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I could use hunting advice and info.!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 1:04 am
by huntergirl
Hey, I have new confidence that I will have my shoot (no pun intended) at hunting, so I was wondering if some of you guys/girls could give me advice and help me study up about hunting since you people probably know so much! So, if you have any advice or information, please post a message so I can study up!


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:08 am
by fatrooster
Huntergirl, if you are going to get your chance let me first say congratulations. If you are going to shoot a rifle then I suggest shooting every chance that you can. Get to know your rifle and everything about safety. If you have a BB gun available then start with this. No it is not a real rifle but you will learn to hold it steady while shooting and how to use a rifle rest. I still shoot a BB gun quite often and I'm 41 years old. It is just great practice. You will also get in the habit of keeping your barrel pointed in a safe direction, unloading it when not in use, becoming familiar with using the safety and many other things. Get an experienced person to coach you on shooting. People who have been in the military are good teachers and I'm sure a VFW person would be glad to donate time to a 12 year old young lady. I strongly encourage your parents to go with you for many reasons. #1. So they can be involved with your interest. #2. So that they may also know all of the points of gun safety and therefore be proper stewards of their 12 year old daughter who will be handling a gun. #3. So they may learn how to shoot. They may enjoy it even if they don't want to hunt. #4. So they may know the person teaching you. I wouldn't want my daughter with just any ole person. There are strange people out there to put it politely. #5. The list goes on and on. Learn proper cleaning and care of a firearm. This could also fall under safety. This all aplies to a bow also. Always be willing to hear different views and opinions with an open mind. Learning from one person will give you tunnel vision. And most of all and best of all, let us know how your doing here on this site. I'm sure we would all love to see your progress. fatrooster.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:50 am
by bittersweetmuleymeat
Your local American Legion will sponsor (or know who does) a 10 meter air rifle competition. It is VERY closely supervised and a great program for young folks that want to learn about firearms and responsibilty. My 14 year old daughter shoots twice a week and will soon be competing at a national level. In our local club, the parents are more than welcome to stay and watch practice. Saftey is #1. My daughter loves to hunt and the air rifle shooting has definately made an impact on her shooting in the field.


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 12:30 pm
by huntergirl
Thanks....I'll take notes on that! My brother's friende teaches hunter's safety...


Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:56 pm
by Danthe2pointmuleyman
Hey Huntergirl,
You already have great advice given to you but it thought i would add some more in as well. Like they said, start out with a bb gun whether its a pump action or an air rifle. Try setting up pop cans on a log or hang them from a tree and just try to knock them down and try different ranges as well. Go to the range where there is guidance and you can ask for hints from the instructors there and just learn how to hold your gun steady and how to aim correctly. Work up with the guns, start out small like a bb gun than go to a 22 cal than to a 410 than to a 20 gauge than to a 16 gauge than to a 12 gauge than finally to a deer rifle sort of like a 243 or 7mm08. Use a smaller caliber in the rifle because the kick will knock your shooting way off in the field and on the range. You can try limbsavers and pads to help with the kick but i would still start small. I recomend after you get handy at the range to go bird hunting or rabbit hunting at first, you get more shots that way and they will still challenge you as well. You can use a pump shotgun but i recomend a single shot/split. Knowing you only have one shot to use, you tend to make it count the first time which every good hunter should always do. Never take a shot you are unsure about or not prepared to take. Safety is the number one priority at all times when handling a firearm. Never walk with a loaded gun and NEVER run with a gun. Keep your safety on at all times until your ready to take your shot. Know what you shooting at and whats around that animal as well. Take the hunter safety course as well because that teaches you not only how to shoot but the do's and dont's of hunting an boundry lines an regulations and etc... You can spend countless hours shooting at the range and at fake targets but nothing will prepare you for a shot out in the field where its raining or your breathing very heavily and there is sweat in your eyes and your heart is pounding rapidly and the deer isnt cooperating at all. That is what makes it fun and challenging and its a great feeling when you do succeed but blowing a few shots will only make you more determind to make the next. Well i hope that helps and good luck with your shooting. Take care and God Bless.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 3:12 pm
by huntergirl
Well, thanks for the info guys! If I raise enough money to hunt, I'll be sure to check back and make sure I have everything copid down! Cause, my mom said that, we don't have any money to hunt, and we can't just go out and buy a gun. So I'm going to use my babysitting money to try to raise money for hunting INSTEAD of buying a horse!!! And I ADORE horses! So thanks again for the info!



Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 6:10 pm
by huntergirl
Ummm....nobody post replies onmy topics anymore. I don't have a chance to hunt mom thinks it's disgusting and she just said a plain no and told me not to ask again. So just nobody post replies to my stuff anymore. I'm going to stop asking because I just can't. I'm not even going to mention it my house anymore. I might come on this site once in a while but I don't think I'll be on often. I'm just stopping. ](*,) MY times not never thanks for the info. and support.

-huntergirl (not anymore)

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:45 am
Sorry to hear the news, it is too bad you won't be coming around our site anymore! It was nice having a different perspective on things around here, even if it was only a couple weeks worth. I have not been replying because I have just been too busy, but i have read each and everyone of your replies. Let me tell you a story; I use to date this girl a couple years ago and she was two years younger then me, so she still lived with her parents and they were very religous folks and would not allow her to hunt. Well while i was dating her she decided to go to college and so she left her parents house. Well about one year later she came back home and called me up wanting to go coyote hunting, surprised to say the least I was because her parents were pretty serious about the no hunting rule. But after she had left the nest there wasn't really much her parents could say. She was grown and old enough to make her own decisions. They were not upset with her, maybe alittle bit upset with me for taking her but, not to sound disrespectful or anything but I really was not too worried about it because they were just mad at me because I was dating there daughter. Long story cut short she did end up hunting and she shot her first coyote with me and it was great. So you have plenty of time, I would not worry about it just yet. Once you leave home and get married you never know what might happen. You could marry someone that does nothing but hunts. And there you go. Keep your head up and don't leave the site.

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 8:27 pm
by fatrooster
huntergirl, I'm sorry that you cannot not now but you WIll hunt one day. Don't give up forever but just put it on the back burner for now. I suggest that you keep coming on this site and learning everything that you can. I for one have enjoyed your company and hope that you stick around.


Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 3:51 pm
by huntergirl
I'll still be hanging around the site guys. But...

While playing the hunting game my mom bought me, my dad came in to watch me. Then he told me that his brother hunted! I didn't know that... So he said he always had wanted to go but was never taken! And this morning (3/6/05) I was watching a hunting show with him (my dad) and after a hunter shot, I blurted out, "If I could hunt, I could take a huge buck just like that!" And he said, "Who said you can't hunt?" "Mom." I replied. "Oh. I'll have to talk to her about that." ...!!!!!!!!!!!! So I went over and hugged him and inside I was celebrating and saying YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY! So I have hope again, and even more! =D> :thumb :arrow :3 :2


P.S.-If you don't think I can hunt, talk to the hand! =;