Dan Eastman and Majestics? why would i disagree

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Dan Eastman and Majestics? why would i disagree

Post by Danthe2pointmuleyman » Sat Sep 11, 2004 6:59 pm

Well, first off i congradulate Eastman of course, he has pulled out beautiful an true trophy animals. so has the show Majestics outdoors. But I do have to disagree with them because they talk about high-country mulies an typical bucks. well ur telling me that u wouldnt take a 31 inch spread non-typical? who in their right mind wouldnt take a 30 inch plus buck jus because it wasnt typical. they talk an talk an talk about all this hunting an how it should be done well come on guys u spend 7,000 plus for a guided hunt on a ranch well shoot i think i could pull out a trophy too. do u see those boys hunting public land an pullin out their trophy typical high-country bucks? i dont think so, an i dont think i would pass up a trophy buck on public land jus because it was non-typical neither, i would be countin my lucky stars if i got somethin like that. No offence to them i mean u have have the money why not, but i dont think they should be callin them world class hunters an braggin bout their style of hunting neither. im a firm believer of get out there an do it urself, i mean its called hunting for a reason not pick an choose. The things u dont see on those shows is the true sport of hunting. where are all the other hunters? wheres the pressure? but since it was quiet in this forum i thought i would jus express my feelings about it and see if any replies come up or not
Happy Trails


Post by Anonymous » Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:11 am

hey Danthe2pointmuleyman;

seems as if it has been awhile since your last post? been hunting, or just busy with work and preparation of the upcoming hunt? i have to wait until the 15th of october before i can go in pursuit of my muley. i am concentrating all my efforts to muley hunting this year, as i have drawn out for a pretty good area that i have been applying for for several years. anyways i have found that unlike most years this year seems to be moving along at a rapid pace. maybe it is the fact that i have been spending alot of time at work or maybe it is because i am just trying not to think about the upcoming season. i am as excited as a five year old on christmas morning, but i am trying to remain calm!

as far as your posts is concerned, i have spent many days watching the outdoor channel, thinking about all these people who are paying for these high dollar hunts and then turning around and talking about all the preparation they went through and all the long hours of hiking and stalking and spotting. and when all is said and done want to try to make all of us believe they worked hard for these animals. and all i can really say is this, B.S.!!!!!!!!!! but on the other hand, i basically try not to concern myself with it and let it bother me because like most of us, we know they are full of it. [-X

i don't have the money, and probably never will, to spend on a hunt. and that is o.k. i don't hunt to try and out do everyone. i hunt for myself and no matter what the outcome i am satisfied. if i hunt long and hard and end up with nothing, that is all good! as long as i know i enjoyed myself.

however, with that being said, sometimes i feel like these animals killed with guides and outfitters and basically someone there to hold there hand the entire time and tell them when to shoot, when to eat, when to drink, and when to sleep, should not be classed in the same class as those animals being taken fair chase. because lets be honest, how many of these guided hunts are truely fair chase. you and i both know the difference between a deer killed on public land that is just absolutely crawling with other hunters and a deer being killed on private property with guides. they are just not the same and should not be classified in the same category. there are exceptions to that, alot of the guides and outfitters that are around the area where i live and hunt, do not hunt private property, maybe on a limited area tag, but not on locked up land. these people are just among the lucky hunters that have been lucky enough to draw a special tag. for example, i drew a limited area tag this year, i will be doing it without guides or horses or four wheelers or anything else, just me, the mountain, and the deer. so if i was to shoot a monster deer, it is no different then if i had a general tag and killed it on public land in the national forest that is crawling with hunters.

i must say another crowd that makes me laugh on the outdoor channel is the boys from drury outdoors. they always seem to be hunting these high dollar hunts with little to no competition and when all is said and done, they have a five minute session of whining and complaining about how much effort it required.

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Post by WYMULEYMAN » Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:15 am

that last post was from me, i forgot to log in! it has been awhile since my last post.

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Post by Danthe2pointmuleyman » Sun Sep 12, 2004 5:48 pm

Hey Wymuleyman,

Awesome reply, i agree totally with what u have said and i do watch the outdoor channel also lol I watch these guys complain about the snow or the coldness well i pray for it. I love the snow for the simple fact its easier to track the mulies before an after u shoot an also it gathers up the deer. Not to totally diss on the shows because those are splended mulies gettin pulled out of there and shows how beautiful mule deer are. The reason i havent been around much is because of work an college. I did go up yesterday grouse huntin an got two ruffs. This yr i really broke out the bills but that always means a longer hunting season lol I bought a general Bull Elk Tag and im taking a full week off of work an school to go. It starts on the 9th of October and i am goin to Hoop Lake which is on top on the Uintahs near the Wyoming, Utah border. Than after the Elk hunt ends, the General Mule Deer which starts on the 23 of October and im jus goin to go up on Monte Cristo because i have seen a few boys romin round there and im gonna go see if they wanna play lol I also drew out on the late Ogden South Cow Elk tag and that starts on January 1st so i can't wait for that neither. Im ready for this yr to begin been waitin since last yr for it lol I am at a little bit of a downfall for this yr because i have had no scouting time in which is horrible but what can ya do lol well all of u take care and have a great season this yr
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Post by WYMULEYMAN » Mon Sep 13, 2004 8:04 am

i guess i should make it more clear, i read my post and it makes it sound like i am dissing the boys on the outdoor channel. which was not my intention. those guys are the luckiest boys in the world, and i am envious of them everyday. they pull awesome muleys and elk and everyother species of game, wouldn't that be the life. i just can't help but laugh at some of the ridiculous things they say.

i understand the whole work and college thing, i just graduated almost exactly a year ago to the day. so hunting and school just didn't jive alot of times. however, this is the year! i have plenty of vacation and plenty of money to hit the mountains this year without looking back. to say i am excited would be an understatement.

sounds like an exciting year for you, good luck and i look forward to hearing about the hunts.

