Inlaws or Elk

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Re: Inlaws or Elk

Post by JLROOT » Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:11 pm

Ok when all else fails compromise. So you cant hunt elk. Just remind the the sister in law that that varmits are in season during the reunion and that is not a posted limit on inlaws.

A 'Veteran' whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve is someone who, at one point in his/her life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.'

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Re: Inlaws or Elk

Post by DeerTracker » Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:32 pm

I know how you feel. Two years ago, my cousin from Louisiana planned her wedding on the worst possible day. All our family who i almost never get to see came up and she had her wedding in MT. I cant remember for sure now but she planned it for the day before or the day rifle season opened. I already had plans for 5 months to go to my girlfriend's family's cabin and hunt with them. My mom was mad as well as most of the family but I already had plans and she should have known better than to plan her wedding opening weekend especially when my whole side of the family hunts and well, this is MT. As far as Im concerned, nothing but hunting should go on that weekend! We made it back in time to see them all right before they left so that made it a little better. I have no hard feelings about missing it. Go hunting!
Keep the wind in your face, hunt hard, shoot straight, kill clean.

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