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S.D. Muley advice

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:06 am
by velvethunter
I have an oppoortunity to hunt South Dakota this year for mulies. The season this year was moved a week earlier, now Nov 6-14. Since I've never hunted S.D. before, anyone know when I'd be more apt to hit the rut, the beginning or end? I wonder if they moved the season so hunting wouldn't take place in the best part of the rut? Any advice would be appreciated. Hunting pressure is not an issue since it is private land.

Re: S.D. Muley advice

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:16 am
by TheGreatwhitehunter
Where abouts in South Dakota ie: west river, black hills ect

Those are really good dates for ruttign activity and being that your on private land is good too. I guess it really just depends on the genetics and the age class of the deer you will be hunting on the private land, assuming it is a large piece of ground.

If the deer are not pressured much and allowed to reach a mature age you should see some nice bucks.

Good Luck to you.

Re: S.D. Muley advice

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:17 pm
by WinMag
Contact the Game Fish & Parks officer or biologists from the area you will be hunting. Most are very helpful. You can get allot of info from the SD GF&P's website.

Re: S.D. Muley advice

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:41 pm
by fasteddie04
You should see rutting activity during the majority of the hunt. Are there any other hunting parties that will be hunting the same area? If not, I would advise waiting till the end of the season. What part of SD are you hunting? A lot of mulies died in the winter of 08 in parts of South Dakota. Although there numbers are down, I would think you should have a pretty fun hunt and see plenty of game.

Re: S.D. Muley advice

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:32 pm
by velvethunter
So the area we are hunting is west river. I got a bonus point last year so the draw should not be an issue from what I understand. The ranch is ~5,000 acres and our party of 3 are the only ones hunting it, so it seems pressure won't be a factor. I was gonna do 5 days but I guess one solution to the problem would be go at the beginning, and extend to 8 full days(entire season) of hunting if really needed. Hope the winter kill wasn't too bad, really looking fwd to it.
Plus just moved to Flagstaff, AZ, so plenty of good bowhunting right in my backyard for mulies too.

Re: S.D. Muley advice

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:37 am
by waynedevore
The rut will be gaining momentum as the season goes. Peak rut is about 20-25th. Bucks should be hanging out close by the does. Some good Mulie country in Western SD. Private property and all! Your going to have a great hunt. :thumb

Re: S.D. Muley advice

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:20 am
by velvethunter
Thanks for all the advice everyone, hopefully I'll be posting pics in Nov.!