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Nevada units 011, 012, 013

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 7:26 pm
by Crndgs8
Hello I'm from Utah and new here.
I have drawn a Nevada archery tag I didn't mean to put in for. I thought I put in for 111-113 but apparently I messed up on the app.
Anyway, I'm tossing around whether to turn in the tag or give the hunt a try.
If anyone would be willing to help me out with where to start looking I would be so grateful. I hunt alone so it is just me.
I know plenty about Utah and would be willing to trade info or whatever.

Re: Nevada units 011, 012, 013

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:05 pm
by Stormy
My son took his first Mule Deer in Unit 014. Although these far northwester units are considered marginal in Eastman's Hunting Journal MRS, we saw a lot of deer. It is real open country up there, much better for rifle hunters. My son's shot was at 320 yards. Not sure this would be a good bow hunt. Good luck in any case.