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Re: MuleyMadness Roll Call

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:51 am
by Ginzu
Hunter of 40 years. Husband of 23 years. Father of 22 years. U.S. Marine of 23 years.

Re: MuleyMadness Roll Call

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:54 am
by osage hunter
Hello new to muley madness and I have been muley mad for a long time. I am a 50 year old SFC in the US Army currently stuck here in the middle east, man do I miss America. I bow hunt, rifle hunt, muzzle loader and on and on. I hunt mostly whitetails since I am from Missouri but I try to get to Wyoming at least every other year never have gotten a true trophy but sure do love the west and hunting mule deer. Never really have had the elk bug like the big deer much more.

Got a pronghorn tag for wyoming when I get home this fall so looking forward to that. I started looking at your site a few months ago I have a couple of prefrence points and was thinking about unit 44 with muzzle loader so will be picking your brains between now and season 2013 for some pointers.

I have good turkey hunting in missouri and know a nice ranch in wyoming if anyone needs a name and some pointers it is in region B.

Can't wait to hit the woods this fall a year is a long time in the desert.

Re: MuleyMadness Roll Call

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:18 pm
by coloradobone
So here it goes ..................

My name is Jacob, a native of WV. I'm 29 years old and I work for the NRCS and the WV Division of Forestry. I have a wife and one son. I grew up with a fishing pole in my hand and I would have to say that trout fishing is my passion but a close second is hunting. I went on my first Big Game hunt in 2009 with my father in law in Colorado's Unit 27 (Mussleloader deer Hunt). Although I was unsuccessful my father in law killed his biggest mule deer to date. I have watched my philosophy on my outdoor persuits change over the years. When I was younger I remember counting every fish and trying to make sure our out did my buddies when hunting or fishing as every young person does. My how foolish that was. In the most recent decade of my life I have tried to live by the philosophy of my favorite hunter and sportsman, Dan Fitzgerald. Dan once said, when speaking to a group of young kids, "you should never worry about competing with your friend when you are in the woods because when you do the kill becomes everything. Instead you should be in competition with the animal because the animal is all the competition you need and by doing this you will focus on all aspects of the hunt." With this being said, I told my father in law that even though we did not have elk tags in 2009 it would make my entire trip to see an elk in the wild. The second night of camping on the NF during our pre-scouting we woke up at 2am to elk bugling all around us. And of course on the first day of the hunt, at 10am, I filmed a beautiful 5x5 at about 1000yds away as he walked across a high altitude meadow with his 3 cows and one calf. Day one of the hunt . . . . . expectations met. But this certainly gave me an appreciation of how smart Elk are when I never saw another elk for the remainder of the hunt eventhough there was sign everywhere and you could hear a solitary bugle in the distance from time to time. Also on the way out I told my father in law that if I saw a big horn sheep that I would just be extatic. Go figure we were on our way to unit 27, just left denver, and heading into the rocky mountains for the first time in my life, and sure enough there were 3 bighorn sheep (one beautiful male in the group) standing 20 yards off the road feeding. WOW was I pumped. Anyway i have been visiting this site for about 2 years now learning from other people's experiences and reading about some awesome hunts but I will ashamedly admit that I have joined the sight 3 months before my first elk hunt in order to try to gather information. Although I know that people are not quick to give out specific information, especially to a newbie to the site so I dont expect much. And furthermore I know that many people dont travel east very much to hunt but I have alot of informaiton reguarding the eastern united states. As I said earlier I love to trout fish and two of my favorite areas to fish for trophy trout are the tributaries in Pennsylvania that feed Lake Erie and also some select tributaries that feed Lake Ontario. I am an avid fly fisherman and the only thing that will cause me to miss our annual trophy trout fishing trip to the New York tributaries in late October is a 2nd season combo rifle hunt for deer and elk. Although I am saddened to miss our annual trip for world class brown trout this fall I wont loose any sleep over it because I will be camped out on the Uncompahgre Plateau dreaming about my first muley or elk. Cant wait til October! So anyway there's my story guys. I know it is expected of new members to do this so there you go. Also if anyone is planning a hunting trip to the east I am limited on what infromation I can give your but I will try. But if your are planning to go to Erie county or Western Lake Ontario sometime for some Steelhead or World Class brown trout fishing I have more information that you care to hear about. By the way please check out these two videos of our last two years fishing in NY. My fishing buddy who produces these videos will be thrilled to see that they are getting some views and leave a comment if possible. 1) 2) God bless all those on muley madness and I hope all of you have a wonderful hunting season.

