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Should I fear a couger attack???

Poll ended at Sun Sep 23, 2007 3:58 pm

depends on state where I hunt or GMU
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Post by killerbee » Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:39 pm

there have been "occasional" attacks on people by elk, deer, moose and these animals to during the rut. i dont fear them either. and yes the population of lions is way more than grizzly populations so that would explain the higher attacks on humans.
i always figure you hear about at 80% of all the animal attacks on humans[, be it cats, bear, moose or what ever] if you think about how many millions of people take hiking trips or hunting trips the odds of getting attacked are so slim it's not even worth worrying about.even grizzlies for that matter, they are the most feared animal of the woods in north america. think of all the people who go into the woods where they live and how FEW stories you really do hear about them attacking humans. 99% are from someone just being STUPID. so when you go out into the woods just dont be STUPID and there isn't to much to worry about.

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Post by AGCHAWK » Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:49 pm

Here's some more interesting facts regarding "attacks".

Each year in the U.S. there are about 12 human deaths resulting from over 5,000 bites by rattlesnakes, 40 deaths due to bee stings, and 3 deaths due to bites of black widow spiders. Dogs annually kill 18-20 people and inflict suture-requiring injuries on 200,000 US. residents.

Meanwhile, here's some numbers regarding Cougar attacks:

1970's 17 total attacks found 4 fatalities
1980's 20 total attacks found 2 fatalities
1990's 37 total attacks found 8 fatalities

For those that are interested, I got most of this info from a study written by Paul Beier, Wildlife Ecology Professor, Northern Arizona University. You can google his study but it only covers 1890-1990. The following link covers through the 2000's.

Mr. Beier's study is really well done and worth reading. Also check out the site (link) and make up your own mind. Folks have gotten into trouble listenin to guys like Killer and me...LOL

I'll see what I have on Grizzly attacks and will post that also.

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Post by killerbee » Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:29 pm

AGC your the man!!!! :thumb :thumb great info, thanks for checking it out and sharing! =D> :thumb

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Post by AGCHAWK » Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:45 pm

LOL...thanks Killer.

I was thinkin' about this and I doubt very highly that any of us are really thinkin' any different. The word "threat" is what's key. I think we can all agree that a cougar can certainly be a threat to a human...but what is the level of the threat, chance of being attacked, etc?

Are they a threat? Sure they are.
What are your chances of being attacked? VERY slim at best...unless you get between a a mom and cubs, run into a sick or injured one, or hike the high country with a big T-bone tied to your neck.

By the way, the best I can come up with thus far on Gizz attacks is 15 since 1967. I have not found an actual varifiable study on this though so I am not 100% on the number. That number comes from a site on surviving animal attacks, camping in the wild, etc.

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Post by killerbee » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:24 pm

i couldn't agree more. by all means they are a threat of some sorts to humans but the extent of it is what is in question. and i just really dont feel it is enough to where i even give it a second thought while i'm out in the woods.
a story that once happend to me: [ and it was video taped for proof, although i dont have it so a lot of good it does ](*,) ] any way,i was guiding for mt lion in New Mexico , it was are first hunter of the year. any way the first morning i had the hunter and my buddies would follow the dogs while me and the hunter would take the horses around and try to get closer so he wouldn't have to walk so far. anyway the dogs treed so off we went. after finally getting to the cat we looked and looked in these thickets of juniper and could not spot the cat. well, soon enough we spotted it and it was about a 60 yearling. the hunter had no desire to shoot it. [oh by the way the dogs jumped trackes along the way, we released them on a lot better cat.] note: all of us guides had mt.lion tags cause later in the year we were going to all get are own cats. any way,,, we decided it would be a great learning experiance for the younger dogs to hold on to them and get the cat down, wait a little bit then release the young ones to run the cat and try to tree it again.

Now move back to a conversation: in the months prior to this story me and the outfitter would get into these little arguments about what would happen if his dogs got into it with a cat. he would swear up and down that this 1 dog had so much experiance that it could kill a cat by itself. and if the 2 top dogs were together the cat would have no chance. i called B.S. a million times to no avail.
back to the story: the guys held onto the dogs while i climbed the tree a ways and threw a stick at the cat to get it to jump. ---- worked like a charm! the cat jumped and as soon as it hit the ground the outfitter himself couldn't hold his 2 dogs and the attacked the cat![ just happend to be the two top dogs i refered to earlier.] this little 60 lb. cat was tearing the $#^$ out of them! the outfitter was screaming "release the other dog"
so we did, it did not a bit of good that cat was tearing dogs like mad!! so the outfitter was still screaming "we got to shoot that cat, it's killing my dogs!!" the hunter wasn't about to shoot it cause he didn't want to have to tag this little cat, and i was the only one with my pistol that day! so i head in the middle of the dog fight and it was total madhouse . i litteraly get to within a foot of the cat/dogs fighting and all of the sudden everything just kinda parted ways and the cat turned and hissed at me. i literally stuck the berrel of my pistol in his mouth and pulled the trigger. if he would have bit down he would have been bighting metal! it was by far the most adrenaline rush i ever had in my life! the rest of the day we were all just sitting around camp saying" i cant beleive what just happend"!
so i finally got my point across to the outfitter that no dogs are going to whoop a mt.lion. and to this day when i tell the story i get a little shaky just remembering that moment!

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Post by NONYA » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:32 pm

It has nothing to do with fearing them,its about recognizing they can be a threat and taking precautions,i NEVER enter the woods without a handgun,at the very least.If those people in Kalifornia had been packin a gun on their hikes or bike rides they may be alive today.BTW white tail deer kill more people in the lower 48 than lions,grizz and B bears combined,dont underestimate Bambi! :222

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couger fear

Post by doeslayer32 » Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:46 pm

Thanks ACGHAWK for the very informational link just read all the incidents and the does and donts very intersting stuff never realized how little the cats fear humans makes me kind of nervous but hey I will have my 270WSM ready to kill at all times and my 12" bowie on my side and maybe even some pepper spray wouldnt be a bad idea I probably wouldnt even be as concerned as I am about this topic, but my future TWINS are going to need a daddy in december and my wife and I have only been married for a year in october so I'm just getting my life started

as for killerbees guide story I would have to give this a ten for excitement wow that is just nuts

nonya the last post you placed is very intrigueing about the numbers of cat attacks where can I see this info firsthand

to everyone on this subject since I'm new here can u tell me when I make a reply do I need to include a subject or not???
and how do you post a link in general so people can just click on it and be directed to that site???

Thanks for all your help and confidence NO OFFENSE but most of my confidence in the woods comes from the man upstairs.


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Post by AGCHAWK » Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:42 am

Doeslayer, if you're just replying to an existing thread then you do not need to enter a subject. If you're starting a new thread then you do have to put something in the subject line.

NONYA, you're right there! Those dang Whitetail are going to be the downfall of humankind! I was going to post some numbers regarding deer vs human interactions but I couldn't seperate Whitetail, Mule Deer, and Black-tail . I KNOW that the vast majority of hte incidents are Whitetail though (Again, a function of numbers. There are many more whities than the others).

Great story Killer!!!!!

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Post by The Ox » Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:48 pm

well i put depends on the state.... i think you are in more of a thereat in california than anywhere becuase from what i understand they are way to over populated from lack of hunting so due to the terrible management i think its a much great threat there than say here in utah because of the lack of food there it will put a hiker or biker on the menu. i dont feel to threatened around here but i am weary of it. i think there is a very small threat here but a threat none the less.but i dont worry to much when i am out hiking.

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Post by doeslayer32 » Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:53 pm

hey OX I think this is the most accurate answer on this subject maybe I should word it different


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