There sure is a lot of gray hair. I just attended a recent habitat dedication with my family and the first thing my boys stated when we got into the car was, “Wow, everyone is so old!” Of course to them, 30 is old, but the boys are right, besides my wife and I only… Read more »
Protect Yourself and Your Family By Martin Valcin and James Blando Lead Dust and Fumes Are Harmful Lead is a metal commonly used to make bullets. Exposure to lead dust created through the use of lead bullets poses a hazard to shooters, instructors, and maintenance staff at firing ranges. While the handling, shooting, and loading… Read more »
By Todd A. Black I have been asked by clients, friends, and other hunters what I think is the best type of camo pattern available out there on the market today. What camo I buy and why. Now I will admit that I have my preference for a particular camo patter but in the interest… Read more »
by Todd A. Black Have you ever hit a deer while driving some highway or interstate? I would wager that most of us have or at least know of someone who has. I know I have, only once though. I was on my way home from school, it was a dark rainy night and the… Read more »
by Dr. Terry Messmer Rocky Mountain mule deer are one of the most adaptable and widespread ungulates in North America. Annually, mule deer provide more than three million hunters and incalculable pleasures for millions of wildlife viewers. Unfortunately, mule deer populations in many parts of their historical range are declining. The effects of these declines… Read more »