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Re: Old School Hunters Code

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:32 am
by NotEnufTags
Looking for a big one has issued a great challange in this thread. Earlier this year I told of how I showed a hunter how to do the gutless method of quartering his buck. I also packed down two of the quarters. Although it helped the other hunter out, it was very self serving. I got a lot of joy out of experiencing the time this hunter was having with his father and friend at the kill site. My eight year old was with me. (again self serving) He got to experience more of what hunting is about and is pretty excited to be a twelve year old. Although self serving, it benefited both of us.

Now back to the old school hunters code. I posted this story in the hunting pet peeves thread but thought I'd copy and paste it over to here as it applies.

After hearing about a granpda that in essence took a buck away from another hunter, I remembered this story.

Let me tell you about a grandpa that did it the right way. My brother was 16. His first deer hunt and none of us could make the trip. He shot a 4x3. Not a perfect shot but it would have been lethal with a small wait. The buck ran down hill about 150 yards and then slowed to a staggering walk. The blood trail down to him was significant. A father and a son had heard his shot. They were in the basin below my brother. When they saw the staggering buck they shot it. When my brother got down to it they ignored him. They just started gutting it. My brother said hey guys thats my buck. The dad said I don't think so! So my brother, completely dejected hiked back to camp. There was a grandpa sitting on a four wheeler near our camp site. He asked my brother if he was alright, becuase of his discouraged look. My brother proceeded to tell the story. He said the grandpa got irate. He said Boy if I ever get a hold of the guys that did that to you they'll be sorry. My brother went over and laid in his tent with his feet hanging out the tent door. About an hour later, he felt somebody grabbing his foot. It was the dad that had told him to leave and took his deer. The grandpa was his father. When grandpa told him what my brother had said they presented my brother with his buck. Field dressed and packed out. He didn't get to experience his first field dressing experience but he came home with a nice buck.

I'd say that grandpa had some old school ethics.

Re: Old School Hunters Code

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:34 pm
by PhillyB
l must have missed this thread in September, but as many have already commented, this is an awesome read. l too cannot say enough good things about the people on this site.

l too have a story about the honesty that should accompany hunting. At the wise age of 24 years old, l began to take a true interest in bow hunting. Being a broke college student, quality equipment was hard to come by, especially quality bino's. On the family deer hunt in Northern Nevada, we had met another group of hunters in a Jeep. After a brief conversation and exhanges of "have you had any luck?" we were on our way. For some reason, l noticed the man in the passenger seat had a set of Swarovski bino's, l mean REALLY nice ones. Man those are great binos. Well the week progressed, as did the hunt. Later on in the week, l was headed back to camp on a dirt road and found his expensive binoculars laying dead center on the road. There was no one around and no body would know i took them.

During that long walk back to camp, l played the scenario over and over in my mind, debating on what l should do. This was more than a question of hunter ethics, this was a moral dilemma and questioned my faith as a man of God and a husband. l considered myself an honest person and didnt want that to change. That being said l made up my mind if i had the chance to return the binos, l would without question or hesitation.

Later that week, I again passed the group in the Jeep. They were loaded up and headed out, they were done with their hunt. AS the Jeep approached l waved them down and returned the glasses. The man in the drivers seat was astonished that someone would return them. l said l hoped all hunters would do the same and wished them a safe trip.

Now l dont tell this story to toot my own horn but to give proof of "deer karma". To that point the hunt had stunk, l missed a 35 yard shot at a forkie broadside, my Dad was sick the entire time and l was not enjoying myself. Once the binos were returned, my luck changed. l swear to this day, that act of honesty changed my entire trip and outlook on hunting. That year l killed my biggest buck, a 3x3, and attribute it to the fact l was honest not only with others, but most importantly with myself. Therefore the Deer God's smiled on me for keeping Hunters code :thumb

Re: Old School Hunters Code

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:42 pm
by Lookin 4 a Big 1
Muley_73, Quoted;
"Lastly, I think we are beyond the 9 days in the field with family and friends. This is sad, but true. Our focus has to be on improving our overall deer numbers".


