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Has anyone used Deer co cain?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:29 pm
by AntlersOutWest
Has anyone used Deer co cain?
Ive seen it on the hunting channels a tons. You mix the solution with water and simply pour it on a stump or on the ground. The commericals show the deer digging 3 foot holes in the ground just to get the minerials.

Re: Has anyone used Deer co cain?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:25 pm
by wingmaster36
I tried once, but all I got was a headache. lol

Seriously I've never used it.

Re: Has anyone used Deer co cain?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:45 pm
by DeadI
I had a buddy use it there year and said that it worked pretty good both deer and elk were using the spot daily.

Re: Has anyone used Deer co cain?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 6:13 pm
by 6x6 bull
Antlersoutwest I am sure that it will work because if you read the ingredients it is about 90% sodium. We all know know deer crave salt at certain times of the year but what I don't like is paying $8 for a small bag of salt when you can buy a 50# block for $5.

Re: Has anyone used Deer co cain?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:36 pm
by Avs man
Its also ILLEGAL in most states, You cant bait wildlife, dont get caught, I know of a couple of guys that set tree stands up on trails to livestock salt blocks that a rancher had left for his cattle that deer were using, the Game warden just so happend to see the tree stand and where it was and ticketed the hunters for baiting wild life. You can use a Lure but not a bait. A lure is something that cant be consumed by the animal. Just to let you know, Check your game laws before you use any, you might end up in deep trouble.

Re: Has anyone used Deer co cain?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:39 pm
I've used similar products for hogs, dig a pit, cover with heavy stone. I'll be damned if those deer go at that stuff more than pigs do, Whitetails though things are like flies out here.

Re: Has anyone used Deer co cain?

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:58 pm
by The Ox
i buy a 50 lb sack of corn for fifteen dollars and i put out 5-10 lbs a week and sometimes more often, ive went back the next day and it was completley gone down to the last kernal. im serious i could not find one kernal of corn! i also had a salt lick sitting next it and and they never touched it!they love lvoe love corn!

Re: Has anyone used Deer co cain?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 9:47 am
by Buckmaster
We used it 2years ago. Both the Elk and Deer hit it everyday while in the antler growth period, after they rubbed off the velvet the consistence was lost. I did go back this year to check out the spot were we had pour the ingredients on the ground and the Elk had pawed a hole about 12" deep. PM me more info.

Re: Has anyone used Deer co cain?

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:40 am
by a_bow_nut
I put out salt licks in areas that I would like to hunt and set my trail cameras over the licks to see what shows up. I have noticed that at about the time the archery season starts that they stop hitting the licks so much so I don't use them as a hunting tool as much as a scouting tool to find out if there are any animals in the area that are worth persuing.

Re: Has anyone used Deer co cain?

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:58 am
by AntlersOutWest
Thanks for all the imput.
I think im going to buy some and try it.
Im wondering if they will use it during the winter months..??

AVS Man- They claim my middle name is "Sneeky" . The game warden up here is too lazy to get out of his truck. he's even told me so.. im not too worried..

The Ox- That could get pricy! But sounds lik it works great.. Last winterI had a bunch of old moldy hay that our horses wouldnt eat, I threw it over the fence I had 200 head of elk in my backyard every night.