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How to hunt

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 8:05 pm
by Danthe2pointmuleyman
Which way of hunting do you like the most? I personally like horseback myself

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 7:49 am
personally, I prefer hiking although it's a pain in the rear sometimes...especially when you've hiked 4 or 5 miles and actually knock something over. Then the WORK begins!
Hopefully I don't piss anyone off but the four wheelers and such are doing nothing but tear up the countryside, chase the animals away, and allow the lazy man access to areas that he wouldn't hike into unless his TV and microwave dinner were waiting for him on the other side. I know I'm generalizing and there are a lot of good hunters out there that use these things but the bad experiences sure outway the good ones, at least as far as I am concerned.
The fact that I almost killed myself on one once probably has something to do with it too...LOL

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 8:40 am

good to hear from you again! although i have to say man you got some guts to write something like what you did. i totally agree with you 100%!
but those are the exact type of replies that got me in trouble on another website. the way i see it is like this; if you use a 4 wheeler, more power to you, you have that right, as i do to say i hate those dang things. use one, see if i care! many people, sometimes i wish it were more, will respect the animals and land even if hunting from a atv. but there are those folks that just ruin it for the rest of you. one thing i would like to say is this, although atvs are rough on our country, i personally don't think they are the worst things out there. i think people that litter, people that don't use good ethics, people afraid to put chains on, and other such things are worse than 4 wheelers. i don't hate people that use 4 wheelers i just hate the 4 wheeler!

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 8:44 am
i think i will take agchawk lead and make a pretty generalized comment myself, just by looking at the poll the way it is right now. 66% of us like to hike the backcountry while huntin'. i must say these people are not talking about wyoming. i swear i could hunt for two weeks and 66% of the people i see would not be using the two legged express, rather they would be driving trucks or 4 wheelers. i am not bashing anyone, i am just saying that 66% is a big number and i know that at least in my neck of the woods, 66% of the people i see are not walking :?

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 8:48 am
my bad,,,,,,,,, that is only because three people have voted!

come on!!!! where is everyone, doesn't anyone have a comment. seems like the same three people day in and day out. i know you are all busy, but this is hunting we are talking about. hunting is like breathing, we always seem to find time to do that, so we should be able to find time to talk HUNTIN"

Best way to hunt?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 9:06 pm
Since it is illegal to hunt from a motorized vehicle , aren't there only 2 choices? And shouldn't the other 2 choices be called ''best way to poach''

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 9:34 pm
by Danthe2pointmuleyman
hey fairchase,

it is not illegal to use a motorized vehicle during the hunt in most areas but it is illegal to shoot a firearm or bow from the motorized vehicle. just a fyi there anyhow thanks for your opinion.


Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:40 pm
by whtailtaker
:D :) :lol:


It depend on the area that you are going to hunt -
either walk in or ride horseback [sorry I do not use a 4x4]
"I feel like that is curb service"

but everyone has a different opinion on "how to hunt"

even the OUTDOOR CHANNEL is going to change their programing
get out of= ride 4x4 in, sit in pre arranged stand/box, shoot game animal over bait, then take pictures -
read article on may do african hunting shows

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:06 am
by shedhunter
Hey Ya'll got it wrong.

I use a truck to transport my ATV. My ATV to save gas, and to ride trails. After that some leg work is always preferable! I'd say the usage of these isn't bad, but hunting on/from some of these isn't right, I agree there! Hiking is definiately the best alternative when it comes to the hiking part, but then again, can your 84 year old grand-daddy mount a horse or hike 3 miles and pack his two point out? Just wonderin'? I think that there is no right/wrong answer. thats my two bits


Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 12:47 pm
by Anonymous
Just so we're clear;
It is illegal to hunt (chase , pursue , capture , molest) animals from a motor vehicle.
Therefore while in a truck or on an ATV you should not be hunting but traveling to a place where you will be hunting.