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Post by YoungBuck » Wed Sep 15, 2004 9:11 am

So what you two are saying is if you had an extra 100,000 grand in your pocket and hunting was your passion you wouldnt even be tempted to spend 5 grand on a guided hunt? I know I would! Not all guides are bad, I know a couple of guides and they are fair chase on public land....and they harvest nice animals from time to time....and show their clients a good time.
You guys cant say if you won the lottery you would just leave your hunting for public land......knowing that on the private land the animals have had years to grow to their potential. Its not like the deer on private land will let you come up and pet them....you still have to hunt for them! From all of the pressure from the past 100 years of hunting deer have been ingrained with human=RUN or HIDE. I have been on private property watching deer....and they are the same as the deer on public land.....skidish as burn and smart as burn too.

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Post by Fishdoggy » Wed Sep 15, 2004 11:10 am

First time I am on this forum, but I am liking it already. As for the shows I don't see many of them. I believe if your watching tv you would be better off out in the field doing something else. But I do see some when traveling and staying in motels, and I am always a little bit jealous. The amount of time spent on a half hour of footage is probably 40 to 100 hours per half hour show. We never see the unproductive hours, and hunting is hunting even if your on private land. The success rates and trophy potential is higher and that is what is paid for. Every person trades time for money or money for time. I decided long ago that time spent in the field was far better than working for money, and paying some guide, so I could spend less time hunting. Not all hunters have come to that point, killing game is status to a lot of folks, and will even shoot them behind a fence.
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Post by WYMULEYMAN » Wed Sep 15, 2004 8:10 pm

Hey youngbuck,

first of all let me say, howdy! then let me say ARE YOU CRAZY! of course i would spend that kind of money on one of those "butt burner" hunts, where i can have a guide tell me when to shoot, when to eat, and when to pick my nose. i would absolutely pay to hunt, all i said in my posts, which you would know if you read them carefully, i just can't afford to pay for one. but i would do it at the drop of a hat! all i am saying about these hunts is that it is hard to classify the deer killed on these hunts in the same class as those killed on general, public land! not that those animals don't deserve credit, they are just of a different class. thats all! i also would not consider those type of hunts as real hard or time consuming. not to say that all guided hunts are easy, i think the guides just do an excellent job in providing there hunters quality game with little or no effort on the hunters part. but the effort of those guides should be highly commended. at least for the most part, i am sure there have been bad experiences had by a few people.

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Post by Danthe2pointmuleyman » Mon Sep 20, 2004 7:48 pm

Well Hello all of u,

I am not dissing on the sport of Guided hunts or private lands. I have plenty of things i can use the money for. I am satisfied hunting on publics lands with thousands of other hunters, I am not crazy enuff to spend thousands of dollars for a guided hunt so i can get a big Muley. I love to hunt the general hunts and thats just me. If I had alot of money, I would own a big house with a few hundred acres behind it and a trout pond lol but I dont have that much money so im satisfied with what I have now. A two point can big just as big as one of those Mulies they pull out to me. If ya earned it, ya cant be ashamed of that.
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Post by wyomingtrophyhunter » Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:00 am

Yee-haw !! 16 days until the gun opener in Wyo.

And yeah, I will be utilizing the services of a guide. And I will be hunting on public land. And it will be fair chase. And it won't be easy.

The guide lets us hunt the way we want, shoot when we want, and drink when we want. He is essentially only our point man in the area...doing the scouting in our behalf since we cannot just cruise out to the area (1200 miles from Arkinsaw) any old time we please. And yeah, we pay him for his time and his services; everyone has to make a living.

I guess the point is that we all have limitations: time, distance, money, skill, etc. We must all counteract the limitations we have with those we don't have. Lucky indeed is the man who is wholly self-reliant in his hunting exploits.

That being said, I do find it downright vulgar and insulting to have TV "zoo hunts" thrown in my face as some sort of exercise in sportsmanlike prowess. I know guys who spend mega bucks going to those deer pens in Illinois or those ranches in Tejas to shoot "old number 231" (with a Kimber or a Dakota) chasing a feeder on a jeep at exactly 4 pm(according to their Rolex). They come back with monster mounts and bragging rights and record-breaking trophy stats. I have yet to observe anything in their demeanor that even resembles satisfaction, however.

Maybe my opinion is just a manifestation of a poor old "have-not" being envious of a "have"; perhaps we all work for what we get, regardless of how we get it.

Time/skill = money. It takes one or the other.
"Make 'em leak"


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