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Sad almost-huntergirl! READ THIS! (and reply)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 4:50 pm
by Anonymous
I feel so bad [-o< ...I love the sport of hunting...but I can;t parents won't let me! I had these two dreams that I went hunting and it was so realistic and I found it the most exciting and fun thing I ever did! (kinda did) So now I REALLY want to hunt! How sit in the woods or desert or wilderness and quietly :-$ scout out animals and try to shoot them for food or trophies!!! :arrow :2 I so wish that I could taste that freedom of hunting!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:25 am
What state do you live in, if you come to wyoming I would love to take a newbie out hunting. You can't always satisfy everyone around you, sometimes it is most important to satisfy yourself. Do your parents not like the idea of you taking a animal, or is it lack of the proper equipment to go hunting? I would like to help you out anyway possible, everyone should be able to enjoy the sport of hunting!

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:57 pm
by MuleyMadness
Who got you interested in Hunting? Dad? Brothers? Friends?
Something fishy here?

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:42 pm
by Don Fischer
Carefull you guy's, I just got back a personnal reply from a very upset 12yr old girl, that's TWELVE YEAR OLD GIRL!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:56 am
Hey Don,

Are you kidding me! I can't believe the folks around here would do such a thing! That is too bad some people have to be rude around here, I was hoping unlike some of the other sites I frequent, this one would never bring people around that would do those type of things. I have said it before and I will say it again, there is no room for that behavior around here! I am sure muleymadness will hopefully weed out those type of people. I go to another website and have had the opportunity to talk to some really good and knowledgable hunters, such as Guy Eastman, Steve Alderman, BOHNTR, among others that have made the experience of being on these websites worth it. The other day I was checking into another site when I came across a post that was literally bashing Guy Eastman who needs no introduction and took two amazing deer this past season. I just can't believe those type of people have the guts to sit there and bash anyone, not just those folks that most people have heard of.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 12:33 pm
by Don Fischer

I'm a bit gunshy right now. What are you talking about with rude? That little girl wasn't rude so you'd notice, she's just 12 yrs old and mom and dad said no to hunting for now. I didn't hear rude EVER, even in the personnal reply she sent me, and she was angry!

Maybe I said something to offend you? I hope not, I didn't mean to. That little girl is 12yrs old and has her whole life in front of her. She's got plenty of time to decide what she want's to do, but for now, it's not her place to undermine her parent's on an issue like hunting.

As for this site, this is a good one. The folk's like to talk about hunting mule deer mostly and seem to be quieter with hunting season's over, but I don't think anyone has been rude.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:12 am
by Danthe2pointmuleyman
Hello All,
I usually dont reply to things like this an i tend to keep quiet most of the time but i thought i would give this one a hoot. I think we all should jus look over all the uproar an talk about the true sport of hunting.. i mean thats what this site is all about. I havent read anything rude at all or that upsets me one bit. Huntergirl has her rights an reasons to be upset with Don but at least she did it in a personal response and not out in the open for all of us to see. We all reply here in fear of gettin criticized by somebody or getting disagreed with but thats all the fun in replyin anyhow. I can see why the somebody would rag on Guy Eastman because i think the Eastmans bring it upon themselve sometimes. They shouldnt brag all the time and get out of the "dream world" of theirs an come back to the reality of hunting. Look i cant afford private hunts or guided hunts and i dont really want or need to anyhow. I could care less about all of Guy's success's an all the braggin he does on his animals. I do like the knowledge that Guy an Dan Eastman pass on though i think its very informative an is a very nice gesture of them to do so. I still drool on some of the animals they have taken an have been guilty of dreamin of one myself too. Im glad they enjoy their job but every once in awhile i would like to see a normal general hunt with regular ppl bagging big bucks. It interests me more when jus average joes pull out bucks in some of the most hunted an beaten paths you can see and i think it adds alot more to their trophies too. Of course nothing beats the self guided hunts an baggin lol but thats where the work begins eh. Im not sayin dissing or ragging is exceptable but i think strong opinions or views used in the proper way are. Lets just enjoy the hunting an look past the rest eh.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:11 am
by Don Fischer
I'm really sorry this ended up here. I've been in contact with Wymulieman and have ended this confussion, I hope. As I looked back on the last public post and had some friend's do it also, it could be some pervert hitting up on young girl's on this site. That's not what happened.

Huntergirl,her name is Blake) resopnded with a private message to Wymulieman, Brett and myself. She was angty with me because of my first post. What shr said to Brett and Wymulieman I don't know. Both of them have all the private message's I recieved and sent. Brett got them as soon as it happened.

What we have here is a 12 yr old girl that want's to hunt very bad and mom and dad, non-hunter's, said no! This is one bright and determined kid. I've also had two message's from her apologizing for being mad. And she told me that she really love's her mom and dad but just want's to go hunting so bad she can't stand it. It's all about a little girl that wnat's to do something so bad, she think's she can't wait.

I understand Wymuliemans post above now and it's kinda good knowing he had the gut's to say something. It's sad we've reached a point in this country where some need's to. I really didn't think much about it at the time I warned everyone about Blake, I live in a town of about 25 people and no kid's, we don't have these's problems. I don't get T.V. here and only read the sport's page in the news. I plede ignornance!

Blake if your still reading this and I believe you are, you can send me message's whenever you want, IF mom and dad know's your doing it and it's alright with them. They should send me a personnal message with a work phone # so I can call and make sure with them. I'll answer your message's, but not behind your folk's back. If you had been up front in the first place none of this would have happened and with your folk's permission, I know nof two guy's that would be writting you back now, me and Wymulieman. Now's the time to fix it.

I don't get my mom.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 5:47 pm
by huntergirl
I don't get something. My mom said pretty much the reson I can't hunt is that there are so many hunting accidents each year. The thing I don't get is that, you all know that all hunting sources are chock full of hunters that are in great condition and never get seriously hurt! Now, what are the chances of just ME getting hurt out of thousands and thousands of other hunters???!!! Is that a good point or is that a good point? I need to ask her that! :thumb


Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:06 pm
by Anonymous

Someday you will be a mother maybe and you'll understand. Even one chance in a million is one chance to many. That may not in your view be fair but that's something we all have to deal with.

By the way, does mom and dad know your taklking to us? They need to!
You might be suprised and they might,maybe, will relent a little if your up front. If they do, invite them to visit us here. It may not change a thing but then again maybe they'll get a bit more comfortable with it. And anyway, even if they let you go, who you gonna go with? Maybe for now it's best to visit with us here and wait for your time. So go make sure mom and dad know's what's going on right now, maybe learn to accept this, show them your resopnsible and who know's what will happen.

write us again,
Don Fischer

PS I'm not home so this will probally show me as a guest.