fng....that needs advise or help finding a buck i hit

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Re: fng....that needs advise or help finding a buck i hit

Post by codyca » Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:00 pm

Thank you guys for trying to set no future straight. We owe more to the creatures we hunt than that genius is willing to acknowledge. Just because I can make bull at 800 yards with my favorite 30-06 doesn't mean I would ever shoot over 350 yards unless the conditions were ideal and that would only extend my range to 400 yards. I can shoot a nice group with my bow tech at 80 yards but 40 is my limit. We owe it to the bucks and bulls we respect so much to afford them a clean kill. Keep this long range bull crap up and our hunting privileges will be decided at the ballot box by people who know nothing about hunting. Why don't you look up how that worked out for hunters in california and oregon, then take your next 80 yard wounding shot nofuture. Guys like you are the reason I took a deer in d-17 last year that someone had shot in the foot. We as hunters need to be ethical as our society urbanizes more and more and people get more out of touch with the realities of nature. The anti hunters work very hard to take our heritage away. Please don't help them do it.

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Re: fng....that needs advise or help finding a buck i hit

Post by nofuture » Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:17 pm

Re: Closest Kill

Postby Springville Shooter » Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:17 pm
I have heard this argument about long-range before and I do agree. But, I don't feel that this is a problem that is unique to the long game. I feel that a large percentage of ALL types of hunters are simply not prepared and practiced enough to take the shots that they take. Bowhunters, Muzzy guys, and regular medium-range rifle guys are all guilty as groups. Here is another thing that I want you to think about; most people who put down the long range game say nothing about taking 100-200 yard offhand shots at moving game. I will GUARANTEE you that I can take a much more ethical shot at 400-600 yards than thisRe: Closest Kill
Re: Closest Kill

Postby Springville Shooter » Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:38 am
The danger that we get into is when we try to impose what is "fun" for us onto other people. What happened to "variety is the spice"?

I think you are confused. nice way to take a head shot at longrange, you missed blowing the jaw off by 2". I also think that the non hunting public is very impressed with "hunters" exploding pd's for fun...

Re: Closest Kill

Postby killerbee » Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:44 pm
and just for the record, i posted a stroy of my awsome year of hunting, only 1 with me being the shooter, but the bull my buddy killed was shot 3 times at 658-668 yrds.( from the first to the 3rd shot) by no means am i anti long range shooters! hmmmm

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Re: fng....that needs advise or help finding a buck i hit

Post by MuleyMadness » Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:23 pm

I feel that a large percentage of ALL types of hunters are simply not prepared and practiced enough to take the shots that they take. Bowhunters, Muzzy guys, and regular medium-range rifle guys are all guilty as groups.
+1 on that statement. I agree! I actually think this thread has been an EXCELLENT topic and discussion myself. Some excellent points made by several folks. Hope we can all live and learn. :thumb

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Re: fng....that needs advise or help finding a buck i hit

Post by killerbee » Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:14 pm

nofuture wrote:
Re: Closest Kill

Postby killerbee » Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:44 pm
and just for the record, i posted a stroy of my awsome year of hunting, only 1 with me being the shooter, but the bull my buddy killed was shot 3 times at 658-668 yrds.( from the first to the 3rd shot) by no means am i anti long range shooters! hmmmm
you can quote me all you want-

let me say it again for you- ARCHERY IS A CLOSE RANGE SPORT

i'm not anti longe range rifle shooters( i will say there are FAR to many guys doing it that shouldn't be, and if you do a search you'll be able to quote me on that as well)

i believe we are talking ARCHERY, or did i miss something?

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Re: fng....that needs advise or help finding a buck i hit

Post by killerbee » Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:21 pm

you know, at the very least you could do is quote my entire post, not just 1 line--------------------------
killerbee wrote:i think there is just a fine line of when shooting long range is ok when it's not.

SHOOTER AND BIG-R, i have absolutly no doubt that your plenty practised enough to enjoy long range shooting, and also have not a secong guess weather you should take those shots. i'm all for it and want to hear the stories.

the other end of the line is the downside. there are WAY TO MANY guys who are watching "best of the west" right now, that just ordered their custom turett for $150 and are " instant long range shooters" that is the part that i dont like.
it's the same with any sport, a guy sees it on tv, goes out once and does decent, and assumes he's as good as the guy he watched on tv.

BUT- all things equal,if i hear 2 stories this year, 1 where a guy got to 5 yrds and killed his elk, and the other where a guy shot his elk at 800 yrds, i'm giving a little bigger pat on the back to the guy :thumb at 5 yrds :thumb
killerbee wrote:and just for the record, i posted a stroy of my awsome year of hunting, only 1 with me being the shooter, but the bull my buddy killed was shot 3 times at 658-668 yrds.( from the first to the 3rd shot) by no means am i anti long range shooters!
i just hate how the readers read this and tomorrow they get set up and are ready to kill their animal at 1000 yrds. same with archery, just a little smaller numbers. guys spouting off about killing a buck at 100 yrds, weekend warrior reads it, tries it one afternoon and gets lucky on the last arrow to put it in the target, from there on he's not afraid to "let er' rip" at 100 yrds, cause he did it once.
no doubt at all you can do it- it just REALLY NEEDS TO BE METIONED who should do it and the work they put into it.
1 more edit- i'm a bow hunter #1, and aqain- by no means am i against long range rifle guys, but i really do get annoyed by anyone who tells me they shoot 80+ yrds with a bow. thats crap IMO)
I'll stand by my statements- thanks buddy