Your comments sadden me my friend. Nothing personal, I've seen the propaganda before and I can tell you "That dog don't hunt". Maybe it is because I find myself as part of a generation who has different priorities. Maybe our time and opinions have run their course. This may be an effort by myself, to selfishly use this forum in a desperate attempt to return to a time or conditions which I remember to be described as brighter days. Maybe you'll have to trust me when I say "I just know better". You see when I was a teen, I remember a time in the 70's and 80's when some 200,00 Utah hunters were in the field hunting. A time when local sporting goods stores such as Sunset Sports and Wolfs had statewide "Big Buck Contests" where the winners won a brand new Jeep, hunting rifles, shopping spree's ect. It seemed like there were plenty of good bucks to go around back then. Hunting was a family tradition. Schools were out on the friday before the deer hunt because the schools knew that a majority of the students would not be present anyway. All centered around two great traditions; families and hunting.

Then it happened. The powers that be decided a couple of things that would forever change the landscape of Utah hunting traditions.

1st they decided to prioritize the quality of the elk herds at the expense of the deer herds. Old timers had great concern. They worried that the quality of Mule Deer herds would suffer in exchange for a limited entry opportunity to hunt elk. They also thought that they might only realize one chance to hunt a limited entry elk in a lifetime. That theory will prove true for some people based on the odds calculated and waiting period needed to succeed in more than one draw cycle. They were not in favor of the trade off. They lost. No one heeded warning.

2nd In an attempt to address the quality of Mule Deer opportunities, they reduced the number of mule deer tags to 90,000 and made hunters pick their weapon. They also made them pick their region of choice and limited the number of hunters one could have in his group. Many hunters and families were furious. They new that this could well be the end of their family tradition. They went away ticked off! The continued tradition of family hunting took a huge blow. Younger generations were no longer being taught the reverence and enjoyment of hunting and family tradition coupled as one. Many of our past and future hunting brothers and sisters were and have been lost as a result of the decision.

Now we're being led to believe this is the next great fix. There will be some trophy hunters who will be happy if there are less hunters in the field to compete with that is true. Shorten the hunts, "great they say, it is what is needed to achieve quality in our deer herds, well worth the sacrifice". Maybe true, maybe not.....

It is my concern that they are going to just tick more people off and turn them away from holding on to hunting traditions. burn, it ticks me off! Hunting and family are two traditions that together have stood the test of time. Take family out of the equation and hunting may be the thing we all lose. How many families will stop hunting this year because of this decision? I have been told by some friends their done! They will instead take their family fishing at the Berry for a week from now on, instead of hunting. You see the thing that makes hunters strong and our voices heard is our numbers. As foolish decisions continue to be made, our numbers decline and the sport of hunting may be the real loser. Keep chopping away at the hunting tree, and some day that tree may fall.

The issue may be cloaked and we may be miss directed by issues like winter kill, predation, road kill, and deminishing winter feeding grounds, and yes...QUALITY. They are all things that need to be looked at, and addressed I would agree. But don't get it twisted...... For heck sakes, don't be convinced that you can milk a bull.

I think the thing that we need to ask ourselves is this.........
Can this sport survive by itself, with out being linked to the tradition of family? I say no.
Without family tradition how do we create the passion and numbers needed to fight off non-hunting legislation? We can't

I will stop my rant with this thought....
There are many ways to improve the quality of mule deer hunting, other than a 3 or five day hunts. Three (3) point or better units, or statewide four (4) point or better regulations are both options. How about this; You can only harvest three (3) bucks in a five (5) year period, take your pick. None of these options keep families from enjoying a nine (9) day hunt in the field and I still believe that you could achieve better quality. I don't care who proposed this new reg, Don Paey, the wildlife board, whoever, I could care less. I just wish they understood that there are more important things to consider about hunting, than harvesting a big buck.

Family is the common denominator to the future of the sport of hunting. If we lose that.....
What are the ramifications, that's all I ask you to consider.........

Thanks for your patience and good hunting,

Re: Old School Hunters Code

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:55 pm
by Springville Shooter
Great piece L4AB1! Well thought out, well written. I have often pondered what the problems are facing the future of hunting and I think you hit some of them on the head. Let's face it, recruiting new hunters on the average hunting experience these days is a tough sell, there has to be some deeper attraction such as a family or social tradition. This is one instance where I think California DFG has it right, OTC tags and month long seasons. Success rates are a little lower than other states, but I can tell you that the same huge camps are in the same spots year after year for generations. The funny thing is, people still take trophy buck every year! HMMMM. Thanks for taking the time to write this thought-stimulating post.----shooter

Re: Old School Hunters Code

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:25 am
by Twitch
Your right about families hunting together. I have been hunting deer since I was 14 (27 now). My dad and I have NEVER been able to have tags at the same time for the deer hunt. We go down south so its every other year for each of us. We finally said screw it, we will just get a point this year and hope to draw out as a group in 2011.

