Attention:UTAH Hunters, Guides, and Outfitters!!

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Attention:UTAH Hunters, Guides, and Outfitters!!

Post by shedhunter » Sat Jan 29, 2005 1:18 am

Have you ever thought of guiding?? Do you currently guide and are fed up with permits and paperwork?? Do you guide & aren't really supposed to be?? Have you thought about making some extra money by guiding someone in your spare time??

Wouldn't it be nice if you as a Utah hunter could turn a hobby into a way to do what you love and get paid for it?? AND wouldn't it be nicer if you could do it legally and not have to deal with the hassel of paperwork, permits, insurance, and taxes??

My plans are still in the making but if anyone is interested in guiding ACROSS the state of Utah, or if you are currently a guide or outfitter and want to get rid of the business side of your job, then let me know! There could be a way around all the mess! Just leave me a post below or a personal message on this site, and I'd be glad to talk to you about it more in depth!

Thanks for taking time to read this, and I am just an average every day guy, not some salesman trying to screw you out of money! So if you really are serious, get ahold of me and let me know, there is potential in this, if it all works out!

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Location: Big Sky Country

Post by bittersweetmuleymeat » Sat Jan 29, 2005 11:11 am

If you accept $ for hunting services, I guess there will still be a "business side of it" Also consider regulation. Realtors, lawyers, stockgrowers, guides and outfitters and just about any other group of professionals has an association or board that listens to (hopefully both) the folks in the industry and the other public it effects.
Dont get me wrong, with all do respect, it would be a wonderfull world to not have to be insured, bonded and licenced to make $ doing what you love. I would love to do that. Just take the time to really look at what you are trying, why it is the way it is now and what the outcome may be if it was drastically changed. Im not a real big fan of paying taxes either, but I try to remind myself we live in the greatest country on the face of the Earth. There is a ton of things our $ is spent on that just burn me, but there is alot of good things too. So when I write my checks to state and fedral goverments this month I will write them with a smile. (Just kidding, a frown as there goes my moose hunt $) but at least I will write them with a sense of pride knowing I have paid what was asked of me to keep our country partly the way it is, and partly to improve it.
Guess Im not sure what your "plan" is so I cant say its bad, Im just saying think it through.
Heres to hoping you WILL make a living doing what you truly love some day. (Really)

A fellow sportsman

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Location: Cedar City, UT


Post by shedhunter » Sun Jan 30, 2005 12:32 am


I have sent you a personal message on this site, hope it helps clear things up! I just am in the beginning stages of this and still havent got the ball rolling yet. I am still waiting on imput and trying to see about avalibility and support from sportsmen alike. Not only to you, but anyone else that reads this, if you have any questions or concerns, get ahold of me with the personal message or email buttons below any of my posts. Any imput/opinion, positive or negative, is welcome! Hope the Personal message helps clarify things!

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Location: Cedar City, UT


Post by shedhunter » Sun Jan 30, 2005 12:42 am

For those worried about the same things that bittersweet was, let me say that this is legal (as far as I can see) and it DOES involve the permits, licenses, insurance, tax information and such that it takes to LEGALLY guide. There is a way to simplify the process though. Seriously, if you see any discrepancies in this or ANY thing wierd or unusual let me know!

The whole idea behind this is that the guide just hits the woods and provides a good hunt, under an outfitters license. Makes more money, takes less headache with the paper work and "buisness end" of it all.

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Joined: Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:49 am
Location: Big Sky Country

Post by bittersweetmuleymeat » Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:15 am

No offense taken, and in all honesty, you have nothing to be sorry about. Like I had mentioned earlier. I cannot say that your idea was a bad one as I dont know what it all entails. (you know, the logistics of the whole operation) The things I mentioned were just a few that came to mind that might be obstacles for you. For the most part, I try to be open minded about any ideas involving the pastime of hunting.
I just began these online forums a week ago and twenty years from now I hope to be sitting as a member of the Montana Fish and Game Commision making decisions for us all. I am not college educated, I am not a lawyer or a biologist but I too, love to hunt and feel our states Commision needs some direction from the "average Joe" What a better way to "practice" than to spend time on great sites such as this. Ultimately, when a decision is made it is almost a sure thing that everyone involved will not be happy with it. Lets try to make decisions that are the best for the wildlife (most importantly) and ones that assure all of us sportsman have an opportunity to enjoy doing the things we love and our grandchildren have the same opportunity.
And I am serious about sitting on the game commision. I will make that a goal. Glad to see you are proceeding with your idea by inviting imput from the rest of us. Off I go shed hunting, good day!

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