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This is really funny!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 7:24 pm
by shorty
This is a good one tell me what you think go to ... fishin.htm


Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:49 pm
by Arch
hahahahahah that was prettty good i dunno about the hammer part at the end but it was pretty good

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 8:54 pm
by shorty
Who vited no just a wonderin

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 9:55 pm
by Arch
probably some tree hugger

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 2:37 pm
by shorty
I don't know if i should say anthing about that some one will be on my case.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 10:24 pm
by Arch
yea i hope i didnt offend anyone but i guess i better be more careful