I'm a pretty proud father!

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I'm a pretty proud father!

Post by AGCHAWK » Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:01 pm

Well guys and gals, my youngest son finished his first full season of wrestling and really did AWESOME!

I missed a LOT of hunting time going to tournaments throughout Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho but I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Again, Skylor took up wrestling this past Spring and wrestled during the Spring Eastern Washington League and the Fall Northern Idaho League. He concluded his first season last weekend with an overall record of 33-9 with three 1st place finishes, one 2nd place finish, and four 3rd place finishes.

Again, thanks for letting me brag a little. I am SO PROUD of the little man. I expected him to get his little butt kicked a lot since he's new to the sport but he exceeded everyone's expectations!

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Re: I'm a pretty proud father!

Post by AGCHAWK » Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:23 pm

This was one of the main reasons I was not on the site here near as much as I used to be.

I also wanted to point out that although I am COMPLETELY stoked with his success, winning medals wasn't the most important thing to me. I wanted him to compete to the best of his ability and accept losing as much as winning. In fact, I was most proud of the way he wrestled in two of the matches he lost. In one match he took a knee to the face and I could tell right away that it really hurt him a lot. However, he fought through the tears and pain and finished the match in style before losing 4-2. He really showed me a LOT in that match.
(I saw way too many parents that would yell and scream, complain and complain, etc before/during/after each wrestling match. I also saw way too many kids throwing headgear, refusing to shake hands after matches, complaining about perceived bad calls, and just generally being mean-hearted, angry children. It made me sick when I saw these things and I refused to let myself or Skylor stoop to that level. For the record, these incidents were in the extreme minority and most folks conducted themselved very well....but a few bad apples always spoil the barrel)

Lastly, he made sure he shook his opponents hand after every match and even stopped to hug his opponent and make sure they were OK when they looked upset or hurt. He even made some great friends during these tournaments and although he wrestled each as if "they stole his milk money", he was right back to running around with them and playing with them after the matches.

What I want is not a State Champion...what I want is a son who is polite, graceful in defeat, and above all a great sportman and ambassadore for the Hells Canyon Wrestling Club. I think he accomplished BOTH and I could not be more proud!!

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Re: I'm a pretty proud father!

Post by bigbuck92 » Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:14 pm

Thats neat Hawk he looks like a stuf and I'm glad to see you're raising him to be right and honest. He'll grow up to be a great man with the work ethic and character you raised him to have.
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Re: I'm a pretty proud father!

Post by treetop » Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:13 pm

When You watch your kids compete and you:
#1 pray they don't get hurt.
#2 pray they don't embarasse them selves,
#3 pray that they can do their best.
I'm not much into sports but of all the things that a kid can do in sports, none build self control and respect better than wrestling.
Not much in life beats the feeling of seeing your kids do well.

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Re: I'm a pretty proud father!

Post by ABert » Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:18 pm

Congrats to you and your son!!! 10sign: Wrestling is a great sport and you can never start too young. Sounds like your son is definitely on the right track.

Oh, and I hope he didn't have to wrestle that little tough looking girl in the background of the first pic on the podium. She looks like she beats up the boys just for fun!
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Re: I'm a pretty proud father!

Post by killerbee » Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:59 am

Right on HAWK!
That is great seeing your kid do so well and i couldn't agree more - wrestleing builds up so much of lifes lessons, never quit attitude, great sportsmanship, winning gracefully, LOOSING gracefully, ETC...

but on top of ALL of that, YOUR KID IS JUST PLAIN KICKING BUTT!!! heck ya you can be proud and brag alittle! :thumb :thumb

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Re: I'm a pretty proud father!

Post by m gardner » Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:23 am

You've got every right to be proud. Wrestling is a tough sport. You are putting it out there in front of everybody and you are alone. That boy's got sand. 10sign:

You need to get him trained up to pack elk meat now! lol

God bless and Merry Christmas.

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