Ready for spring and Morel hunting

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Post by elkslayer338 » Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:16 pm


I was curious, we have to fight with folks that go out in mass and collect buckets full to sell later. Do you all run into the same thing? I can't blame em really with the price of morels on the market. However, I'm only interested in gathering enough to last me through to hunting season so that I can enjoy them with the game I bring home. That's why I try to get out there before the commercial pickers hit it.[/quote]

People have been shot over morels in michigan, they sell for big bucks, but like you I just eatem... this will be a fun thread make sure to post your harvest this year.
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Post by hound_hunter » Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:38 pm

Thanks a ton everyone for the info. Several 5 gal. buckets full in a single day!!! That's awesome!

You guys sure seem to know your stuff, good luck this season - keep us posted, im excited to hear all the success and see the pictures!

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Post by waynedevore » Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:58 pm

Morel Mushrooms are apparently common in MN North country, I've heard a lot about them, and I think I've seen many. I don't know much about them but I would like to learn.

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Post by elkslayer338 » Thu May 03, 2007 7:53 pm

Well It's a start and looks like they are just stating to pop up found some blacks and a blond. and some wee shrooms just popping up ground temp is a 60 so they should be bustin up now. The kicker is I got back home that morning and to appease the Wife God for letting me go morel hunting in the first place I made her the first morel omelet. At least she gave me a bite. LOL :)) Anybody find any yet?

Hope you all are doing great and enjoying the spring
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Post by AGCHAWK » Thu May 03, 2007 8:03 pm

elkslayer338, I'm heading out this Saturday to do a little "huntin" here in WA. I'll let ya know how I do (Last year was great...should be pretty good again this year).

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Post by killerbee » Thu May 03, 2007 8:29 pm

well i've only personnaly hunted 'shrums once and found a few morels but a buddy i work with is a 'shroomer and just friday on the way to work we were just driving along and he spotted a bunch of shaggy mains ???? not sure on the spelling-- or the word itself for that matter???? any way he got 10 total just on the side of the gravel road we were on.

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Post by elkslayer338 » Thu May 03, 2007 10:04 pm

Cool let me know how it goes I hear you have great picking out their. oh watch out for the morel Yeti. LOL
Hope you fill bags full
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Post by AGCHAWK » Sat May 05, 2007 5:52 pm

Elkslayer, I hit the hills this morning with my Brother, my youngest son and my niece and found about 2 pounds worth. I think we're still a good week to two weeks from the peak pickin' days though. Most of the morels we found were rather small and a lot of the ground was still frozen (In fact we had a few snowflakes fallin' while we were out. But...THEY ALL TASTE THE SAME! I think I'll grill some up this evening with a nice venison steak and enjoy myself.
I got some pics too. I'll post them to this thread when I get them downloaded.

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Post by AGCHAWK » Sat May 05, 2007 6:15 pm

Here's a couple pics from this morning. One is my youngest son with his finds (After about 1/2 of hunting he decided it was more fun chasing squirrels and stopped lookin'). The second pic is just a few of the larger ones we found (Like I said, we found a lot...just not a lot of big ones).
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Post by killerbee » Sat May 05, 2007 9:14 pm

awsome hawk--- way to include your kid!!! he'll never forget it!

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