Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:07 pm

Not to be sarcastic, and I really mean it, but I believe you have experienced "buck fever". We all have. Nothing to be ashamed of. I once shot at a bull elk four times at 75 yards before I hit him. I just tell folks he had such a tough hide I had to put one bullet on top of the others to finally bust through that tough hide. I was lucky as the bull never knew he was being shot at. Your time will come and you will get that buck. Keep at it and it will happen.
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Post by AGCHAWK » Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:28 pm

Youngbuck91, it happens to the best of us! Sounds like you had a lot of fun either way and after all, that's what it's about. Good luck next time out!

If it's any concellation, I missed a 4 point once EIGHT TIMES. The darn thing just stood there lookin' around (The shots were echoing through the canyon so he was having a tough time figuring out what was going on and where to run) while I emptied one clip, reloaded, and emptied the second.

Come to find out, I must have knocked my scope on the hike in 'cause I was shooting almost 3 feet right at 150 yards!!!! Gotta just sit back and laugh at yourself sometimes.

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Post by bigbuck92 » Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:02 pm

yep i know how it is. i got some buck fever during the muzzy hunt here in utah. but yesterday i was out on the rifle hunt and didnt even come close to gettin buck fever. you wanna know why. cause i didnt see any well except for this buck that wasnt even 4 inch spike which isnt even legle. so at least you seen some bucks im just glad to get out and hang with my family
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Post by MuleyMadness » Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:18 pm


Everyone has missed bucks before. Got to love those stories, we tell stories every year of the ones we missed and still give each other serious grief over it. Of course we just laugh our heads off.

Chalk it up for experience and excitement. Happens to the best of us. :thumb

Look forward to the pics.

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Post by LA » Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:12 pm

Don't feel bad about missing. The first year I went hunting I had a doe at 20 yds., but I couldn't figure out why my bow sight was shaking all over the place. Figured out afterwards that my knees were knocking together so hard that I couldn't keep my arms still! All my arrow found was air about 5 yds behind her! Better a clean miss than a bad hit IMHO.

At least you saw lots of animals. I hunted very hard for 2 days and only saw one cow elk yesterday on the way to back to camp. She was so spooked that I didn't even get to think the word elk before she bolted.

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Post by zatarain6 » Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:40 pm

i myself have even missed while shooting at a buck before , just part of hunting and over time we all become better hunters . good luck this weekend if you are able to go .

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Post by Utahbowhunter » Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:46 pm


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Post by Utahbowhunter » Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:51 pm

That really sucks when you miss. Gives you a really bad feeling in your gut!

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