How to hunt

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Whats the way to hunt?

by 4 wheeler
by hikin the back country
by horseback
by truck or 4x4
Total votes: 32

Don Fischer
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Post by Don Fischer » Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:49 am

By the way, I'm not suggesting anyone give up their weapon, whatever it may be and reguardless of my personnal feeling's on certain weapons, for a camera. Shoot, use whichever you like, or both or even neither. Maybe you just like to look!


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Post by Danthe2pointmuleyman » Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:17 pm

Hey Don,
I have horses and i love them to death. I have hunted off horseback a few times and it is soemthing else. Oh i love it man i just love horseback riding period. I am a big time trail rider and it is an awesome deal to experience it. I have 4 wheelers and drive snowmobiles and got my ole 4 wheel drive Dodge which always see mud and i have my horses. I can see all points of everybody's convos and the view in which they are coming from also. You know i am one to say each is own because everyone is titled to their own opinion and ways of life. I am 17 yrs ole movin upwards to 18 so i got plenty of time to experience life and what it has to offer but one thing i can tell ya is my dad is movin on 50 and he has a bad bad back which he needs to go into surgery but he refuses and my uncle has a bad shoulder and back. The 4 wheeler is a blessing for them because they don't have to give up what they love and can still get around to places which they cant walk far enuff to. I know i dont want my dad or uncle to give up hunting because it isnt the same without them and i love going with them and thats the most important thing to me is my family. I liek your story and the thing with the camera well i can understand your point of view also. A picture is worth a thousand words and you captured it all right there. We dont need a big buck hangin dead to enjoy the wildlife and memories of the outdoors and thats a fact right there or at least my two unpolished pennies worth. I love baggin one because i hafta say, i am ADDICTED to jerky and ohhh what better jerky is there than elk and deer jerky eh. Well take it easy and enjoy the winter weather.
Happy Trails

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Posting my opinion.

Post by huntergirl » Wed Feb 16, 2005 3:24 pm

Hi people...None of you know me but I'd love to hunt on horseback...I'm a horseback rider too...the reason I said "I'd" is cause I don't really hunt...I WOULD LOVE TO THOUGH! MY PARENTS WONT LET ME!!!!! [-o< [-o< [-o< But anyway...I'd love to hunt on horseback across the trails

P.S.-read "sad huntergirl" and reply please! :thumb

-huntergirl (Blake Antoniewski)

Don Fischer
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Post by Don Fischer » Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:14 pm

Hunter Girl I'ed guess your rather young. Likely your parent's don't hunt either or if they do they just don't think your ready yet. Whatever it is, your time will come, be patient. Perhaps your parent's would let you go to an AKC field trial? If so, go watch the gun dog stakes, the other's will likely confuse you at this point in your life. One of the nice thing's, for me anyway, is bird hunting is no longer about killing bird's, it's about watching dog's do what they do and looking for the rare dog that absolutely capture's your emotion's. The dog that make's you sit up in the saddle and watch for fear of missing something. If your folk's ride maybe they could go with you/ The nice thing about AKC trials is that anyone is welcome to ride the stake's in the gallery and watch. You'll also find a lot of people there who'll be more than glad to ride with you and explain what's going on. Another thing you'll find is that there are even people there that do not hunt as we precieve it. The thing about hunting,maybe you need to learn it now, is once you've put the quarry in a position where it's had, the hunting is over and the killing begins. If at some point in your life you reach that point, your gonna have an awsome responsibility to do it right. Killing, or harvesting if you'd rather, is the termination of life, that should alway's alway's be done as humely as possible, allowing the animal all the dignity in death you can muster. It is a huge responsibility, don't take it lightly. If you can't do it right, don't do it at all! For now you can still hunt but your weapon will be your eye's or maybe even a camera. I've shot a lot of animals with a gun but I've shot many more with a camera. The one's I've done with a camera have lived for someone else to hunt, maybe you! Yet there image is mine forever. Oh, I didn't mention. About the AKC trials, they're pointing dog trials. Spaniel trials ane walked. If it's ok with your folk's and you can't find any, let me know and what area your in and I'll see what I can do.

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Post by fatrooster » Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:31 am

I hunt with all of the methods mentioned. I owne horses, 4-wheeler, truck. My favorite method is hiking in and bivvy camping in the high country. I do believe that the 4-wheeler has played its owne role in allowing people to get into those very remote areas that deer like to hide resulting in more deer and game to be harvested. As far as abuse on the country with 4-wheelers go I do not think its the 4-wheelers fault. People abuse country, not 4-wheelers. Just the same as "People kill people, guns don't kill people!" The country and game can be abused by any method. I don't hate 4-wheelers. I hate the fact that some people abuse the country and the game on 4-wheelers, on horses, in trucks, on foot, in air planes, etc., etc. But let tell you about the things I love. I love to sit on a mountain and watch a herd of deer through my optics when they do not know I'm there, I love to have a whitetail snif a mock scrape under my tree stand while I try not to move a muscle for fear of being detected, I love to sit around a campfire and razz my buddies about missing a deer or being too lazy to get outta bed after a week of hard hunting, I love a hot shower or a bath at the hot springs after a few days in the mountains, I love looking back at my pictures of my lifetime of hunting, I love riding my horse into the mountains on my way to a much anticipated hunt, I love tying a deer on the rack of a four wheeler, I love the exertion of hiking into the mountains to hunt or better, packing out my game. And the list goes on and on. What do you guys love about your hunts???? fatrooster.

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Post by salty » Fri Feb 25, 2005 8:53 pm

I have no four wheeler and lost my horse to my first wife. I take the hole hunt off and spend time in the hills and after a few days of hiking I due enjoy going for a ride in the hills and my new wife realy enjoys it to! So I better keep her happy or I might end up loseing my jeep also. lol ](*,)
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Post by wrmdnkr » Tue May 31, 2005 2:01 pm

everyone should check out the Utah DWR website. There was a post on there about 20 pages long from people fighting about what is right and wrong. I personally would use a four wheeler to get to where I hunt, and to haul out my deer, but I only actually hunt by foot. That's just what I like to do. As for hunting on roads in Utah, you can HUNT by roadside means, but as for shooting from a vehicle or from a highway, that is not legal.
peace out Napoleon

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