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Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 12:12 pm
by MuleyMadness
The land issue makes perfect since to me. Although I do love mule deer, people are still of greater importance and value. Not necessarily the million dollar homes though. :)

Why not tranquilize and relocate the bear? Was he weak/hungry/ and or diseased I suppose are a reasons to shoot him.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:30 pm
by jkhunterid
Fish and game killed a bear in town here 2 years ago. They didn't relocate because the bear no longer feared people, structures and such. The bear was also a sub adult male that was looking for home range. The land issue is huge. Where I grew up and used to watch mule deer every winter with my dad is so developed that the deer would be in the second or third subdivision now just to feed in the same areas. Hopefully we can keep hunter numbers and intrest high enough to continue to support organizations like RMEF and their continued efforts to secure critical habitat for all of our wildlife. In my opinion support for these hunter based organizations is important for the conservation of wildlife and habitat.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:00 pm
by Don Fischer
Great disscussion. We had fewer deer in 1900 but more habitat. Follow the money. The manufacture's of these vehicle's rely on sale's to stay in business and none of the state's buck them to hard; they employ lot's of people and pay lot's of taxes. And fish and game, they're existence seem's self serving to me. Our license fee's in Oregon right now are going to help Fish & Game re-establish goat's in the Columbia Gorge. Now when they do open up a season, what do you think those tag's will cost, who do you think will be able to afford them? Why don't they take the money and do the research to re-introduce prehistiric animal's? They could get a lot more for them!

In the state of Utah I recall reading of, I think it was a sheep tag, that's put up for bid every year. The year I heard of it, it went to an out of state hunter for something like $90'000.00!!! If it's worth that much, maybe we shouldn't be hunting them at all. Oh yea, I forgot, it's about money.

The fish and game department's in every state will do whatever they want, all the while telling you what they are doing for "You" so long as the money come's in; they need raises you know. Ask your fish & game how much is spent on admin. and how much or actual game management. Find out how much of their income is for non-resident tag's, those pay real well you know!

Oregon is spending a fortune on those goat's even tho there's plenty of goat's to hunt in other place's; they also spent a ton of money putting in Redlegged Partridge, nobody"s ever killed one and none are left. Year's ago the state fish & game raised phesant's at Camp Adair to release. they admitted that pen raised bird's last less than a week when released and it cost them $15 per bird. Private bird raiser's were selling the same bird's to shooting preserve's and field trial org's. for $7.50. The fund's for these worthless program's were provided by the sale of licence's AND tag's!!! Follow the money. Where is the great schewan phesant they planted, on private property in the Willamette Vally? There are none! And where do you think the money came from for the advertizing to convince us they were doing this for us??? Right again!!

Sadly, if you want good hunting, you'll probally have to disband fish & game all together and turn management of game over to private land owners. You may not like that as hunting will become a sport for the rich only but' where do the best head's come from now? Wilderness areas we can't hunt well due to short season's and private property.

People who really need the meat and don't want welfare will continue to poach and the wealthy will never concern themselve's with cost's. Manufacture's will continue to advertize their product's as helping the hunter so long as there's profit it in it and the state's will continue to justify the cost's of tag's the same way and shorter season's means more forkhorn's to sell next year, and no more doe tags as then your eating your cash cow; good bad or indiferent, more does equals more deer to sell!!!!!Follow the money.....


Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:42 pm
by Danthe2pointmuleyman
Hey All,
Looks like a party on this post here i mean everybody is getting on in the action so i think i will also. Look it all doesnt matter to the DWR because they dont get enuff money to even attempt to take proper care of the wildlife. Maybe the government should think about the wildlife also before buyin their new car. Look the sport is stained period whether its blamed on 4 wheelers or planes or 4x4's. I was out duck hunting this yr and i was with my dog and i just fell into a pond and my hip waiters filled up with freezing cold water as i was out there a ways. Well as all of that was happening this guy fly's by me with an air boat and doesnt even bother to stop even though he seen the trouble i was in. Well as i got back to the truck i saw him loadin up the boat in his brand new ford truck and than he got in his truck an attempted to drive away. Little did he know he just got his truck buried in the swamp and couldnt get out. I jus waved as i drove by and let him figure it out for himself because of what he didnt do for me. I hafta say this also because it fits right into the convo as well. I've been up hunting monte cristo forever and we own a cabin up there as well but when comes winter tiem the elk herd starts to migrate downwards to better feeding grounds. Well Hardware ranch gets planes and helicopters and rounds up the elk herd up towards their ranch and for us hunters that do draw out once in a lifetime it absolutley ruins the hunt for us. Is it fair for them to rob us of the elk? i mean it isnt like it's their elk to round up in the first place. The Dwr also trap turkey and helicopter out bull moose from the area too. I mean we get robbed of alot of animals so that other places can thrive with them. I dont want to pay for a private place to hunt because tagging an animal isnt that important to me but i sitll think Hardware should leave the elk alone because ppl are almost garanteed to get an elk up there. The elk have a way better chance to just be left as they are. Ive been in the argument about how to save the herds but there is no true blue answer i dont think. Nothing will stop the poachers or unethical hunters all we can do is rob the good hunters from their rights and hopefully salvage somrthing out of nothing. I still say hey less deer and elk why isnt their less tags? seems common sense to me but they cant lose that kind of money i spose. Anyhow thought i would just put that in for yall to read.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:44 pm
by Don Fischer

Next time help the guy out. Don't lower yourself to his level, rise above him, sometime's it teach's them a little humility. And even if that doesn't work, it make's you the better man!