Jacob (2 Tim. 2:15)

Re: MuleyMadness Roll Call

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:02 pm
by bdyctchr
I am new to Muley Madness, but wow what a great site. Just started navigating it and I am sure that I will be spending a lot of time sifting through the wealth of info here. I have a passion for Muley and Elk rifle. And am exploring archery. Frequently hunt Javelina. One of these days I will get out there and bag a few scrawny desert 'Yotes. I live in Arizona and have lived in NM and CO. AZ is my stomping grounds, from Mexico to Utah. I prefer to load my own rounds. My favorite gun range is Payson. I look forward to contributing to the forum, for what it is worth. LOL.

Re: MuleyMadness Roll Call

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:57 am
by cazador505
My name is John and this is my first year bowhunting. Lived in New Mexico all my life except for my time in the Marine Corps. Love both bow and rifle. Found this site by the facebook page and read through and saw the value of the collective knowledge. Looking for advice as I grow into a bowhunter and this seems to be a great place to get it. Thanks for all your help.

Re: MuleyMadness Roll Call

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:03 pm
by brookshooks
Im from western Washington where i was introduced to hunting as a youngster, tromping after columbia blacktail, and Roosevelt elk. i hunted a few seasons in north central wa, okanogan Winthrop area. i hunt everything that i can get a tag/ license for. i live for hunting, fishing, and the outdoors. its not just a season for me, its a year round lifestyle!, i moved to Gillette Wyoming for work 2 years ago, and let me tell you. mostly everything about Wyoming aside from antelope, is about the western half, their is phenomenal hunting on the east side! elk, mulies, whitetail, and of course antelope! plenty of blm/state land also. if anyone is interested in hunting this side, hit me up im happy to point in the right direction! especially bow hunters, which surprisingly are few and far between in Wyoming!

Re: MuleyMadness Roll Call

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:15 pm
by sdantlers
I'm from southeast South Dakota. I found the site when I was searching for information on Bighorn Sheep hunting in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I drew my once in a lifetime tag on my lucky 13th year of applying. I am mostly an archery hunter but still enjoy rifle hunting for whitetails and antelope. Still trying to get a nice mulie, maybe this is the year. Pheasants and grouse around home fill in the time between west river hunting trips. Really like your site and will visit regularly.

Re: MuleyMadness Roll Call

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:34 am
by Todanglfan
Hey Everybody,
Some information about myself. I have lived in California (don’t judge me because of that. There are good people there too) my whole life except for my time serving in the Marine Corps ( Semper Fi to you Devil Dogs). I grew up fishing not hunting. I have always felt a draw to start hunting so a few years ago (with some help from my buddy who is a hunter) I went on my first deer hunt in Utah archery season. I had a blast. I was able to harvest a deer that year. Although it was only a 2x2 I was very proud of it and needless to say I was hooked big time. My focus the last two years has been to help me son harvest his first deer. The 2012 year will be the third year we will go out and camp and hunt together in an attempt to harvest his first buck. It’s the best quality time that we get together. Since starting to hunt I have hunted deer, turkey, pheasant and dove. I don’t have a lot of experience hunting but I am willing to share any info I have.
Be safe,

Re: MuleyMadness Roll Call

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 2:14 pm
by markt800
names mark,

i'm a alcoholic with a archery problem.

Re: MuleyMadness Roll Call

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:22 am
by vball85jb
Hello Everyone,

My name is Jason, I am from North Ogden, UT. and still living there. I love the outdoors, hunting, fishing, camping, etc, so living in Utah is great for the outdoor activities. I am a lousy deer hunter, I haven't deer hunted for 13 years, however I am an avid elk hunter. Our family hunts the Uinta's and we have finally found a pretty good location to camp and hunt. Before then we would try a new area every few years from the North Slope to the South Slope and everywhere in between. I used to post a lot on the utah dwr elk hunting forum until it was shut down a few years ago. I am glad to be back talking elk!