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Whats your opionin

Post by shorty » Fri May 06, 2005 7:41 pm

Anti gunners cow killers and doe shoters are the worst people that can screw your hunt up. No effence.

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Post by ABert » Fri May 06, 2005 7:48 pm

Shorty, you need to get a grip on reality. I know you are young and there for do not have a lot of hunting experience, so I will forgive you for this post. I believe you are only posting to see how many people are responding to your posts. Or maybe just posting to get more "points" for your deer icon. I don't know which but please don't try to start something going on which you know nothing about.
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Post by shorty » Sat May 07, 2005 5:32 pm

Well listen up lad i am just saying that why would u want a pregnant cow elk???????????

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Post by ABert » Sat May 07, 2005 9:40 pm

Shorty, I said I would forgive your ignorance due to your age. I did give you a chance. I am not out to embarrass you but....... I'm not sure just how much you have hunted elk. It is true that the rut in most states for elk is in Sept. However, I have seen cows outnumber bulls at least 10 to 1 reguardless of where I hunt. The taking of cows is regulated by the state to controll the herds. There are many more bull tags issued than cow tags in any state I personally know of. Colorado still issues bull tags over the counter but not cow tags. Please do some research on management of game animals before expressing the opinions of those who spout off their opinions to you. IMHO, I believe you are getting to caught up on the size of antlers rather than the quality of the hunt. Whether you get an animal or not is what makes hunting. It is spending time in the woods with those that you love or respect or both. I don't mean to say that those that you are listening to are a bad influence, but as you get older I truly hope you realize what hunting is truly about. I'll take a cow or doe any day as I prefer to put some meat in my freezer to feed my family. I make enough money to where if I don't fill the freezer my family will be just fine. However, the number one reason I can go hunting (as you may find out when you get married) is that I do bring home an elk every year and my wife prefers elk hands down over going to the grocery store to buy beef. I truly appreciate you enthusiasm in hunting, as the youth is our futrue, but please don't blame some for trying to put meat on the table as the number on reason for the fall of hunting. As far as antigunners go, I do not believe they are targeting hunters perse. Although, I truly believe, they're ultimate goal is to ban every gun in the country. Support the NRA as they are our strongest voice in WA. If you truly disagree with what I am saying, show what I have written to your father and mother. If you still have a problem, send me an email. I would be more than happy to discuss this with you futher.
It ain't the size of the gun but the placement of the bullet.

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Post by shorty » Mon May 09, 2005 1:09 pm

Well i do agree with you only with the fact that you are putting meat on the table but if you were just killing it to kill it then that would be a different. By the way my dad has almost the same opinion. My dad has carried me up in the mountians seice i was a baby and i have been with my dad hunting deer and elk every year and this is my first year hunting big game i drew out for yout elk. I am sorry for the hassle my dad has read all of these fourms. I do understand as long as you are not waisting the animals.

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Post by Danthe2pointmuleyman » Thu May 12, 2005 10:26 pm


You have alot to learn about hunting and the reasons behind the many people that cherish the hunt. I have to disagree with you on your point of view on shooting a cow or doe and being an anti-gunner as well. First off I will tell you about shooting a cow or doe an why I have chose to go on a anterless hunt before. You see I love to hunt and be in the mountains which is the only place I can call home for me an my horse. I don't go to kill or slaughter animals but to pay my respect to God's creatures an see his beautiful makings. I love to go out of the cabin an onto the porch an take a deep breath an close my eyes only to open them feeling like im in heaven an the only thing on my mind is to go out an enjoy the hunt. We are in times that have changed since before my time and im sure before yours as well because we can run down to the 7-11 an pick up a slurpee an a weiner than be on our way with the day instead of going out like they use to an shoot for food just to survive. See we don't HAVE TO but we choose to not for the same reasons of survival but we still love the meat an choose it over payin 2 bucks a lb at the local grocery. There is nothing like wild game to have on the dinner table sharing it with your loved ones an knowing you didn't waste this fine animal on a rack or a mount on the wall. Most of the anterless hunters do the right thing an use all of the meat taken instead of cutting off the head just for the mount an waste the rest like some trophy hunters have. You need to understand that we all are not the same so don't generalize on just shooting a cow or doe but instead look at it as a positive thing in keeping the doe to buck ratio steady an keeping food on the dinner table for the family to enjoy. Oh this reply is getting long already but I have to keep going because I have a bone to pick with you about the anti-gunners as well. Even though they don't see our side like we want them to I have to say that we don't see their side that well neither. Lets not hate them for it but instead fight back an support the NRA or other supporting foundations an do our job monthly to keep sure our rights are protected. None of us have to pick a quarrel with them but instead just do our job with the NRA and im sure there will be many of years ahead to where we can enjoy the sport of hunting an the right to own a gun. Well thats all I have for now so I Hope you get something out of my reply an enjoy the sheds alright. God Bless Our Troops and happy hunting.
Happy Trails

