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What's your favorite animal to hunt? Why?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:50 pm
by huntergirl
If I could I would say my favorite animal to hunt would be....probably deer in general...not a specific type. Why? I'd say because I would like to hunt big animals. Graceful animals.


Rocky Mountain Elk

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 9:29 pm
by shedhunter
My answer would be ELK. I have a passion for screaming bulls and I think this is something that wont ever go away! The deer family is truly North America's trade mark and my favorite "family" to hunt. There is something about their intelligence and senses that makes them like no other family. Elk are just so big, vocal, and yet elusive! I still say to take any animal with a bow, rather than a rifle, CAN be more rewarding to the soul! To me hunting is all about connecting with ones inner soul, and elk do that for me (and mulies come in a close second)! Great question from a hopeful future hunter!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:57 pm
by Danthe2pointmuleyman
I hafta say Elk too...simply because its the best thrill ever. Elk is such an elusive animal i mean they can travel over the toughest terrain an be gone in a second. They are very strong an weary and it takes your highest game up another knotch and you better be prepared for the elements. Hearing a screamin bull in the distance is the coolest thing that can be played to your ears. Gets in your blood and stays there for life and thats speaks for itself right there. I Love all kinds of hunts but the elk hunt has my number one slot and doesnt look like its comin down anytime soon. Great poll question huntergirl, keep up the good work and hang in there because one day you will most likely have the same feelings that all of us share on this site.


Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:42 pm
by salty
I would have to say an old mule deer, because I am still trying to get one out of northern Utah. But Elk are a close second maybee a first when they come charging in during the rut thats a rush! :-k

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 6:33 pm
by shorty
Mine is antalope

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:46 am
by wrmdnkr
Mine would be perverted 50 year old bald men that pretend to be little girls on websites. :2 :arrow