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Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:15 pm
by 79Ford
bigbuck92 wrote:congrats to your dad 79ford. i swear that ive seen him before. he looks way familiar
Hmmm, anything is possible. Just not sure where you'd know him from though.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 7:56 am
by killerbee
79Ford wrote:Nice buck Brett. Congrats to your brother.

My Dad was able to connect with a 3x3 on Sunday morning. Due to two cancer surgeries and being in the middle of his radiation treatments he was limited to shooting with a borrowed .357 mag pistol and his 9mm carry pistol. He took this buck with one shot to the lungs with the .357 at only 7 yards. :222

My tag on the other hand is still uncut. I find it interesting that 9er and ridgetop didn't find anything up high. We went up high opening morning and saw probably 50 or so deer, 5 being bucks, 2 of those I should have looked at a little closer because looking back i think they were bigger than I thought at the time.

Sunday after my dad got his deer right at legal light, we decided to hunt down low in the cedars, we walked all day and never saw a deer. Saw very few tracks until we got close to the edge of the hay fields.

So, today we were back up at about 8500ft and saw probably 60-70 deer and 6 of those were smaller bucks (3 point or smaller).

Tomorrow we'll be back up high and hopefully we can see something worth puting a bullet in the chamber for. We're really limited with time because my dad has to be back at the house by 1:00 so he can make the 2 hour (each way) trip to Salt Lake for his radiation treatments. Also we are pretty confined to being close to the road since his energy level depleats quickly.

I'm so used to shooting the first legal buck i see, that seeing all these smaller bucks is really wearing at my integrity to hold out for a big one. But I'll hold out for a few more days and then the little ones will start to get a little more time in my binoculars. I hate to shoot a young buck, but just the thought of eating tag soup gives me heartburn.

Well, that's the deer hunting report from this side of the mountain.
AWSOME!!! congrats to your dad on the deer! 7yrds, with a pistol, i'd say thats an awsome trophy! great job :thumb

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:29 am
by daveytech
Fine deer. The pistol kill is truly awesome.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:07 pm
by hound_hunter
We had 5 tags in camp this year and filled 4 on the opener. I'm in the pic. in the middle but that's my little brothers buck, I got mine on the archery :) [-o< - He decided to take it at the last second after we spotted him and looked him over for a while, we thought he was a 2X2 (and really that's all he is, haha) but my little bro wanted a 4 pt. as he does every year, me and the old man talked him into taking it saying that it would be a great first buck for him - As luck would have it with this kid (you don't understand, he is the luckiest punk i've ever met - always wins guns and 4 wheelers in raffles and that sort of stuff) it's a little 2X4, haha. Also has the smallest body i've ever seen on a deer. Smaller than an antelope even! But anyways the bro was inside the cabin cleaning up some and these other guys were about to head off so I figured i'd get a pic of all the bucks. The one missing is my uncle who downed a 3 pt. a lot like the one on your left in the photo, only it was a little narrower and a bit taller. The 2 guys on either side of me are my cousins friends, they usually come down and join our family for the hunt.

Overall, not a bad year - I think everyone was pretty happy with what they got. That snow was nice!! Now I got Colorado in 2 weeks, CAN'T WAIT! That's when the REAL huntin' starts 4c


Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 5:11 pm
hound_hunter/79Ford, CONGRATS to the families!

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:54 pm
by JBird
I had cousin tag out on the opener, and his brother shot at five different bucks today, but never connected. Then a buddy missed a nice buck this evening. I'm not sure how big he was cause when I saw him through the binos he was 800yrds away toping the ridge.

Glad to see some success from the rest of you though. Hopefully I'll have somethingt to post next week when my Pausnagant hunt starts.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:28 pm
by Torch
Congrats on the success everyone! :thumb

I dropped the hammer on a good buck, but I just got home so I will try to get a few pics up in a couple of days.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:14 pm
by 9er
Im gonna give it one more try tomorrow and see what i can find!


Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:48 am
by Shedfreak88
I shot a 30inch strait 4 point on the second to last day

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:38 am
by MuleyMadness

What are you talking about, there IS NO big bucks left. :)

Just messin with ya man! Sounds like a HECK of a buck, look forward to some pics. That's sounds like a whopper.