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Post by WYMULEYMAN » Tue May 17, 2005 8:27 am

I tried to hold off on replying to this post but I don't think that I can any longer. As far as for you shorty I say this, I use to think the same thing, why would anyone want to kill a slopehead I just didn't see the point in it, I thought they were wasting a tag and quite frankly, I thought they were just in my way as I was pursuing that elusive trophy. The years have changed me as I believe they will change you. Many people hunt for different reasons, whether it is to provide, to enjoy, or just plain the thrill of the hunt. With that I say who are you or I to judge someones elses reasons for doing what they do. As long as it is done ethically and with respect for the animals in which they pursue, and with the respect for nature! I don't think you even begin to understand the game management, as if you did you probably would not have made this post in the first place. I can only speak intelligently about the state of wyoming as that is the only place I have ever hunted and I will tell you that the buck to doe or the bull to cow ratio is completely out of whack in any area you choose to hunt. For those folks that want to provide meat, whether they need it or just want it, I say fantastic, and more power to them. I have never, nor will I ever take a doe but for those that choose differently that is there choice and I will not say anything different. I on the other hand have taken cow elk and will continue to take cow elk for a couple reasons. Number one I don't want to just hunt any bull, and those areas open to general bull tags the chance of ever taking a trophy bull are slim to none. I have hunted these general areas in the past and I will tell you the frustration of the amounts of people, unethical people to be more specific drove me out of those parts of the state. You can apply for a late season cow tag and hunt the same areas long after the rush of people has gone. Number two it is alot easier to draw areas that otherwise I would never get the chance to see or hunt otherwise. Number three a cow elk tastes good, I will give you this shorty, I try to always only take a dry cow to spare any off spring! As far as mulies go I am and will always be a die hard trophy hunter! I do put in for areas that a chance at a good bull are good but they are so hard to draw and they don't offer preference points in the state of wyoming. So I will continue putting in for bulls first choice and late season cows as my second choice. Mainly to keep the tradition alive of hunting elk. My dad is somewhat to banged up to hunt super hard and so he chooses to put in for cows second choice and if I want the opportunity to hunt with him and my little sisters that is the choice I must make.

Bottomline don't bust anyone in the chops that you have no idea there situation and you will get along with folks around here alot better.

Happy Trails!!!!!!!!

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Post by BOHNTR » Tue May 17, 2005 9:35 am


Good post! But to be honest with you, I'd save your breath. A few of us here have tried to explain things to the youngman, but he refuses to listen. (look in the archery section) Hopefully he'll sit back and learn some good valuable information here and think before he posts something. I like involving youth in our sport, especially those who are willing to learn. I hope it helps him.
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Post by shorty » Tue May 17, 2005 10:25 am

Thanks for the info but nothing that u guys say is going to change my mind.

There is only one more thing that i have to say this is another reason that i dont like the cow elk hunts in utah, They hunt them from the middle of november to late Jan. That is one reason along with all the others that I would not kill a cow elk.
It is good that u can take a few cow elk but there is to many being shot doun.

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Post by BOHNTR » Tue May 17, 2005 11:04 am

Shouldn't you be in school right now???????
BOHNTR )))-------------->

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