Utah Gov Buck Killed!!

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Re: Utah Gov Buck Killed!!

Post by primal215 » Wed Dec 09, 2009 6:17 pm

Right on Coloradobuck well said! I prefer a DIY but we cant always do that, like If you went lion hunting in Africa you would have to have a guide, that sure wont make you less of a hunter just more of a oppertunist. Anybody in the sport (except colehouse ) is a hunter and we need to unit and stop hating each other and focus on the anti-hunter

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Re: Utah Gov Buck Killed!!

Post by one hunting fool » Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:35 pm

Guides are fine. paying land owners to not allow others to hunt on their land (the Monroe mountains for example) and using a rumored helicopter to find your animal are effective for you and your client to secure the best animal for your hunt. But ethical i would think is not a good word for it. when i was a kid i found that a rainbow trout was stuck in a pool of water that it could not get out of the water was enough for it to live a comfortable life there until the spring waters sent it from one lake to the other.
But I tell you this Rainbow was probably 10 lbs and 30 “ long. It was living under an old stump on the bank below a waterfall and you could fish above the waterfall and catch fish but you had to hope they would not get off when pulling them the 5 feet up to where you where standing. Well one day i hooked a fish and as it started to struggle I saw the big fish for the first time. He came and attacked the fish i had caught and busted my line taking my fish with him. I tried for weeks to catch that big bugger with no luck. So i came on a new plan. I took my dads net and put on my swimming shorts and took my swimming goggles. I thought if i can't catch him I'll net him.
On old Indian who use to live below our house saw me as i passed and asked what i was doing, so i explained. He looked at me and said “sounds like a good plan! That's how the White Man would do it.” I asked what he meant and he said “the white man came and took what ever they wanted never thinking what it does to the surroundings or the wilderness. The Indian would try and out think the animals the fish using there knowledge of them. If they where better than there prey they came home full if not they came home hungry. It is the way of the people”
I took back my stuff feeling ashamed because i knew he was right. That fish got that big by being smarter than all the other fish and if i was going to catch him i needed to be smarter than him.
Needless to say that fish probably died of old age cause I could never catch him. But in everything i do when hunting I remember the old man and what he told me.
Some on here say that we are jealous. I say Congrats to the guy that pulled the trigger because he is a stud and a true Bruiser” but to me a trophy is something you get when you won not something you get for participating..
just my 2cents
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Re: Utah Gov Buck Killed!!

Post by Bowtech43 » Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:56 pm

Great buck. But yeah, it's hard to swallow when you consider how it was done. If I had the money I might have a team of guides too, but I'm not in his shoes. I just think about how much better it feels when you've accomplished something like this yourself.
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Re: Utah Gov Buck Killed!!

Post by BIGHILLHUNTER » Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:48 pm

I can only pray for an ethical opportunity for such a majestic creation, during my life time!

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Re: Utah Gov Buck Killed!!

Post by BIGHILLHUNTER » Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:02 pm

my two cents! a net out smarts the fish ! does it not! it wouldn't surprize me to see a native american use a net, if it were legal! lol lol lol
All joking aside, that is an awsome buck 10sign:
i personally only hope that it was taken fairly [-o< [-o<
If it wasn't, they whomever involved will pay sooner or later!
For now i can only pray for an ethical chance at an amazing animal like that!

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Re: Utah Gov Buck Killed!!

Post by Ready » Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:26 pm

I say congrads to the hunter, that's a helluva buck!

Way to go!!!!!


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Re: Utah Gov Buck Killed!!

Post by MT Backcountry » Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:39 pm

It should be remembered that the tactics used by some guide services such as Mossback are illegal in other states. A primary one being that you can't use radios to pursue game in states like Montana. From what I understand, guide teams don't really work if you can't communicate over a 2 way.... you have to rely on hand signals which often doesn't work... it's the little things that make a difference to ensure a fair chase hunt....

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Re: Utah Gov Buck Killed!!

Post by NONYA » Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:05 pm

thats why they arnt operating in Montana,90% of their 'tactics' wouldnt fly here and they would be run off,apparantly Utah is Ok with it judging by the responses that wernt deleted so let em stay in Utah,they love em.

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Re: Utah Gov Buck Killed!!

Post by Springville Shooter » Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:28 pm

Nonya's right, being a liberal state, Montana does have way more rules and regulations. I'm sure that Utah is headed that direction and will be just as regulated as Montana and California soon enough. Until then, fair chase hunts will be ruined by guides weilding two-way radios. Insane!------shooter
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Re: Utah Gov Buck Killed!!

Post by conch » Sun Dec 13, 2009 2:01 pm

I guess I’ll offer my opinion on the subject as well. I’ve noticed in years past when Doyle’s squad takes a buck out of the North end of the state, I give it very little thought. On the years that the team shows up and takes a buck out of my home turf it creates a knot in my stomach. I suppose the old adage, “out of site out of mind could apply.” Whether or not Doyle is a nice guy is irrelevant. With this amount of money at stake I’m certain someone would take the job and follow through. I’m very thankful I don’t make a living this way. It just doesn’t set right with me. I’ll never understand what exactly the wealthy shooter gets out of the whole spectacle. Sure it was an amazing animal. However, I think the key word here is “was.” The old buck is just dead now. Maybe the guy that made the shot enjoys looking at big deer and doesn’t really care about how it was obtained. I don’t blame anyone for this fiasco except for the State of Utah for allowing it to proceed. I know some people rationalize it by saying that the money generated will be put to good use and therefore honor and integrity towards the animal can just be tossed out the window. Yes, I know it’s legal but, really should it be. I find most people I talk to don’t like the program. And then there’s the trickle down economic effect where quite a few individuals capitalize off the agenda. And of course they are all in favor.
Brett asked earlier to offer suggestions instead of complaints. I think a five or ten dollar mandatory habitat stamp would easily replace the almighty approximately two-hundred thousand dollars being raised in the current method. And would remove the animosity the program is creating between sportsmen. I wonder after “administrative” fees how much of this money actually hits the dirt. Is it enough to justify splitting of sportsmen whom will need to stand together in the future during tough battles with anti-hunting groups? Quite frankly, the whole governor’s tag programs darn near turns me anti.

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