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New Here.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 8:50 pm
by Tracker J
Hey all, i started visiting this site last year, seems awsome, we got some really good and dedicated hunters here. I just joined, and hope to get involved in this site. I'm only 17, but im already extremely interested in mule deer hunting. I've only shot 3 muley's, but i foresee a lifetime of hunting for me lol. Me and Bushman brown, are friends and have already started scouting this year, we're trying to put together some footage and pictures this year of our scouting/hunting. It's bear season for me right now, just brought out my bow today, but bear huntings good for seeing lots of game and gettin a bit of an idea of deer numbers cus they'll be found low down in bear country feeding on the early growth. Just can't tell the bucks from does yet, or see how big the bucks are. Anyways excellent site, i agree with the lack of postings, but hopefully will pick up, ill try to contribute lots. :)

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 7:27 am
Tracker J:

Welcome aboard! Hope to hear some hunt stories and pictures real soon. Good luck.

BOHNTR )))------------------>

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 8:28 am
tracker j:

welcome, i am fairly new here as well, about three weeks and it rocks. not that i am old or anything, or not like old is a bad thing! lol,,, but man i remember when i was 17-19, hunting was my life, it still is i just can't seem to do all that i would like to. anyways, man college messed that up, i mean i am glad i went to college but there never seems enough days in the year. you are going to love coming here and shootiing the breeze about those awesome days spent afield. i am going to montana to the pryor mountains this weekend to hunt some bears with a buddy from billings. bring some of that great footage here to muley madness.

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 8:38 am
hey bohntr:

it has been a couple weeks since you replied to a post, good to see you are still kicking! last night i went through the annual ritual of filling out applications for the hunt season here in wyoming. it is going to be an exciting year for me this year if everything pans out as i hope. one of my good buddies from my hometown that moved to montana and got married a couple years ago has put in for a deer tag down in south wyoming near our old stomping grounds. and we are going to plan a 8 day deer huntin' trip if he draws, i also am going to put in for a special deer unit north of my hometown, the chances of drawing this unit are pretty tough but if i do i will follow my buddy around for 8 days and then spend about 5 refamilarizing myself with the special unit and then another 8 days hunting for myself there. i think elk hunting is going to be put on the back burner this year. i plan on going to montana to hunt elk next year so i am really going to concentrate on muleys this year. the special draw unit i put in for has been known to produce some good bucks, 195-205 range if you hunt hard, and that meets my standards.

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 1:21 pm
by MuleyMadness
Tracker J

Thanks for joining, we just need a few young died hard troopers like your self with a little time and energy to keep the board "alive" and well. :D

So send us some bear photos and some of your scouting pics when the horns get big. Look forward to having you around. Good luck with the bear hunt!

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 5:55 pm

Oh I'm still around, I was just visiting relatives in Oklahoma for a week and they don't have a computer there. But they sure have whitetails and turkeys and fishing..... :)

Man, you're making me jealous talking about hunting your beautiful state. I need to get up there and bowhunt again. I'll be there this July, as I'm looking at some retirement property up around Sheridan and want to poke around a bit. I'll be sure to take my in-laws truck so I can keep my CA identity low key. Don't want to take rocks and bottles while I'm there. :wink:

I'm hoping I can go elk hunting this year (Arizona) but I'm not holding my breath. I'll probably just be bowhunting muleys in UT and AZ, then chasing some Blacktails in CA. I didn't get drawn for NM and just got a PP for CO. I'll be heading up there (CO) next year for a triple B. (Backcounty Backpacking Bowhunt)

How is the snow pack there? I know my family was concerned about the Snowy Range. Hope you guys got caught up.

BOHNTR )))------------------->

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 5:56 pm
by Tracker J
yea i know how time consuming college can be, my brothers in 4th year egineering, so im taking this year off of school all together. I hope to get a really dedicated year of mule deer hunting in, while i get the chance. Work will take up some time, but I'll be able to put in some good hunts and hopefully scout lots and get the drop on some big animals. MM i hope to load up some good footage and pics, i dont have the video yet but im startin to get some pics, how do i go about puttin them on here?

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 6:17 pm
by MuleyMadness
Tracker J,

Someone just asked that question in the Shed Forum, here is the link I replied with...

let me know if this confuses you.


Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 7:41 am
Welcome aboard Tracker J, always glad to see knew blood around.

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 7:13 pm
by Tracker J
MM thanks,
yea i know how to use the url and attack it but i dont know how to get it onto the web to somewhere cus i just got em all saved into a folder on my computer.