Re: Old School Hunters Code

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 12:57 pm
by Lookin 4 a Big 1

Concerning your support and the amount of information that you shared with me before my Book Cliffs hunt this year, I can tell you one thing. The sport of hunting could use a few more like you. You're good people!
Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it.

Re: Old School Hunters Code

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:29 am
by Muley_73
I think you misunderstood the point of my post. You see I also remeber the days when school let out half day on the friday before the opener. How school was not held on the Monday after the opener because everyone was in deer camp. I remeber my small town being filled with hunters gasing up and buying grocerys. It was electric all over town. I remeber setting with my father on an opening morning and counting 27 other hunters gutting bucks in one valley. I remeber spending the entire week camping in the tippi with the same family and freindsin the same spot every year. They are my fondest hunting memories.

Then we shot the herds down to 3 to 5 buck per hundered does and the overall numbers crashed. How scary would our stituation be now if 200,000 hunters were still pounding the hills for 9 days?

When you talk of antler restriction, you are preaching to the minsters son! You see I sat and watched as my father and a select few pushed the antler restriction down the DWRs throat in the 80's. I watched as he was called every name in the book at RAC meetings. I recall going to work one morning with him after it had been past and reading and vular and threatening noted posted on his business door regarding 3 point or better. So when you say there are other options I understand more than you will ever know! burn yes I believe antler restriction will work, burn burn burn NO do I think the DWR will ever let it happen again. They lied to get it repealed the first time and they will lie again to keep it away.

My point is about herd quality was not for big deer. It was for a healthy herd! One that is at max carrying capacity, regarless of the buck to doe ratio, or number of mature bucks. If we get to max carrying capacity all of the those things can be better managed ie more days in the field, or late or early hunts, some units with higher trophy potential. But it all keys in on more overall deer numbers. We know that the best way to manage the herds like this is smaller units, However the DWR along with many sportsman (myself not included) are not will to do this yet.

So until that time I guess I am willing to cut back to 5 or even 3 days in the field if it will help bring back some numbers to the herd. If it works, great I can enjoy future hunts with my family. If it does not I am willing to try something else until we get it right, so I can enjoy future hunts with my family. If a full week of camping while hunting is needed to have a good outing the elk hunt is always an option!

One last thought. Don't be sad for me. You see, I can clearly see that herd cannot handle 9 day hunts and 200,000 hunters at this time. Maybe someday down the road if we manage it the right way. The ones to be sad for are the uninformed that don't see that yet!

Re: Old School Hunters Code

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:30 pm
by Lookin 4 a Big 1
Muley_73 wrote:Lookin,

One last thought. Don't be sad for me. You see, I can clearly see that herd cannot handle 9 day hunts and 200,000 hunters at this time. Maybe someday down the road if we manage it the right way. The ones to be sad for are the uninformed that don't see that yet!
I never said that I was sad for you. Only that your thoughts sadden myself. Also, I simply said that I remebered a time when there were 200,00 hunters in the field. I never insinuated that a 9 day hunt and 200,00 hunters was at this time possible or realistic. I do honor and champion your fathers efforts years ago. Unfortunately many of the majority chose to ridicule, chastize, and ostracize visionaries such as your father and other old timers who had the nards to stand up and voice their opinions. They were singled out by the masses and people labeled them as uninformed. Who knows, if their plan was followed maybe our current deer herds would rival the quality of our elk herds. I hold in reverence, your passion towards mule deer hunting. Sometimes on specific issues we must respectfully agree to disagree.

