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Re: In Pursuit of "Cover"

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:01 am
by Mularcher
therookie wrote: Too bad this sight doesn't have a app that notify you when a post is made.
therookie hit the Subscripe Topic box below and you'll get a email when there is a new post on this thread.

I'm waiting for a pic of big buck and a hunter at the end of this thread???...

Re: In Pursuit of "Cover"

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:29 pm
by MuleyMadness
Here is some (poor) video of the big Typical on the right on Private ground...

Re: In Pursuit of "Cover"

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:02 pm
by MuleyMadness
July 18th would be my next scouting opportunity, exactly 1 month till opening day. Man things are getting exciting as the hunt creeps closer and closer. Anticipation is high as time draws nearer and nearer and velvet growth will be slowing down soon.

My trip turned up the same nice 3-point from earlier, looking even better.

I also turned up these group of bucks, a decent 4-point with mass and couple okay 4-points. Plus the crab clawed 4-point with a cheater. But these bucks aren't what you wait for the Premium tag for, or are they?


Hang it there still 4 weeks left till the opener, still in pursuit of "cover"...

Re: In Pursuit of "Cover"

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:20 am
by Northface

Absolutely awesome posts, just as many others have mentioned, I find myself checking back everyday for new updates. Great scouting photos and capture of some neat bucks. I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out.

Re: In Pursuit of "Cover"

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:05 pm
by MuleyMadness
Thanks for the kind words MM friends, your replies keep me interested in continuing also.

Well the morning of the 18th of July I had 2 goals in mind, find the sweet non-typical cheater buck and a new monster.

I accomplished one of those goals and here is the sweet video to show...

I managed to get some great footage on 40 power through my Spotter. Check out the awesome dropper off the beam that has grown a lot since my last time finding him. The trash and character, just might make him to hard to pass. (He looks best in HD, change the settings to 720p)

But what about the trail cams, haven't checked them in a while...time to open the "cover" and have a look inside goal 2?? ...

Re: In Pursuit of "Cover"

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:25 pm
by 9er
Awesome post, thanks for taking us along!!!

Re: In Pursuit of "Cover"

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:33 pm
by MuleyMadness
Alright well I opened up the "cover" of my 4 trail cams, and I got a picture that got me really excited...kinda...sorta....or did it?

I wasn't exactly sure what to think, kinda washed out and blurry from moving. But I'm thinking I'm seeing a cheater or two and right side and good fronts. And the photo is from June 17 from the time stamp...things are looking good and looking up.

Glad I finally cracked the "cover" on the trail cam.
But this is only one of 4 cams, what about the others??...

Re: In Pursuit of "Cover"

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:55 pm
by MuleyMadness
Here is some video I shot of some of the bucks in a previous post through my binos...

Re: In Pursuit of "Cover"

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:47 pm
by MuleyMadness
Well I opened up the other 3 trail cams and on 2 of them was nothing exciting at all, so as I popped open the "cover" on the final trail cam I'm starting to wonder if it's a bust on this camera also. Then all of a sudden I come across this photo...WALLA, MONEY, SWEET CHERRY PIE, that my friends is a big buck. And could he have posed any better for the photo? It's like he just wanted his picture taken.

I'm thinking I just found a GIANT, and as near as I can tell he is an 8x8 which a spit eye guard on his left side (possible point or two on his right base as well). The best news I've seen all summer and the best photo also. What are the odds, I was ecstatic. But I had yet to see the buck "alive" or in person. Would I ever?

Better yet the time stamp on the trail camera was June 21st, still plenty of time to grow. How big would he get?
Quest now was to get more trail cam pics of him, would it happen??

Re: In Pursuit of "Cover"

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:55 pm
by MuleyMadness
Well I tried and tried to get more trail cam pictures of the "Big Boy" non-typical. I was struggling big time to find him, let alone get trail camera pictures. I decided I had to go on a full out onslaught to capture him on trail cams. So I soon increased my count of 4 trail cams in field to NINE. That's right I was now going to run 9 trails cams in hopes of turning up the big boy again. More trail cams than I've ever run before. I'm I crazy I thought? This is time consuming and a lot of work just for a lousy mule deer. :)

In the meantime I continued to scout for other bucks, hoping to jump another giant from "cover".

Here is my next trip, I found some good bucks but there has to be more than one big buck left alive. ](*,)


And some video...