2013 NM Mule Deer

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2013 NM Mule Deer

Post by elkantleraddict » Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:27 am

Well today was day six of my hunt but only my 5th day of hunting. This year the herds and quantity of deer where I live have been at a scary low.After 5 long days of hunting only 6 deer were seen. The 6th deer is now in my freezer. It was the second deer we saw and the first deer got a good scare. Anyways lets get to how the hunt went down.

My dad and I had just taken our packs off to rest for a little while when my dad whispers "Big buck." So I look and see the deer 100 yards down the hill. The shot wasn't the best and he got a fairly painful hit. When I shot I didn't have a steady shot and was shaky. The bullet went downwards and I somehow manged to break both back legs. We didn't know this till we recovered him. Anyways, I see him go down then he gets up and keeps going like nothing is wrong. I see him walking(hopping) away. So I set up and take another shot once more shaky and doesn't hit its mark. It went from where I had it placed on the back of his shoulder to his butt. He left off down the hill. We began tracking him and before we saw him again he had covered 500 yards pulling himself on basically just his front legs. I got on him and got a solid set through the trees. The tree stopped the bullet but the sound scared him or he just decided to fall over cause he went down, and it was the classic case of "Help I've fallen and I can't get up."
My unpaid guide with my deer
Well here is the picture of the legs.
Long story short I need to work on my aim. If you are wondering yes I felt freaking horrible about it.

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Re: 2013 NM Mule Deer

Post by MuleyMadness » Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:51 am

Nice looking buck!

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Re: 2013 NM Mule Deer

Post by bern0134 » Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:53 pm

Good Buck!

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Re: 2013 NM Mule Deer

Post by kchesley » Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:57 pm

Nice buck and I am sympathetic about feeling horrible about it....We learn to take ethical shots so this doesn't happen but realize that it does and luckily you were able to capitalize on it and finish him so he didn't have to suffer or be eaten by some predators. It happens, whether we want it to or not. Great job, great buck and congrats. Feeling remorse is part of being a true hunter its better than those who shoot only to collect the head/antlers later (poachers). Good job

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