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Post by ABert » Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:27 pm

AGCHAWK, great story, though perhaps not the greatest hunt. It is amazing the things that don't go well for us while we're out there hunting, yet we always can't wait to do it all again.
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Post by ridgetop » Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:00 pm

This story is second hand but here it is anyway. Me and Idhunter were archery hunting the Wasatch Front a few years ago and it was about mid afternoon. We were at the top of a canyon and decided to still hunt down to the bottom, where there was a trail that lead back to the car. Well Paul had got to the bottom before I did and was waiting for me to meet up with him. While he was waiting, two men came walking down the trail completely naked. When I first heard this, I thought it was very funny but then I remembered that less than two weeks earlier I had hiked that same trail with my six year old daughter. Then I was a little more than upset with the thought of her seeing something like that. :nono: Please not on public trails. :>/
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Post by killerbee » Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:21 pm

uh---- and thats why I always carry a rubber blunt in my qwiver!!!!!!!!!! :arrow :arrow

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Post by Hiker » Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:28 am

Great stories..... :thumb

Anymore? It's a long offseason.

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Post by NONYA » Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:37 am

We were out on the prarie a couple years back when my uncle spotted a wolf chasing a doe WT about 1 1/2 miles away,they turned and the wolf chased the doe within 80 yards and my uncle dropped it,that wolf turned tail and hauled hind end for about 50 miles,probably the only deer killed after it was rounded up by a wolf!

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Post by kadejones2 » Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:07 pm

wow those are some good storys

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Post by Hiker » Wed May 16, 2007 10:17 pm

Anymore good stories? :-k

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Post by waynedevore » Thu May 17, 2007 8:05 am

I got many stories, the vast majority are great times. One bad time that comes to mind this morning. I spent 2 days stuck in MT gumbo, bad STUCK!
It was mid Sept, by myself in the Bitter Creek Country. The 2 tracks had been decent traveling but low spots had water/gumbo. I was doing alright going around the bad spots. Then I came up over this steep hill, gunned the truck to keep up speed and on the other side my tires got in ruts. I knew I couldn't stop so I hit the accelerator. The gumbo was to wide and deep, I made it to the middle. Where I was at was about 30 miles North of the Highway. no ranches. Although I always carry a shovel and gave it a try it was impossible shoveling the stuff, to wet. Well I spent the night, planning to hike out next day. This is open range cattle country and theses 2 tracks are used by ranchers tending cattle, next morning I decided to wait, the trail I was on looked like it was maybe traveled once a day or so. Nothing happened the that day, or the next, I would start walking early morning as the weather was very hot. At about 4 am I took off, flashlight, daypack, lots of water, and two black labs. I had all my gear in the truck and decided to leave the keys on the dash and unlocked.
I had walked about 2 miles and I saw headlights, long way off then they disappeared behind the hills. anyway the lights appeared a few minutes later and closer they were on my trail [-o< [-o< Well I was happy to see them, a couple hunters from Billings. Told them my predicament. Not knowing if I should ask for help or a ride to the highway, I asked if they knew what was to the East or West and how far to the next roads? One thing led to another and we were back to my truck. They scratched their heads, sad your BAD STUCK. They had a couple lengths of chain along hooked me up, put that big diesel in low range and sucked me right out of there.
I was very grateful, tried to give them cash, no way would they take it. All they said was, we all get stuck, carry chain, when you see a Montana guy stuck, pull em out, might be me and off they went.

This was back in the days before cell phones, even though there is no service up there. But since that time I have pulled a couple trucks out of the gumbo. I always carry a chain. :thumb

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Post by NONYA » Thu May 17, 2007 10:51 am

Been there Wayne,we got a trailer with 4 wheelers on it stuck so bad up in the CMR we took the wheelers off and came back for it the next week.We even built a kind of plow blade device that you can pound into the ground to use as a winch anchor point for that country,it has worked well a couple times.

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Post by southwind » Thu May 17, 2007 1:54 pm

Last fall I was sitting in a tree stand deer hunting at the edge of a hard wood forest overlooking a hay meadow watching 4 jake turkeys work their way across the meadow. About mid field the birds stopped raised their heads in a alert manner and took off on a dead run.

I was looking everywhere across the meadow looking for a coyote or bobcat and could see nothing and couldn't figure it out. Then something caught my eye from above. Wings retracted and tucked in in full dive like a rocket was a bald eagle bearing down on the birds. The eagle hit the middle of the flock and a frantic chorus of gobbles rang out as feathers flew like a pillow had exploded.

When the dust settled the eagle had missed his mark and the turkeys retreated under a hedge tree. The eagle landed about 40 yards away and kept those birds huddled under that tree for about 30 minutes before deciding the gig was up and flying off.

Man, I wish I had a video camara running.

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