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Re: fng....that needs advise or help finding a buck i hit

Post by derekp1999 » Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:06 am

Great points, opinions, etc. I still stand by the opinion that if we point fingers at one group of hunters we need to point fingers at everyone. We need to know our limits, our equipments limitations, and be responsible regardless of the weapon we choose to hunt with. I was reading the owner's manual of my rangefinder and SEVERAL times in the manual it stated that the hunter is responsible for his/her arrow or bullet regardless of the situation. I think that's the key, especially in light of the reality that non-hunters play more of a role in our opportunities to hunt than most of us are willing to concede.
Personally, I lost the first two bucks that I shot (one rifle - 150 yard shot, one archery - 15 yard shot). I was a teenager each time and to say that I learned a lot from each instance is an understatement. Each of the last two muzzleloader seasons, half a second before I pulled the trigger the last thoughts in my mind were, "What if?" Then my heart sank into my toes and I pulled the trigger. Greatfully both bucks dropped instantly, so perhaps you could say that I'm regaining some confidence.
Also, because of this thread I spent several hours at the range yesterday with my muzzleloader, something that I otherwise may not have done and just trusted that nothing had changed from last year. Nothing had changed luckily and although I know I can put 5 of 6 shots at 200 yards into a 6" circle... ethically and for the sake of the animal I would really struggle with anything longer than probably 135 yards, I'd rather close the gap to 100 yards or even closer. Now in Utah a muzzleloader must have open sights or a non-magnifying scope, this is one of the ways that Utah DWR has decided to limit muzzleloaders and long range wounding shots that could result as a byproduct of the false confidence of "cranking up the power on my scope." It's a good thing, I'm glad the State has that regulation.
killerbee wrote:all sarcasm aside- for the guys who are shooting these rediculous ranges- you are really missing out on the BEST PART OF BOW HUNTING! there is nothing cooler than being 20 yrds from a buck/bull and they dont even know your there. I recomend trying it
A+, +1. Being close to these great animals is a priceless experience. I've been sneezed on by a doe, and nearly trampled by a bull moose... but from those "close encounters" comes the knowledge of big game behavior that will someday hopefully lead to a notched tag zip tied around some hefty antlers in the years to come... assuming we're still granted the privilege to do so.
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Re: fng....that needs advise or help finding a buck i hit

Post by waspocrew » Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:38 pm


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Re: fng....that needs advise or help finding a buck i hit

Post by loco4muleys » Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:52 pm

Been awhile since I've been on the forums, but this has been a really interesting thread with some great points made. Tough to judge a shot without being there, but there's no doubt that, like BOHNTR said, taking shots that are out of range (whether with a bow or rifle) hurts hunting's image in the anti's eyes.

I'm guilty too. I shot a beautiful 4x4 muley in Colorado this year. He was on a dead sprint at 75 yds. I double lunged him, but until I found the blood trail I thought I had missed. I'm ecstatic that I got him, but I still regret taking the shot. At the speed he was going, it was a poor shot that could have easily ended with a wounded animal. It was a lesson learned, thankfully without letting an animal get away.

Hope you're able to track him down.
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Re: fng....that needs advise or help finding a buck i hit

Post by Springville Shooter » Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:11 am

I appreciate you posting some of my old opinions on this thread, I believe that they fit in well with what we have discussed and further prove my points, both originally and now that, first, I maintain that to each their own, and second that I CHOOSE for myself different activities/practices to pursue or avoid. It is the purpose of this forum to express our opinions.......with experiences for others to benefit from. Thank goodness that our opinions vary or this would be a very boring place. For the sake of understanding...... I don't proclaim that there are any hard line ranges where shots become too far, either with a rifle, or a bow. I know my OWN limits with both and my OWN opinions on what defines a short range weapon special hunt where certain types of weapons are restricted because of their ability to kill game at further ranges. Here's the bottom line.... I will never tell you what too far is for you, I will only state my opinions as they pertain to my own choices and how I think different things affect the future of all outdoor sports. In the end, I don't think that we disagree as much as you think we do. And as for your judgements on my shots and shooting prarie dogs, I appreciate your opinion and I hope that you will abstain from these activities yourself. What you don't know is that with my equipment and practice, I could repeat that head shot in those conditions at twice that distance any time, any day. I know because I do it all the time. In fact, my effective range on paper is about 400 yards further than I would ever shoot at an animal. Thats why I don't let insults from guys like you bother me. Anyway, hope this gives you a better understanding about what I meant. So, hike, fling, and be happy. Just a note to all those who have tender feelings, don't post it on here when you wound an animal with an 80 yard shot if you don't want to hear someones opinion about it. -------SS
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Re: fng....that needs advise or help finding a buck i hit

Post by Springville Shooter » Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:21 am

Nofuture wrote:

"I also know that people like that will never change their mind, so this is the last post i will make on the subject. Fire away..."

Are you sure?.........
"Only accurate rifles are interesting"-----Col. Townsend Whelen

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