wolf pics for school project can you help me

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Post by supersiderjr » Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:04 am

thanx for the pix their all really goodoh yeah and any pics will help

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Post by oakbrush » Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:47 pm

Here is a couple of pics. Crazy how they are just laying around waiting for the animal to die.

http://www.monstermuleys.info/dcforum/D ... /9535.html

Good luck,

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Post by johnb » Fri Mar 16, 2007 9:53 am

supersiderjr wrote:my project is on how nonhunter and some of us hunters are sayin that the wolves are killing all the animals but what i think is that we kill ore animals then the wolves. i think they only kill for survival
Wolves have been documented killing for more than survival. I saw a really good article on it recently, I'll try to dig it up. Overall certainly humans take more animals than wolves, but in specific environments the wolves can decimate a population. The reason it is a hotly contested subject is because it is a complex one with no clear right or wrong answer. Good luck with your project.

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Post by supersider34 » Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:49 pm

Sorry all my son has heard me talk for years about wolves and all and like he stated about the wolves in his last comment is like I explained to him after he wrote this is not all wolves kill just to kill. Some do. Just like humans one bad apple can mess it up for all and get a stereo type put to them.
I still find the game out there hunting in area's where the wolves are and he has been with me. So when he listens to me talk and explain thing to him about making up his own conclusion about something instead of just hearing stories then he will mold into his own. So like I said he listens to dad talk and still is coming to understand about hunting he will learn to make up his own mind on things. I will not push a wolf hater as I have sat and listened to more than one person down talk wolves as to why they do not harvest an animal. One person I listened to explained it and hit it on the head. If you do find or see wolves and you leave an area because of it then you are being very stupid. I asked why that was and was told Do you think the wolves would be there if there was no game to hunt.
That whole conversation made more sense to me than any other that I have heard. And with that I have stayed in area's most would not and still see game and harvest my share of animals.
But my son is getting hard core like Dad is and he is going to be 15 this year and he is getting there as he is asking for help and asking questions

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