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Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 6:23 pm
I've said it once and I'll say it again (As have others)....CONGRATS on your first buck! You have absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed fact, you should be PROUD!

As for the each his/her own. What they did was perfectly legal and well within thier right. Just because someone does not have the same view as you gives you no right to jump on thier back and chastise them for it.

I am one of you that has also let the small ones pass for the last three years in hopes of taging a big buck...and have eaten my tag all three years. However, I am extremely happy to see that a3dhunter and his wife filled thier tags and had an enjoyable hunt. We should all be happy for them!
Unless someone broke the law, let them be.

MuleyMadness has always been a site inwhich folks can log on and share thier experiences, share tactics and ideas, ask for advice and pointers, and enjoy the company of other hunters WITHOUT this sort of back-biting! If you can't be happy for a fellow hunter and outdoor enthusiast then maybe you need to frequent one of those other sites that allow this sort of stuff.

Brett, I think this thread needs to be locked.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 7:51 pm
by Coloradobuck
=D> eny way congrats on a first buck! :thumb :thumb

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 8:28 pm
by daveytech
Perfect for a first bow kill.
