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Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:22 pm
I agree with with big buck as well. Epsecially with this being her first deer with a bow you gotta start somewhere and not many new hunters are looking for a big trophy. They just want an experience and it sounds like thats what she had. Congrats on the buck!

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:25 pm
TRPHYHNTR_11, great point! A first buck is ALWAYS a trophy in my book!

Not to mention, although I am not a bow hunter I can certainly appreciate how much more difficult it is to connect with a bow vice a rifle. I think that also says a lot!!

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:24 pm
by MuleyMadness

I feel the same way! It's not all about the size of the horns on the head...heck I took a small guy last year. I wanted the meat in the freezer.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:19 pm
Congrats to Mrs. 3D.....nothing wrong with that buck at all. I guess some folks just need to find a way to bring others down.......definitely not the first time and unfortunately probably not the last. I respect the fact that someone hunts for THEMSELVES and not others.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:58 pm
by a3dhunter
Thanks guys,
I have to say, even other hunters we met up there were happy for her taking that spike and congratulated her. She wore a grin ear to ear for a while and would make comments about not doing camp chores and stuff that she usually does, when I asked why she wasn't doing these things she would get that silly grin and reply "because I killed a buck!" then go off laughing at me!

As far as my deer, I am very happy with the meat in the freezer and that I had an opportunity to take what I consider a perfect meat buck, and I would do it again.
I can also say that I would not have shot that buck unless it was the last evening of my hunt, holding out for a better buck. When it comes down to the last night, I want the meat!
Some people say don't pass on a buck the first day that you will take the last day and I disagree with that. What I am looking for when hunting depends on the area I am in and what it is capable of producing, but come the last day of the hunt I want a deer.

I also want my hunt to last as well, in 2002 I shot a three point (my biggest buck killed at the time) on the second day of the hunt and then spent the next 7 days watching bigger bucks walk away from me that I couldn't do anything about.

For all those out there questioning those small bucks, ask yourself:
Do you really like the taste of the meat?
Do antlers matter more than steaks?
Do you have more time to hunt with that tag?
What will you be happy with in the end?

I am very proud of my wife and very happy with my buck!

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:00 pm
by Coloradobuck
exalint buck and i agree. why pass up a buck with lots of good meat for one that has big antlers. you cant eat antlers!

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 10:30 pm
You COULD shoot does to fill the freezer and let the little TINY bucks get a few years on them,why whack 1.5 year old bucks for meat?Its a very simple managment method that will allow hunters to take mature deer,most of us DO care about the rack and dont kill bucks for meat alone,im sorry my opinion is so FAR OUT OF LINE!

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 7:55 am
by oldcp
In TX it takes an act of congress to get a doe tag for muleys. Are they easier to get in other states?

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 8:29 am
by Coloradobuck
over the counter here in colorado. and NONYA, it's better to leave some older bucks to spread their genes. and i aint going to pass up a small buck to wait for the buck of a life time to show up. i care a bout meat then i do antleres. i will get a big buck when my time comes, but un till then i will take small bucks.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 10:06 am
by a3dhunter
NONYA, would have been a nice idea if the tag was good for a doe in that area, but that isn't legal during gun season. Antlered deer only. As far as meat, I would rather take a doe for meat but I am not going to give up hunting time and tag out early just to take a doe.

Same thing goes for my Colorado tag, buck only. I am not going to pay another $300 just to get a doe tag.
While those of us who hunt bucks do care about antlers, it isn't reason enough to turn away the meat a $300 tag that is already purchased could put on the table. I passed up these small bucks for 8 days of hunting with a bow and for 11 hours of hunting with a rifle, if it hadn't been the last choice I wouldn't have taken him.

As I said before, good meat.