Years ago the DWR promised us that if we could select a region and limit the number of hunters on any given unit, they could eventually manage quality numbers of mule deer within each unit. They failed....or did they? Maybe they failed only in the eyes of those who propose 3 and 5 day hunts. Some would say that they have done a fine job with the limited monetary resources allowed them. Any decision they make must involve the main priority of funds. They want as much as they can get, which is not enough. That is why it is hard to say that the reduced days will equate to better quality. I don't know if it is still the standard, but I think that the money from license sales still goes into the states general budget. The operating costs of the division and costs to sustain wildlife are appropriated and budgeted by the state. That is why solicited funds are so important. The limited day hunts are the agenda of an identified group. If that group would just provide the example and choose themselves to only hunt 3 days, then that might solve the problem. Why don't they try that, first.

I will defend this simple statement,
Hunting will not survive as we know it, without being linked to the tradition of family! Period.
If your solution does not have the best interest of family hunting tradition in mind.....
Then your short sighted decisions are wrong!! To that there is no argument!

Good Hunting,

Re: Old School Hunters Code

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:07 am
by Muley_73
The DWRs plan for smaller units was a comprimise on actually going to even smaller micro units that could be managed year to year, depending on winter kill, predators, and feed. They did not want to go to that so they comprimised with the five regions. It has not worked because the areas are too big.

You are correct that the #1 goal of the DWR is more money. Until we can change that we are going to fight and uphill battle. Money is root of all evil!

I am still struggling to see how cutting days in the field kills family tradition? You are still able to go out and hunt deer. If you want more days in the field then buy and elk tag. The way the seasons have been set you could set up camp on the Saturday before the rifle deer hunt and hunt elk all week carry right into the deer hunt. You can now hunt upland game in Utah longer than ever before. I just believe the deer need a break in some of these areas and shorter season still give opportunity while relieving some of that pressure.

As far as the guys pushing for a 3 and 5 day hunt being an example. I would bet that a high percentage of those same hunters do not usually punch a tag in Utah. I would dare say they are selective hunters that are not harvesting a deer just to say they did. They seem to be the only ones that are standing up and saying , "yes I will make a sacrifice for something I love to do". If you really believe there is a better way then put a group together and gain support. I can promise you one thing if you get enough support SFW will be more than will to help push it through. So organize your anterler restriction thoughts and come up with a plan, present it and gain some support for next years RAC meetings. I can promise you I would give 100% support. But until you do, I will support the group that is doing something to help our deer herds, even if I don't agree 100%.

Re: Old School Hunters Code

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 1:20 am
by Lookin 4 a Big 1
Thanks for your thoughts. I'll bet that after some time together we would probably agree on most issues. The thing that makes it hard is that many families only hunt deer. The deer hunt is their tradition. You make some good points, but there are other options. I hope people understand that just because people hunt with their families does not mean that they shoot just any buck. In our group, if you shoot anything less than a 24" buck, you're on your own getting it out. It happens from time to time, but there is never any hard feelings. It's the rule that we agree on and are all happy to follow. It doesn't mean it's right for everyone, it just works for us. Even the young hunters want to pass the small ones for a chance later at a big one. Most often there is 6 to 8 people in our camp and truth be told, most years we go home without filling a single tag. I know that we might be the exception but that's how we try to maintain the quality balance. We try to save up so that we can try to hunt in more than one state from time to time. We end up hunting in more than one state about every 2 to 3 years if we can draw. What really scares me Muley, is that many people will say, "if I'm only going to be out here for three days , I just as well shoot the first buck I see". None of us want that, I just think that if a region is bad enough to support only a 3 day hunt, they should just close it all together. It seemed to work at the Book Cliffs.

Better yet, maybe they need to talk to Wyoming Game and Fish. If you draw out in region G for example, you get to hunt for two weeks in the northern end of the unit. It then ends and a hunt starts in the southern end of the unit for another two weeks. You can Mule Deer hunt for a solid month with a rifle.

Then there is our great state of Utah. The Wildlife Board, Don Paey, Jimmy Crack Corn, The Dee Burger Clown, and for hells sakes Santa Clause himself, can't do better than 3 or 5 days to hunt Mule Deer.
Heaven help us......

P.S. I'm trying to make people realize that the decisions that the wildlife board are making is offending the majority. If the majority goes away, so does hunting. I'm a passionate hunting fanatic who will never stop hunting. I am smart enough to realise that without the majority, I might not have the option.

To address your challenge, getting something together and trying to gather support is exactly what I'm trying to do on this thread. Funny thing is Muley, your the only one that seems to be gettin in the way.....

Take care, good hunting to you and yours,