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Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:18 pm
by flyn_y
If you want to get involved so badly why dont you get involved in archery you dont have to kill any thing just poke holes in paper. tell you mom its a olympic event. When I was in school we learned about archery in P.E. I dont know about where you live but I shoot all the time in my yard I dont even have to pay for range time :arrow


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:07 pm
by huntergirl
I don't mean to be rude and no offense if you do it, but shooting paper with an arrow??? Booooriiiing! To me at least... But I want the action! You know, the fun stuff! Out in the woods or plains stalking, staying put, sitting in tree stands or blinds or other stuff! Just waiting for to see those beautiful creatures and taking them down...that sounds wierd.... But I don't want to stand in front of a piece of paper and shoot it with a bow and arrow! Sure...hunting with a bow and arrow! That's cool! And guns....but you get my drift right?

No offense!
-huntergirl :thumb :arrow

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:42 pm
Learn to walk before you run!

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:20 pm
by flyn_y
well if you dont want to punch holes in paper you can keep punching the keys on your key board that must not be to boring


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:58 pm
by huntergirl
I will be replying to the last 2 posts in order.

1.) Thanks...that was a great way to put it...I should learn to shoot targets before going straight out into the field and shooting at a live animal. I know I have to take a hunting training course if I ever, by some miraculous chance, get to actually go hunting some day. But that is a very good point. Thank you.

2.) Now that was rude. I can't help if I can't hunt!!! That should be very obvious. If I could, I would be hunting every cahnce I got and I wouldn't be talking about not being able to hunt! The closest I can get to hunting is watching hunting shows, playing hunting video games, and going on hunting websites. I can learn, enjoy, and have contact with real hunters. I can experience hunting without going out and actually taking animals. That was really immature talking about just typing on the keyboard being fun. And I'm very offended because I think it IS fun typing on the keyboard because it is a way of talking to real hunters! If I actually hunted, I would not think it that fun. And you can actually hunt! You don't unerstand what it's like to want something that badly! I don't have a chance. My family doesn't have much money. Nor much time. We have to spend our money wisely. Not to mention our time. I just don't have a chance and you can hunt. Even if you don't hunt often, I have only hunted three times. And that was in three dreams. Not even in reality. If you can't help being that selfish and vain, don't post messages on my topics unless you are apologizing for being that inconciderate! I'm not going to say please for anything because you should have thought it through before you went and did that. And do you know how much pain you can cause just by typing something that short??? You probably saw what other hunters posted on my topics. They were supportive and understanding. And then there's you. Selfish. Inconciderate. Downright mean. And don't go complaining to the other members about this reply because they will most likely read this and they will hear my point and agree. =; If they don't, they are as selfish and inconciderate as you. :dumb Just as. I hope you're happy with yourself. Just think before you say anything on anymore posts!!! :-k

-a very mad huntergirl

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:15 am
by bittersweetmuleymeat
burn hath no fury like a woman scorn.


Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 3:06 pm
by huntergirl
What's that mean? Is that insulting me??? Better not be...I had a good point. Good pointS actually.
:1 hmmmmmm



Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 8:18 pm
by huntergirl



Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 2:58 pm
by dead shot
one of the most important things to not look over while hunting is watching for sign. things like tracks that have nothings on top of them like it has rained. another very important thing for a successful hunt is to scout the area you are going and know where the animals are. a good spotting scope is worth its weight in gold for scouting. if you are serious i suggest you get a good spotting scope. it will help a lot.
good luck


Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 5:59 pm
by huntergirl
Thanks, I forgot, after training classes that's one thing I need to get...a spotting scope...that's surely one thing I need to get. Thanks again.
