The Bull that almost did me in!

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The Bull that almost did me in!

Post by DeadI » Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:24 pm

To start off I have debated on wether or not to post these pics and story or not. But I have had a few messages and people asking me to post them.
I am only going to give a short version because of how long the story is. Opening morning started off wet and snowy, we were able to get on a couple of diferent bulls but were not able to conect on one of them. We hunted 3/4 of the day and we saw only the two bulls one shooter and a little rag horn.

Back at camp we decided to take and hunt the same area the next day, so early the next morning we found our selves looking over the same basin that we saw the shooter bull in the morning before, only this time we had a bull bugleing about 100 yards below us and working his way from our right to left, he came out into a clearing following a cow, we saw good 4th 5th and 6th points and that was good enough for us, my dad shot him, he ran back into the brush were he just came from and began to bugle, he came back out and he shot him again. Again he ran back into the brush and began to bugle. Then he came out again my dad fired his 3rd shot and missed and the 4th shot connected befor he disapeared. The first shot was at 7:45 am and the 4th was at about 9:45 am. Tough animals.

When we got to the animal we were more than impressed at the size of this magnificant animal, antlers and body size, he was just impresive. We cleaned him out and began to quarter him up. That is when things got scary. My knife sliped and sent the blade into my left knee. It happend so fast that I barely felt it. I put pressure on it and worked my pant leg down, when i took my hand off, blook began to spurt out of the puncture wound. Not a good situation to be in. Thank goodness I had my cell phone with me and that it worked, I also had a gps with me. We were able to get ahold of 911 and tell them exactly were we were. The are was very steep and muddy, so Life Flight had to be called in. With in 20 minutes (about 12:30 pm) I was being taken care of by the EMT's. By 2:00 pm I was at the Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo Utah.

They were able to get me all patched up, and I have recovered very well. I had origionaly thought I hit an artery but luckily I only hit a major vein, and severed a muscle. The knife went in about 2.5 - 3 inches deep. I thank my heavenly father for allowing me to even be here to share this with you guys. I hope that anyone that might read this will remember you can never be to carefull. No matter how safe you think you are being, be more carefull. Always hunt with someone else. (Don't know what I would have done if my dad would not have been there). Take a gps with you, and a cell phone, the phone may not work where you are at, but then again it just may. Better yet, take a sat phone if you can.

Here is a photo of the bull my dad shot. We rough him at 345-350, I am not going to post any other photos right now because I am sending it to a few magazines for them to look at. It it is not published then I will post more here. And believe me, if you think this post is long, you ought to see the story I have typed up on my computer.


Last edited by DeadI on Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Mark » Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:32 pm

OUCH! That's gonna leave a mark!

Nice bull. I'll not say anything about your knee other than I'm glad to hear you made it out of there. You're very fortunate. I'm sure you realize that already though.

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Post by Rileyhunter » Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:06 am


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Post by Hiker » Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:24 am

DeadI, Thanks for sharing the story with us. I'm glad you're OK. Tell your Dad, Congrats on a great bull. =D>

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Post by MuleyMadness » Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:43 am

YES my friend, I'm glad you made it through alright and are still with us.

Thanks for sharing the story. Look forward to the long version some day and the other pics.



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Post by bigbuck92 » Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:51 pm

ya im glad your ok and congrats to you and your dad
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Post by elkslayer338 » Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:10 am

Well G You too he he he.. I got my knee to this year but on a darn rag-tag
Bull . I know just how you feel I have qouterd some thirty to forty Elk in my day never had a problem. Took a surgical hatchet to the knee. Let me unfold the event, to start
we pack in 7 miles to about 10,000 on horse and foot I have hunted the area for twenty years and have taken my share of Elk from there. This year was well kinda nasty you know lots of snow and no elk. We were forced to go low to the foot hills and hunt scrub oak on sneaks and drives.
well day nine after a long day of drives and stalks , I drew my last card
I decided to go to my Honey spot. A ridge of aspens that cliffs out to dense spruce Forest below. So I left the party on foot in knee deep snow
worked my way up. About 3:30 pm I came across a vary fresh track and right after that jumped three Elk cow,cow, rag-tag. Well being that it was the last day of hunting before pack out and we hunt for the meat I figured it would be good to get four more quarters. So made sure he was legal, in my area you must shot a 4x4 or the bull must have 6 inch or better brow tines, then took him. Well let me tell ya he was so easy to gut and work on I was making great time still lots of good light. Thats when it happened ,while using my hatchet to remove the head, it deflected into the side of my knee. Well it was about 2 inches deep and was bleeding pretty good. So I cleaned out the wound with snow and backed an insert with snow and used a strap from my pack to compress it. Then I tried to raise the party on radio but no go. so the hike to camp began it was about 2 miles to our tent. from there I had to go down to the ranch some 7 miles. From the ranch it was 30 miles to the near st hospital " Glenwood Springs" . well when I was in camp I boiled water,drank lots , put the first aid kit to use and with the help of my family made our way out. Its been one month and Iam getting around about normal, I feel lucky and thankfully no permanent damage.

there is a new product called QR POWDER get it at cabela's
The claims are that it will " even stop the bleeding associate with complete transection of the FEMORAL ARTERY.....pretty heady stuff but I saw the actual video of a pig being used as a "patient" in a US army video where they transected his(pigs) femoral artery and it stopped the bleeding and saved his bacon er.... the patient...

It workes both by being positivley charged and cross binding with the negative charges of our red blood cells thus locking them together it also has a astringent characteristic that extracts the water and dehydrates the blood...

The femoral artery is the largest in the human body..and if this product(s) can stop that kind of bleeding it CAN save your life.Used in conjunction with a good pressure bandage it is something that doesnt take up much space but can be THE most important item in any back country first aid kit.

The other amazing property about these product(s) is it is completely reversable..once in a surgical situation and the appropriate sutures have been put in place and volume expanders and blood products have been given the surgeon can irrigate the "clot" made from these products and totally disolve the blockage and resume normal blood flow.....

Pretty cool stuff
I will have it on me at all times now even in my Truck

Glad your ok and had your Dad with you " it helps when your not alone"
that is one darn sweet bull Im sure your dads proud and he should be

P.S did your dad about have a hart attack.. My dad turned about three shades of white when I got to camp.
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Last edited by elkslayer338 on Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DeadI » Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:16 am

Thanks for the reply. Glad to hear that you are okay. Pretty scary when it happens. I will have to check that product out. Sounds like a pretty good idea.

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Post by elkslayer338 » Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:27 am

Your right I did not feel a thing but like you I knew it was not good.
Its funny what shock can do to your thoughts. I could have gone up from ware I shot him and had used my cell phone, but I just wanted to get to my Dad that two miles of burn in knee deep snow got me a Little emotional.

Started two think about my Wife and 7 month old baby Girl Thats when My will to make it really kicked in I shut it all out and focused on the next step. It was not until I was about 1/8 mile from camp when I finally connected with the radio and it was after dark by that time. But when I saw the flashlights coming I had tears of joy. It was not over yet but I was not alone. On the topic of my wound it hurt but when they took a horse needle and filled my knee cap to see if I had ruptured the pad Even with the morph. it hurt like burn .

We should start a camp and call it "Camp Wounded Knee" LOL
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Post by MuleyMadness » Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:06 pm

Another scary story, glad you made it out okay. Never heard of that stuff to stop the bleeding, may have to look into that.

Don't want to be in that situation.

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