who wants to fix the deer herds?

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(*Please read the below info before answering) Would you join a voluntary, unit specific, deer club?

Yes, Definently.
No, its a waste of time
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Joined: Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:05 am

Re: who wants to fix the deer herds?

Post by Muley_73 » Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:12 am

I think that this is exactly how the new system will be successful. If you want a say in how "your " unit is ran, then you should get involved and see what will make "your" unit a better place to hunt. What will grow more deer what is hurting and what will help. It will take focused efforts and dedication. So I'm in!!!! I want to see how many little red hens we have out there? Plenty of moaning right now, lets see who iswilling to actually put forth the effort to save our herds.

:thumb :thumb :thumb :thumb :thumb

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Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:55 pm

Re: who wants to fix the deer herds?

Post by AZMIGHTYMULEYS » Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:58 am

IMO, the whole idea is great !!! For the most part, there is already enough winter range for our deer herds. Yes, in some locations there could be some improvements. But, think of this . If we as a group were to really concentrate on predator control alone, (Cougars and Coyotes) the deer herds would improve immensely. I spoke to a wildlife biologist a year or so ago, and he says predator #'s are at all time highs . A cougar kills a deer on average 2 times a week . That's 96 deer a year per cougar . A pack of coyotes on average kill 1 1/2 deer per week . How did he get a half ? It has something to do w/ the #'s in a pack and season . During fawning season they will kill 2 deer or fawns a week . Predator control has been proven to be very affective . Arizona finally is implementing new regulations that will help w/ predator control by using artificial lights, spot lighting for cougar and coyotes .

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