Old School Hunters Code

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Re: Old School Hunters Code

Post by Muley_73 » Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:59 pm

I agree that the majority does not want shorter seasons. The problem is the majority does not want shorter seasons or antler restriction or small units or chose your weapon. The majority don't even think about deer hunting this time of year. Like I said lets hear your plan, not just random ideas and I will support it. I really wish I was the only one in the way! So lets hear the plan and I'll start spreading the word!

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Re: Old School Hunters Code

Post by Lookin 4 a Big 1 » Sun Dec 27, 2009 2:33 am

I assume that you are trying to make it personal, when you quoted "Like I said lets hear your plan, not just random ideas and I will support it".

I'm sorry that you think that my Ideas are random. I thought that they were well thought out. I'm sorry that you don't understand my plan. I thought it to be simple and specific. You see, I haven't been trying to educate you within this thread. I have been trying to create passion within others about the sport that I love. I have also let you, your opinion, and perspective help me make my points.

I think most people understand why I have concerns that the road which the future of hunting seems to be traveling, might very well be a rocky dead end. I think that most people worry themselves. I have been trying to start a grass root movement with a simple Idea which will create the passion needed for individuals to stand up and voice there opinions, in an effort to regain something that I think is quickly being lost.

In your last comments, last paragraph, you stated "The problem is the majority does not want shorter seasons or antler restriction or small units or chose your weapon. The majority don't even think about deer hunting this time of year".

What gives you the right to assume that you understand or speak for the majority? Why do you presume yourself a spokesman to champion their opinions and cause? I'll tell you why. It is nothing more than self righteous arrogance. Since you seem to know it all, when was the last time the majority was asked? Don't tell me rack meetings either. That's horse crap. They don't want our opinions, they only want to say that they asked for them. Why haven't they sent around a questioneer to all of the hunters that carried a permit last year. Then they could follow the majorities wishes. Ask Don Paey that one.

Hunting and the outdoors is in the heritage and blood of many local Utahn's. With that in mind, Honestly, what did you mean when you said "the majority of hunters don't even think of hunting this time of year"? Are you serious? Are you that out of touch with reality? Do you think about what you are saying or do you just say anything to make an arguement? I wonder what Cabellas thinks about that line of crap? Most of my Christmas gifts have something to do with hunting. I'll bet others do as well. I think that the majority of hunters think of hunting year around. The proclamation comes out this week or next. Draw applications and deadlines are just around the corner. Then draw results, shed hunting, scouting, right into the bow hunt. I mean honestly, are you serious? Do you think that you are even taking the time to think things through? It seems that you are trying to educate me with you half cocked ideas, and random pointless arguements. Maybe you think that a majority of hunters including myself are a bunch of uneducated morons, who will buy your line of nonsense. Maybe you want to call the majority including myself "uninformed" again, is that it?

I'm done. This thread needs to get back to what it was created to inspire. Good and kind acts between hunters and the good karma that you receive when you think of others before yourself!

Good Hunting and Happy Holidays,
Last edited by Lookin 4 a Big 1 on Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Old School Hunters Code

Post by ridgetop » Sun Dec 27, 2009 7:02 pm

L4AB1, I don't think your going to get much support from people by acting the way you are. :>/
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Re: Old School Hunters Code

Post by Lookin 4 a Big 1 » Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:53 pm

Maybe, maybe not.

Based on your quote in a different post which read "I've been against some of Don Peays ideas in the past but I have to say. Thank you Don. Glad to see the delayed 5 day hunt dropped and put as a three day hunt. Now I can only hope my unit goes L.E."

I didn't expect that you would understand or agree with my point anyway. However, I appreciate your opinion. Thanks for the constructive critisizm.

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Re: Old School Hunters Code

Post by ridgetop » Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:11 pm

I do understand where your coming from and it is very sad to see all the big family hunting groups breaking up. I don't know either Muley or L4AB1 but I see one person getting upset about not know what the majority wants but then they feel that the majority whats something else. I feel the majority wants something even different. So, I must be wrong too. I don't think that the familys that are giving up hunting because they can't hunt more than 5 days straight will make much of a dent in the hunting community. I think it's just one small reason why people don't want to adapt to the changes. I personally love to scout for big mature deer much more than hunting/ killing anything with antlers. I think every year there's more people becoming more like this but we are labeled "EVIL TROPHY HUNTERS" by some. That's why for me, I don't mind the 3 day hunt. If I want to camp for a week, I will do it before the hunt starts and then know right where to be on opening day.
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Re: Old School Hunters Code

Post by Muley_73 » Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:04 pm

Well said!

Like I have said I would rather see antler restriction than shorter seasons or lost opportunity. However I just believe that the DWR will never go that route again. That belief comes from past experience and statements that the DWR has made.

You know you are right that the RAC does not carry much weight in the decisions that the Wildlife Board makes. That is why it takes groups like the SFW working all year long to get things done. They have organized and raised money to support their views. Do I agree with everything they do, NO WAY! But they are the only group gettting anything done, so I will support them overall!

I do not claim to speak for the majority I only state the fact that in the past the majority has not had much to say. The DWR has taken polls in the past and the majority has said just leave it the way it is. Well if the SWF and other groups would have accepted that answer we would still have 200,000 hunters and even fewer deer than now.

I do not understand how shorter season affects family tradition. You can still go out and hunt nobody says you cant go a few days early and scout and stay a few days later if you want more time on the mountain. I know I will still take my boys out and we will enjoy the time on the mountain.

As far as grass roots movement, good luck, like I said get it rolling and present an plan. What units will be antler restriction, how many tags, season dates, regions boundries. You know, not an idea, A PLAN. I'll stop there before you take something I have said personal again, and give you a reason to call me more names. I promise I am not taking it personal, in fact you get it changed I'll let every one I know it started here with you. One bit of advise, not to speak for the majority again but, others will not be convinced as easily as me.

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Re: Old School Hunters Code

Post by Jeff » Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:32 am

I think the reason the family tradition type hunting is becoming more uncommon gas to do with loss of opportunity, as well as lack of interest in the youth. As a whole society is becoming lazier, when a kid can have all they excitement they need by plugging in the X-box, why would they want to hike up a steep mountain, sleep in a tent, get up before the sun in the cold and actually work for some stimulation of the senses? I dont think a 5 day hunt has a whole lot of effect on tradition hunting, though it does have some. Its my belief that the cost of a tag is a factor in this, if a deer tag last year cost a guy $40 and the hunt is 9 days, how much should a guy have to pay for a tag to hunt for 5 days? I'm not saying that everyone thinks this way but I believe a lot do. I wish someone had the answers as to how to fix the deer herds, I don't. I do appreciate the fact that there are some guys that are passionate enough to have this conversation, maybe we should start our own foundation.

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