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Guided General Deer????

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 1:30 am
by shedhunter
I was just wondering, how many of ya'll would pay (if you had the money) to go on a guided general deer hunt on puplic and/or private ground? I know a lot would have to do with location, for the poll's sake, lets say close to home, Southern Utah General deer. And if it were a yes, what would you expext to pay and what would your expectations (size of deer) be. Even if your a "NO, I wouldn't pay for a guided general deer hunt" let me know what your position is on the subject!


Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 1:38 am
by shedhunter
I know there is money in the field of guiding, especially in limited-entry draw units. There are people, however, that would also pay to just go out and hunt every year, even if the chances at a big buck aren't as high as say.....the Pansagaunt. If there is any intrest in hunting a general hunt but being guided, I am very interested. I have thought of doing this for several years now, but still am unsure of the intrest showed in the field. I would love to guide, especially close to home for guys that just want a chance at a good buck, but would't be disapointed if they just got basic four points. Does that even intrest anyone at all????

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 7:41 am
Shedhunter, this is a hard question for me to answer. Being as I don't make the big money, I can't afford the fees charged by most guides (I guess I could afford it but then I would not be able to put in for draws, pay for out of state fees, gear, etc). I guess you'd have to say that prioritization is the key. If I could afford to pay for everything, every year and I was hunting an unfamiliar piece of land then sure, I'd pay for a guide. On the other hand, I really do enjoy just getting in the field and doing what I love to do, regardless of the ultimate outcome. Don't get me wrong, knocking down a big buck is always the ultimate goal, but is not necessary or expected all the time. Besides, there is a bit of self satisfaction knowing that you have taken a nice buck without any outside help.
The other side of the coin however:
The one bonus I have is that being in the military, I get the chance to meet people from all parts of the country and I usually make some pretty good hook-ups that way. I went on my first black-tail hunt here in California last year and was helped out by a friend of mine who put me in touch with relatives of his in the state. They provided me with private land and his brother-in-law acted as my guide for the entire trip. He put me right on the deer and I came away with a beautiful 4x4.
Conclusion: If I can get a guide for nothing or minimal price then I'll take it. If not, no skin off my back...I'll go it alone and enjoy every minute of it.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 10:39 am
Howdy All!!!
it has been a few weeks since my last post, i was excited to see a new post with an excellent topic, i might add. paying to hunt general deer, hummmmmm, let me see! i think that i would pay to hunt on a general deer tag. i have big expectations when i hunt, and that would be even more so if i was paying to do so. not only in the size of the deer but the guides demeanor, experience, knowledge, and stability. i would not expect anything from a guide that i would not expect from myself. meaning, if the guide was willing to work hard and be friendly and a joy to hunt with i would for sure pay for a general hunt. however, i have read quite a few stories of bad guides, not only lack of knowledge but with alcohol problems and other such silly things. if i am paying with my hard earned dollar, i would expect nothing less than perfection. call me crazy that is just me. i respect my dollar to much to waste it. personally i have had pretty good luck so far not paying, however, there are a few areas just in wyoming that i would love to hunt, which in turn also means i would be paying.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 3:48 pm
by MuleyMadness
My vote is/was for "do it myself". Having said that, I'm not against paying a guide for a nice buck. However at the moment I'm happy with my own scouting and bucks. Down the road I might pay someone to chase around some nice bucks. Everyone wants a monster, but I'd be happy with some nice 4-points in bow range.

Of course the price is huge for anyone and I'm not a millionare yet.

Good post and question though.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 5:35 pm
To answer the question directly......Sure I would if there was the possibility of a trophy buck AND I had the money. :wink:

However, in all my years of chasing trophy mule deer with a bow & arrow, I have yet to hire the services of a guide or outfitter. I prefer the public land, do-it -yourself type bowhunts. To those who choose to hire a guide every year and shoot fine animals, I say if you're having a good time and hunting for the right reasons...more power to you and have fun! Just remember ol' BOHNTR when you need a bowhunting buddy for a fully paid invite. :D

BOHNTR )))------------------>

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 6:19 pm
LOL....Man BOHNTR, not too proud for charity ay? Throw me in there too.....if it's free, it's for me!

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 9:26 am
by 30inchbucks
Do it myself is the answer. That's what makes the trophy on the wall a true real trophy. The other way wouldn't be a wallhanger for me.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 6:26 pm
by akw270
Chawk me up for "do it yourself."

Interesting question though.. Had to think about it a minute!

It's an ego thing i guess. :)

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 10:43 pm
by OregonEric
I have to agree with 30inch, unless I did it myself it would be in no way a trophy of mine. I am totally aganist paying to hunt, I think it should be outlawed. If you think that you would really enjoy guiding people around have them fill up your gas tank and take them out! The more people that try to make money on the animals we hunt the less that will be left for the rest of us who hunt honestly.